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  1. Working from Within: The Nature and Development of Quine's Naturalism.Sander Verhaegh - 2018 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    During the past few decades, a radical shift has occurred in how philosophers conceive of the relation between science and philosophy. A great number of analytic philosophers have adopted what is commonly called a ‘naturalistic’ approach, arguing that their inquiries ought to be in some sense continuous with science. Where early analytic philosophers often relied on a sharp distinction between science and philosophy—the former an empirical discipline concerned with fact, the latter an a priori discipline concerned with meaning—philosophers today largely (...)
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  • The Quinean Roots of Lewis’s Humeanism.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2017 - The Monist 100 (2):249-265.
    An odd dissensus between confident metaphysicians and neopragmatist antimetaphysicians pervades early twenty-first century analytic philosophy. Each faction is convinced their side has won the day, but both are mistaken about the philosophical legacy of the twentieth century. More historical awareness is needed to overcome the current dissensus. Lewis and his possible-world system are lionised by metaphysicians; Quine’s pragmatist scruples about heavy-duty metaphysics inspire antimetaphysicians. But Lewis developed his system under the influence of his teacher Quine, inheriting from him his empiricism, (...)
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  • Committing to an individual: ontological commitment, reference and epistemology.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2016 - Synthese 193 (2):583-604.
    When we use a directly referential expression to denote an object, do we incur an ontological commitment to that object, as Russell and Barcan Marcus held? Not according to Quine, whose regimented language has only variables as denoting expressions, but no constants to model direct reference. I make a case for a more liberal conception of ontological commitment—more wide-ranging than Quine’s—which allows for commitment to individuals, with an improved logical language of regimentation. The reason for Quine’s prohibition on commitment to (...)
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  • Sign and Object : Quine’s forgotten book project.Sander Verhaegh - 2019 - Synthese 196 (12):5039-5060.
    W. V. Quine’s first philosophical monograph, Word and Object, is widely recognized as one of the most influential books of twentieth century philosophy. Notes, letters, and draft manuscripts at the Quine Archives, however, reveal that Quine was already working on a philosophical book in the early 1940s; a project entitled Sign and Object. In this paper, I examine these and other unpublished documents and show that Sign and Object sheds new light on the evolution of Quine’s ideas. Where “Two Dogmas (...)
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  • Particulars.Johanna Seibt - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 23--55.
    According to the standard view of particularity, an entity is a particular just in case it necessarily has a unique spatial location at any time of its existence. That the basic entities of the world we speak about in common sense and science are particular entities in this sense is the thesis of “foundational particularism,” a theoretical intuition that has guided Western ontological research from its beginnings to the present day. The main aim of this paper is to review the (...)
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  • Ontology and Methodology in Analytic Philosophy.John Symons - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 349--394.
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  • Ambiguous signals, partial beliefs, and propositional content.Rafael Ventura - 2019 - Synthese 196 (7):2803-2820.
    As the content of propositional attitudes, propositions are usually taken to help explain the behavior of rational agents. However, a closer look at signaling games suggests otherwise: rational agents often acquire partial beliefs, and many of their signals are ambiguous. Signaling games also suggest that it is rational for agents to mix their behavior in response to partial beliefs and ambiguous signals. But as I show in this paper, propositions cannot help explain the mixing behavior of rational agents: to explain (...)
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  • Interactive knowing: The metaphysics of intentionality.Mark H. Bickhard - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 207--229.
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  • Pasch's empiricism as methodological structuralism.Dirk Schlimm - 2020 - In Erich H. Reck & Georg Schiemer, The Pre-History of Mathematical Structuralism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 80-105.
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  • Quine and Ontology.Oswaldo Chateaubriand - 2003 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 7 (1-2):41-74.
    Ontology played a very large role in Quine’s philosophy and was one of his major preoccupations from the early 30’s to the end of his life. His work on ontology provided a basic framework for most of the discussions of ontology in analytic philosophy in the second half of the Twentieth Century. There are three main themes (and several sub-themes) that Quine developed in his work. The first is ontological commitment: What are the existential commitments of a theory? The second (...)
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  • The ontology of perception.Liliana Albertazzi - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 177--206.
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  • The role of logic and ontology in language and reasoning.John F. Sowa - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 231--263.
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  • Advances in Natural Deduction: A Celebration of Dag Prawitz's Work.Luiz Carlos Pereira & Edward Hermann Haeusler (eds.) - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This collection of papers, celebrating the contributions of Swedish logician Dag Prawitz to Proof Theory, has been assembled from those presented at the Natural Deduction conference organized in Rio de Janeiro to honour his seminal research. Dag Prawitz’s work forms the basis of intuitionistic type theory and his inversion principle constitutes the foundation of most modern accounts of proof-theoretic semantics in Logic, Linguistics and Theoretical Computer Science. The range of contributions includes material on the extension of natural deduction with higher-order (...)
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  • (1 other version)Toward a calculus of concepts.W. V. Quine - 1936 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):2-25.
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  • Inception of Quine's ontology.Lieven Decock - 2004 - History and Philosophy of Logic 25 (2):111-129.
    This paper traces the development of Quine's ontological ideas throughout his early logical work in the period before 1948. It shows that his ontological criterion critically depends on this work in logic. The use of quantifiers as logical primitives and the introduction of general variables in 1936, the search for adequate comprehension axioms, and problems with proper classes, all forced Quine to consider ontological questions. I also show that Quine's rejection of intensional entities goes back to his generalisation of Principia (...)
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  • Hermeneutic Ontology.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 395--415.
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  • The ontology of mereological systems: A logical approach.Heinrich Herre - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 57--82.
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  • Causation.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 83--104.
    Causation is of undeniable importance to our understanding of, and interaction with our surroundings. Despite this, the correct understanding of causation remains subject to considerable philosophical controversy. In this article, I introduce the most influential philosophical theories of causation, and provide an overview of the main difficulties that has led to the currently most popular versions of these theories.
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  • How May the Propositional Calculus Represent?Tristan Haze - 2017 - South American Journal of Logic 3 (1):173-184.
    This paper is a conceptual study in the philosophy of logic. The question considered is 'How may formulae of the propositional calculus be brought into a representational relation to the world?'. Four approaches are distinguished: (1) the denotational approach, (2) the abbreviational approach, (3) the truth-conditional approach, and (4) the modelling approach. (2) and (3) are very familiar, so I do not discuss them. (1), which is now largely obsolete, led to some interesting twists and turns in early analytic philosophy (...)
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  • Worlds and Propositions: The Structure and Ontology of Logical Space.Phillip Bricker - 1983 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    In sections 1 through 5, I develop in detail what I call the standard theory of worlds and propositions, and I discuss a number of purported objections. The theory consists of five theses. The first two theses, presented in section 1, assert that the propositions form a Boolean algebra with respect to implication, and that the algebra is complete, respectively. In section 2, I introduce the notion of logical space: it is a field of sets that represents the propositional structure (...)
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  • Sentence, proposition and identity.Jean-Yves Béziau - 2007 - Synthese 154 (3):371 - 382.
    In this paper we discuss the distinction between sentence and proposition from the perspective of identity. After criticizing Quine, we discuss how objects of logical languages are constructed, explaining what is Kleene’s congruence—used by Bourbaki with his square—and Paul Halmos’s view about the difference between formulas and objects of the factor structure, the corresponding boolean algebra, in case of classical logic. Finally we present Patrick Suppes’s congruence approach to the notion of proposition, according to which a whole hierarchy of congruences (...)
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  • Actualism versus Possibilism in Formal Ontology.Nino Cocchiarella - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 105--117.
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  • In Memoriam: Willard van Orman Quine 1908–2000.Dagfinn Føllesdal & Charles Parsons - 2002 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):105-110.
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  • Phenomenology and Ontology in Nicolai Hartmann and Roman Ingarden.Nicoletta Ghigi - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 329--347.
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  • Ontologies in the Legal Domain.Laurens Mommers - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 265--276.
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  • Properties.Frédéric Nef - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 135--151.
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  • An interpretation of logical formulas.Jean A. Phillips - 1959 - Theoria 25 (3):158-172.
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  • Ontology in Economics.Jason Potts - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 277--285.
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  • Revisiting McKinsey's 'Syntactical' Construction of Modality.Max Cresswell - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Logic 17 (2):123-140.
    In 1945 J.C.C. McKinsey produced a ‘semantics’ for modal logic based on necessity defined in terms of validity. The present papers looks at how to update F.R. Drake’s completeness proof for McKinsey’s semantics by comparing McKinsey ‘models’ with the now standard Kripke models. It also looks at the motivation behind the system McKinsey called S4.1, but which we now call S4M; and use this motivation to produce a McKinsey semantics for that system. One lesson which emerges from this work is (...)
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  • Boundary Questions Between Ontology and Biology.Pietro Ramellini - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt, Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 153--175.
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  • Logical categories, signs, and elucidation in Frege.Wim Vanrie - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Ghent
    Frege's conception of the logical categories has vexed commentators for decades. In this dissertation, I argue that it revolves around two forms of internality. The first is the internality of its use in the expression of judgment to the sign. A proper understanding of that internality reveals how Frege's philosophical logic cannot be fit into the framework given by the contemporary syntax/semantics distinction. The second is the internality that obtains between the way in which Begriffsschrift signs stratify into different categories, (...)
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