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  1. The production and perception of randomness.Raymond S. Nickerson - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (2):330-357.
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  • Bayesians Commit the Gambler's Fallacy.Kevin Dorst - manuscript
    The gambler’s fallacy is the tendency to expect random processes to switch more often than they actually do—for example, to think that after a string of tails, a heads is more likely. It’s often taken to be evidence for irrationality. It isn’t. Rather, it’s to be expected from a group of Bayesians who begin with causal uncertainty, and then observe unbiased data from an (in fact) statistically independent process. Although they converge toward the truth, they do so in an asymmetric (...)
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  • How much does it help to know what she knows you know? An agent-based simulation study.Harmen de Weerd, Rineke Verbrugge & Bart Verheij - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 199-200 (C):67-92.
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  • The determinants of response time in a repeated constant-sum game: A robust Bayesian hierarchical dual-process model.Leonidas Spiliopoulos - 2018 - Cognition 172:107-123.
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  • Commentary/Elqayam & Evans: Subtracting “ought” from “is”.Natalie Gold, Andrew M. Colman & Briony D. Pulford - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (5).
    Normative theories can be useful in developing descriptive theories, as when normative subjective expected utility theory is used to develop descriptive rational choice theory and behavioral game theory. “Ought” questions are also the essence of theories of moral reasoning, a domain of higher mental processing that could not survive without normative considerations.
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  • Perceptions of randomness in binary sequences: Normative, heuristic, or both?Stian Reimers, Chris Donkin & Mike E. Le Pelley - 2018 - Cognition 172 (C):11-25.
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  • Predicting Outcomes in a Sequence of Binary Events: Belief Updating and Gambler's Fallacy Reasoning.Kariyushi Rao & Reid Hastie - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13211.
    Beliefs like the Gambler's Fallacy and the Hot Hand have interested cognitive scientists, economists, and philosophers for centuries. We propose that these judgment patterns arise from the observer's mental models of the sequence-generating mechanism, moderated by the strength of belief in an a priori base rate. In six behavioral experiments, participants observed one of three mechanisms generating sequences of eight binary events: a random mechanical device, an intentional goal-directed actor, and a financial market. We systematically manipulated participants’ beliefs about the (...)
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  • Randomness: off with its heads.Aleksandar Aksentijevic - 2017 - Mind and Society 16 (1-2):1-15.
    Although widely investigated and used in psychology, the concept of randomness is beset with philosophical and practical difficulties. In this paper, I propose a resolution to a long-standing problem in psychological research by arguing that the inability to comprehend and produce random behavior is not caused by a defect on the part of the observer but is a consequence of conceptual confusion. Randomness describes a state of high complexity which defies analysis and understanding. The well-known biases in predictive behavior are (...)
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  • Games of Competition in a Stochastic Environment.Judith Avrahami, Werner Güth & Yaakov Kareev - 2005 - Theory and Decision 59 (4):255-294.
    The paper presents a set of games of competition between two or three players in which reward is jointly determined by a stochastic biased mechanism and players’ choices. More specifically, a resource can be found with unequal probabilities in one of two locations. The first agent is rewarded only if it finds the resource and avoids being found by the next agent in line; the latter is rewarded only if it finds the former. Five benchmarks, based on different psychological and (...)
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  • How to estimate the randomness in random sequence generation tasks?Anna Barbasz, Krzysztof Piotrowski, Michal Wierzchoń, Zbigniew Stettner & Jakub Barbasz - 2008 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 39 (1):42-46.
    How to estimate the randomness in random sequence generation tasks? The aim of the paper was to discuss the accuracy of the multiple indexes used for random sequences generation results calculation. In the first part of the paper the models explaining deviations from randomness were presented. The key role of the structural limitations interpretation was suggested. Secondly, the multiple indexes of the deviation from randomness used in random sequence generation task studies were presented. The authors concluded that too many indexes (...)
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  • Erroneous gambling-related beliefs emerge from broader beliefs during problem-solving: a critical review and classification scheme.Anastasia Ejova & Keis Ohtsuka - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (2):159-187.
    Erroneous gambling-related beliefs can be defined as beliefs that imply a failure to recognise how commercial gambling activities are designed to generate a guaranteed loss to players. In t...
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  • The hot hand belief and the gambler’s fallacy in investment decisions under risk.Jürgen Huber, Michael Kirchler & Thomas Stöckl - 2010 - Theory and Decision 68 (4):445-462.
    We conduct experiments to analyze investment behavior in decisions under risk. Subjects can bet on the outcomes of a series of coin tosses themselves, rely on randomized ‘experts’, or choose a risk-free alternative. We observe that subjects who rely on the randomized experts pick those who were successful in the past, showing behavior consistent with the hot hand belief. Obviously the term ‘expert’ suffices to attract some subjects. For those who decide on their own, we find behavior consistent with the (...)
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  • Bertrand's chord, Buffon's needle, and the concept of randomness.Raymond Nickerson - 2005 - Thinking and Reasoning 11 (1):67 – 96.
    Two old problems in probability theory involving the concept of randomness are considered. Data obtained with one of them--Bertrand's chord problem--demonstrate the equivocality of this term in the absence of a definition or explication of assumptions underlying its use. They also support two propositions about probabilistic thinking: (1) upon obtaining an answer to a question of probability, people tend to see it as the answer, overlooking tacit assumptions on which it may be based, and tend not to consider the possibility (...)
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  • Probability theory and perception of randomness: Bridging “ought” and “is”.Yanlong Sun & Hongbin Wang - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (5):271-272.
    We argue that approaches adhering to normative systems can be as fruitful as those by descriptive systems. In measuring people's perception of randomness, discrepancies between human behavior and normative models could have resulted from unknown properties of the models, and it does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that people are irrational or that the normative system has to be abandoned.
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  • Hold or roll: reaching the goal in jeopardy race games. [REVIEW]Darryl A. Seale, William E. Stein & Amnon Rapoport - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (3):419-450.
    We consider a class of dynamic tournaments in which two contestants are faced with a choice between two courses of action. The first is a riskless option (“hold”) of maintaining the resources the contestant already has accumulated in her turn and ceding the initiative to her rival. The second is the bolder option (“roll”) of taking the initiative of accumulating additional resources, and thereby moving ahead of her rival, while at the same time sustaining a risk of temporary setback. We (...)
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