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  1. On the energy-time uncertainty relation. Part II: Pragmatic time versus energy indeterminacy. [REVIEW]Paul Busch - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (1):33-43.
    The discussion of a particular kind of interpretation of the energy-time uncertainty relation, the “pragmatic time” version of the ETUR outlined in Part I of this work [measurement duration (pragmatic time) versus uncertainty of energy disturbance or measurement inaccuracy] is reviewed. Then the Aharonov-Bohm counter-example is reformulated within the modern quantum theory of unsharp measurements and thereby confirmed in a rigorous way.
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  • On the energy-time uncertainty relation. Part I: Dynamical time and time indeterminacy. [REVIEW]Paul Busch - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (1):1-32.
    The problem of the validity and interpretation of the energy-time uncertainty relation is briefly reviewed and reformulated in a systematic way. The Bohr-Einsteinphoton-box gedanken experiment is seen to illustrate the complementarity of energy andevent time. A more recent experiment with amplitude-modulated Mößbauer quanta yields evidence for the genuine quantum indeterminacy of event time. In this way, event time arises as a quantum observable.
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  • Four-space formulation of Dirac's equation.A. B. Evans - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (3):309-335.
    Dirac's equation is reviewed and found to be based on nonrelativistic ideas of probability. A 4-space formulation is proposed that is completely Lorentzinvariant, using probability distributions in space-time with the particle's proper time as a parameter for the evolution of the wave function. This leads to a new wave equation which implies that the proper mass of a particle is an observable, and is sharp only in stationary states. The model has a built-in arrow of time, which is associated with (...)
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  • On locality in quantum general relativity and quantum gravity.Eduard Prugovečki - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (12):1645-1668.
    The physical concept of locality is first analyzed in the special relativistic quantum regime, and compared with that of microcausality and the local commutativity of quantum fields. Its extrapolation to quantum general relativity on quantum bundles over curved spacetime is then described. It is shown that the resulting formulation of quantum-geometric locality based on the concept of local quantum frame incorporating a fundamental length embodies the key geometric and topological aspects of this concept. Taken in conjunction with the strong equivalence (...)
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  • Quantization of space-time and the corresponding quantum mechanics.M. Banai - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (12):1203-1245.
    An axiomatic framework for describing general space-time models is presented. Space-time models to which irreducible propositional systems belong as causal logics are quantum (q) theoretically interpretable and their event spaces are Hilbert spaces. Such aq space-time is proposed via a “canonical” quantization. As a basic assumption, the time t and the radial coordinate r of aq particle satisfy the canonical commutation relation [t,r]=±i $h =$ . The two cases will be considered simultaneously. In that case the event space is the (...)
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