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Rorty the Outrageous

Contemporary Pragmatism 14 (3):307-318 (2017)

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  1. Introduction to Rethinking Rorty’s Pragmatism: Ethics after Epistemology.Michela Voparil Bella - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (1).
    We are in the midst of a reevaluation of Richard Rorty’s pragmatism. The last few years have seen a spate of new books on Rorty. This year alone two critical anthologies already are out and two more are in preparation. A new volume of previously unpublished philosophical papers by Rorty will be released in a few months (see Rorty 2020). The intensification of interest since his passing in 2007 spans the globe and shows no signs of abating. Spurred in part (...)
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  • Rorty, Science Studies, and the Politics of Post-Truth.Chris Voparil - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):402-423.
    In a symposium built around a critical reassessment by Nicholas Gaskill of Richard Rorty's pragmatism, this contribution examines the provocative question of whether Rorty's rhetoric hinders Rortian aims. When reconsidering him in company with “the philosophical wing of science studies” (Bruno Latour, Isabelle Stengers, and Donna Haraway), Gaskill finds that Rorty's persistent assumption of nature/culture and word/world dichotomies is politically dangerous and prevents his comprehending both distributed agency and the complexity of human entanglements with the nonhuman. Gaskill's Rorty lacks a (...)
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