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Forms of Individuals in Plotinus

Classical Quarterly 13 (2):223-231 (1963)

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  1. Neoplatonic Pantheism Today.Eric Steinhart - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (2):141-162.
    Neoplatonism is alive and well today. It expresses itself in New Thought and the mind-cure movements derived from it. However, to avoid many ancient errors, Neoplatonism needs to be modernized. The One is just the simple origin from which all complex things evolve. The Good, which is not the One, is the best of all possible propositions. A cosmological argument is given for the One and an ontological argument for the Good. The presence of the Good in every thing is (...)
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  • Plotinus on Plato’s Timaeus 90 a.Irini-Fotini Viltanioti - forthcoming - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition:1-37.
    The central place of Plato’s Timaeus in Plotinus’ Enneads has long been acknowledged. However, the importance of Timaeus 90 a for Plotinus’ psychology and theory of Intellect has not until now been properly recognized. This paper argues that, in Plato’s Timaeus 90 a, Plotinus sees his own distinction between the Hypostasis Intellect and human intellect, that is, our higher soul, which Plato in the Timaeus calls a daimon and which Plotinus takes to remain in the intelligible realm, interpreting it along (...)
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  • Základní struktura Plótínovy metafyziky.Miroslav Vacura - 2013 - E-Logos 20 (1):1-24.
    Plótínovo filosofické dílo je mimořádně systematické, nicméně jeho značný rozsah a složitost znesnadňuje celkové pochopení a výklad. V předkládané studii se pokoušíme prozkoumat základní strukturu celé Plótínovy metafyzické stavby, v souladu s nejnovějšími interpretačními poznatky. Východiskem je hierarchické uspořádání celého systému, přičemž ve výkladu postupujeme po metafyzických úrovních a snažíme se charakterizovat jak jejich vlastní povahu, tak vztah k ostatním součástem Plótínova systému.
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  • On The Necessity of Individual Forms in Plotinus.James Sikkema - 2009 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 3 (2):138-153.
    Each particular possesses its own form by virtue of its rational principle by which it expresses its universal in its unified and intelligible individuality. Logos is able to express its form uniquely because of the infinite possibilities inherent within and among the perfect, immutable Forms ; all of the possibilities of formal expression exist within the intelligible cosmos. Insofar as this is the case, particular forms can be identified qua individual, by virtue of their intrinsic unity; the oneness of each (...)
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  • Forms of Individuals in Plotinus: A Re-Examination.Paul Kalligas - 1997 - Phronesis 42 (2):206-227.
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