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  1. Preparing learners with partly incorrect intuitive prior knowledge for learning.Andrea Ohst, Bã©Atrice M. E. Fondu, Inga Glogger, Matthias Nã¼Ckles & Alexander Renkl - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • 学習支援を指向した誤り可視化のためのロバストシミュレータ.平嶋 宗 堀口 知也 - 2006 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 21 (6):514-525.
    Error-based Simulation is a framework for assisting a learner to become aware of his error. It makes simulation based on his erroneous hypothesis to show what unreasonable phenomena would occur if the hypothesis were correct, which has been proved effective in causing cognitive conflict. In making EBS, it is necessary to make simulation by dealing with a set of inconsistent constraints because erroneous hypotheses often contradict the correct knowledge, and to estimate the 'unreasonableness' of phenomena in simulation because it must (...)
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