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  1. (1 other version)Athletic virtue and aesthetic values in Aristotle’s ethics.Heather Reid - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (1):63-74.
    ABSTRACTWhen Aristotle praises pentathletes’ beauty at Rhetoric 1361b, it is not the idle observation of a sports fan. In fact, the balanced and harmonious beauty of athletes’ bodies reflects Aristotle’s ideal of a virtuous soul in the Nicomachean Ethics: one which discerns noble ends and means, then acts accordingly. At Eudemian Ethics 1248b, he takes it a step further, characterizing kalokagathia as ‘the virtue that arises from a combination’ of virtues. These passages raise important questions about the relationship between ethics, (...)
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  • Sport as a Moral Practice: An Aristotelian Approach.Michael W. Austin - 2013 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 73:29-43.
    Sport builds character. If this is true, why is there a consistent stream of news detailing the bad behavior of athletes? We are bombarded with accounts of elite athletes using banned performance-enhancing substances, putting individual glory ahead of the excellence of the team, engaging in disrespectful and even violent behavior towards opponents, and seeking victory above all else. We are also given a steady diet of more salacious stories that include various embarrassing, immoral, and illegal behaviors in the private lives (...)
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  • (1 other version)Athletic virtue: Between east and west.Heather L. Reid - 2010 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 4 (1):16 – 26.
    Despite the rich philosophical heritage of the East, the connection between athletics and education for character or virtue is more commonly associated with the West. Classical Eastern philosophy does focus on virtue, but it seems to exclude sport as a means of cultivation since the Confucian is uninterested in victory and the Daoist seeks passivity and avoids contention. A closer look reveals, however, that Eastern conceptions of virtue have much in common with those of Ancient Greece so often linked to (...)
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  • The Role of Sport in a Good Life: Aristotle and Suits.Lukáš Mareš - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (4):544-562.
    The relation between sport and a good life presents a fruitful philosophical challenge and it has been discussed extensively within the philosophy sport literature. This paper will investigate the role of sport in a good life in the philosophical conceptions of Aristotle and Suits. Both authors paid attention to sport and its significance in the context of living well. However, their approaches differ, partly because they emerge in a different historical and cultural context. My aim is to analyse relevant texts (...)
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  • Plato on women in sport.Heather Reid - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (3):344-361.
    In a way, there is nothing surprising about Plato’s promotion of sport for women in Republic and Laws; it is logically implied by his philosophical theories. In another way, Plato’s vision of female athletes is among the most radical proposals he makes. The purpose of this paper is to examine Plato’s arguments for women in sport and reflect on its relevance in our modern world. His texts include as many misogynist as feminist comments, but Plato’s consistent view in Republic and (...)
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  • The Examined Run: Why Good People Make Better Runners.Shawn E. Klein - forthcoming - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport:1-5.
    As a philosopher of sport who takes a broadly neo-Aristotelian, virtue-ethical approach, Sabrina B. Little’s The Examined Run seems tailor-made for me. Little uses Aristotle, Plato, Aquinas, and ot...
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  • Výchovná a vzdělávací role sportu u myslitelů Sókrata, Platóna a Aristotela ve vztahu k problematice dobrého sportu a vedení dobrého života (Educational Role of Sport with Respect to the Thinkers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle In Relation to the Problematics of a Good Sport and a Good Life).Lukáš Mareš - 2021 - Filosofie Dnes 13 (2):44-72.
    Příspěvek se věnuje problematice antického řeckého sportu, konkrétně významu sportovních zápolení a jejich výchovné a vzdělávací roli. Pozornost autor věnuje rozboru pozic filosofů Sókrata, Platóna a Aristotela. Po nastínění kontextu tématu představuje a interpretuje základní filosofické a náboženské premisy sportovního výkonu a jeho výchovné role. Řadí mezi ně úsilí o dosažení božské přízně, nesmrtelnosti, vyššího společenského postavení, ale i ideálů kalokagathia, areté a dalších ctností. Důležitý rozměr antického sportu spatřuje rovněž v jeho formativním potenciálu směřujícímu k přípravě na duševní život. (...)
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  • 6—Waking Up From The Cognitivist Dream—The Computational View of the Mind and High Performance.Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza - 2014 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 8 (4):344-373.
    At that moment, when I had the TV sound off, I was in a 382 mood; I had just dialed it. So although I heard the emptiness intellectually, I didn’t feel it. My first reaction consisted of being grat...
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  • Athletic imagery as an educational tool in Epictetus.Michael Tremblay - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 49 (1):68-82.
    This paper examines Epictetus’ use of athletic imagery as a pedagogical tool and what this tells us about his views on what philosophers can learn from athletes. This paper argues that this imagery...
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  • Heroic Parthenoi and the Virtues of Independence: A Feminine Philosophical Perspective on the Origins of Women’s Sport.Heather Reid - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (4):511-524.
    Her name was Flavia Thalassia and she came from Ephesus. She won the stadion for parthenoi at the Isolympic Sebasta Games in Naples during Domitian’s reign in the late 1st c. C...
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  • The Political Heritage of the Olympic Games: Relevance, Risks, and Possible Rewards.Heather L. Reid - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (2):108-122.
    The Olympic movement sometimes claims that sport has nothing to do with politics, yet its goal of promoting peace is explicitly political. The Olympics' association with peace, furthermore, is inherited from the ancient version of the festival which took place in a very distant time and place. This essay examines the ancient political heritage of the Olympic Games and questions its relevance to such modern Olympic challenges as globalisation, cultural hegemony, social discrimination and environmental degradation. It suggests that these challenges (...)
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  • DenkWege - Ethik und Seelsorge in der Polizei: Für Werner Schiewek.Tobias Trappe & Peter Schröder-Bäck (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Ethik und Seelsorge sind Bereiche, in denen menschliches Sein und Handeln reflektierend begleitet wird, um Orientierung, Unterstützung oder Trost zu geben. Bei Berufen, in denen Menschen auf eine gewaltverstrickte Lebenswelt treffen, ihrerseits staatlich legitimiert Gewalt ausüben und selbst von Gewalt betroffen sind, tauchen dabei besondere Widersprüche und Sinnfragen auf. Diese Herausforderungen in den Blick zu nehmen und an der Schnittstelle von Philosophie und praktischer Theologie zu erörtern, so wie es der Münsteraner Theologe Werner Schiewek richtungsweisend vorgezeichnet hat, ist das Ziel (...)
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  • Die tapfere Furcht der Polizei vor sich selbst.Tobias Trappe - 2023 - In Tobias Trappe & Peter Schröder-Bäck (eds.), DenkWege - Ethik und Seelsorge in der Polizei: Für Werner Schiewek. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 157-195.
    Der Beitrag will dazu ermutigen, für die Entwicklung einer Ethik der Polizei starker als bislang auch Einsichten aus der Geschichte der Philosophie miteinzubeziehen. In einem ersten Schritt soll plausibel werden, dass die Polizei durch ihre Arbeit an den Grenzen und Grenzsituationen unseres Lebens eine ursprüngliche Nähe und Offenheit zur Philosophie hat (Kap.1). Deren unverzichtbare Verwiesenheit auf die Geschichte („Weisheit der Alten“) (Kap.2) wird – einem Hinweis Werner Schieweks folgend – auf dem Hintergrund der politischen Philosophie für die Ethik der Polizei (...)
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