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  1. Introduction: Hatred of Democracy…and of the Public Role of Education?Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2011 - In Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein (eds.), Rancire, Public Education and the Taming of Democracy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–14.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Of Masters, Intellectuals and Inequality On Lessons, Equality, Democracy Focus and Contributions to the book Notes Acknowledgement References Bibliography Jacques Rancière.
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  • Philosophical Readings XI 2019 – Special Issue: "Philosophy in and from Colombia".María Del Rosario Acosta López - 2019 - Philosophical Readings 11 (3):131-234.
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  • Ortega, el pasado y el presente de la escolástica universitaria.José Luis Moreno Pestaña - 2015 - Isegoría 52:67-89.
    En este artículo defendemos el valor de la perspectiva de Ortega sobre el problema del anacronismo en historia. Para ello, exponemos dicho problema en la Escuela de París. Seguidamente, explicamos las aportaciones de Ortega sobre ese problema en los años 40. Finalmente, hacemos un balance de las aportaciones de Ortega y su actualidad.
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  • Philosophy with Children as an Exercise in Parrhesia: An Account of a Philosophical Experiment with Children in Cambodia.Nancy Vansieleghem - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (2):321-337.
    The last few decades have seen a steady growth of interest in doing philosophy with children and young people in educational settings. Philosophy with children is increasingly offered as a solution to the problems associated with what is seen by many as a disoriented, cynical, indifferent and individualistic society. It represents for its practitioners a powerful vehicle that teaches children and young people how to think about particular problems in society through the use of interpretive schemes and procedures especially designed (...)
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  • The Ingnorant Schoolmaster as Example - Jacques Rancière: From Practice to Principle [De onwetende meester als voorbeeld - Jacques Rancière: van praktijk naar principe].Martijn Boven - 2017 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 3 (57):6-15.
    Is the primary function of an educator to elucidate and convey their own knowledge? French philosopher Jacques Rancière demonstrates that an incidental experiment by Joseph Jacotot presents an alternative paradigm: the ignorant schoolmaster. In his work The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation [Le maître ignorant: cinq leçons sur l'émancipation intellectuelle], Rancière posits that the ignorant schoolmaster is equally, if not more, capable of instructing students compared to the knowledgeable educator. Rancière examines two educational methodologies: the conventional approach of (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Public Role of Teaching: To keep the door closed.Goele Cornelissen - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):523-539.
    In this article, I turn my attention to the figure of the ignorant master, Joseph Jacotot, that is depicted in The Ignorant Schoolmaster. Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation (1991). I will show that the voice of Jacotot can actually be read as a reaction against the progressive figure of the teacher which, following Rancière's view, can be seen as effecting a stultification. In some respects, however, Rancière's analysis of the pedagogical order no longer seems to be valid in today's partly (...)
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  • Éducation sentimentale? Rethinking emotional intelligence with Michel Henry: from incarnation to education.Wiebe Koopal & Joris Vlieghe - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (3):367-382.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper we explore the possibility of rethinking the concept of emotional intelligence within the context of education. By developing a pedagogical dialogue with Michel Henry’s phenomenology of incarnation, we try to move beyond existing models of emotional intelligence by shifting the emphasis from the intellectual significance of emotion to a more original incarnate affectivity within intelligence, understood as lived sense-making. We claim that this ontological and ontogenetic perspective on emotion puts it at the heart of education. Yet only (...)
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  • Using the Critical Management Studies Tenet of Denaturalisation as a Vehicle to Decolonise the Management Discourse in South Africa.Geoff Goldman - 2020 - African Journal of Business Ethics 14 (1):42-61.
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  • Multiplicidad y encuentro educativo. Un aporte de la filosofía de Alain Badiou para pensar los cambios y los procesos de subjetivación en el ámbito educativo / Multiplicity and educational encounter. A contribution from the philosophy of Alain Badiou to think the changes and the processes of subjectivation in the educational environment.Leonardo Colella - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 17 (1):11-20.
    l presente artículo se propone explorar los procesos educativos a partir de la ontología y la teoría del sujeto de Alain Badiou. Para ello busca analizar las situaciones educativas ya no desde la figura del triángulo pedagógico, sino más bien partiendo de un encuentro de individuos con una doble caracterización: la “igualdad” y el “pensamiento”. De este modo, incorpora al análisis educativo experiencias alternativas a la educación institucionalizada, como el caso de Joseph Jacotot abordado por Jacques Rancière. Asimismo, el artículo (...)
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  • Discours magistériel et discours du maître : l’aporie est-elle surmontable ?Raymond Lemieux - 2013 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 69 (3):483-498.
    Raymond Lemieux | Résumé : Entre le discours du maître et le discours magistériel, la proximité est évidente. Pourtant le magis formant leur élément commun peut aussi bien s’avérer un facteur d’abrutissement, un producteur d’esclave, qu’un porteur d’émancipation. Comment le discours magistériel, qui se veut émancipateur, peut-il gérer cette ambiguïté ? Comment le maître peut-il être un maître de liberté ? L’article interroge tour à tour les pratiques éducatives et les pratiques psychanalytiques qui affrontent le même type d’aporie. Il met (...)
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  • (1 other version)Governmental, political and pedagogic subjectivation: Foucault with Rancière.Jan Masschelein - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):588-605.
    Starting from a Foucaultian perspective, the article draws attention to current developments that neutralise democracy through the 'governmentalisation of democracy' and processes of 'governmental subjectivation'. Here, ideas of Rancière are introduced in order to clarify how democracy takes place through the paradoxical process of 'political subjectivation', that is, a disengagement with governmental subjectivation through the verification of one's equality in demonstrating a wrong. We will argue that democracy takes place through the paradoxical process of political subjectivation, and that today's consensus (...)
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  • Reflexões sobre a educação em Espinosa: a experiência do encontro como segundo nascimento.Alessandra Buonavoglia Costa-Pinto & Lisete Rodrigues - 2013 - Filosofia E Educação 5 (1):111-129.
    Espinosa nunca explicitou uma teoria sobre educação. Contudo, a leitura da sua obra dá-nos pistas para pensar a educação. A via para o conhecimento, que implica a interação de aspectos cognitivos e afetivos, dá-se como encontro daquele que se conhece com o conhecido, resultando no verdadeiro conhecimento, o qual é indissociável da felicidade suprema e do aumento de potência. O ignorante e o sábio são duas figuras extremas do devir-ético enquanto possibilidade de transformação inerente à existência humana, permitindo-nos refletir sobre (...)
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