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La Théorie Platonicienne de L'Amour

Presses Universitaires de France (1964)

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  1. Socrates on Love--revised for second edition.Suzanne Obdrzalek - forthcoming - In N. D. Smith, Ravi Sharma & Jones Rusty (eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Plato, second edition.
    In this chapter, I offer an overview of current scholarly debates on Plato's Lysis. I also argue for my own interpretation of the dialogue. In the Lysis, Socrates argues that all love is motivated by the desire for one’s own good. This conclusion has struck many interpreters as unattractive, so much so that some attempt to reinterpret the dialogue, such that it either does not offer an account of interpersonal love, or that it offers an account on which love is, (...)
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  • Éros, amour et sexualité : la paiderastía dans le Banquet de Platon.Pascal-Olivier Dumas-Dubreuil - 2020 - Ithaque 2020:25-47.
    Le texte du Banquet de Platon constitue l’un des témoignages les plus importants de ce que fut l’institution pédérastique en Grèce antique. Le dialogue sur l’amour, qui prend la forme d’une réunion au cours de laquelle les différents protagonistes feront successivement l’éloge d’Éros, pose toutefois problème dans la mesure où la position de l’auteur est éminemment ambigüe. Bien que la position de Diotime semble plus cohérente avec le reste de la doctrine platonicienne, il serait malgré tout réducteur de considérer celle (...)
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  • The Divine Feeling: the Epistemic Function of Erotic Desire in Plato’s Theory of Recollection.Laura Candiotto - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (2):445-462.
    In the so-called “erotic dialogues”, especially the Symposium and the Phaedrus, Plato explained why erotic desire can play an epistemic function, establishing a strong connection between erotic desire and beauty, “the most clearly visible and the most loved” among the Ideas. Taking the erotic dialogues as a background, in this paper I elucidate Plato’s explanation in another context, the one of the Phaedo, for discussing the epistemic function of erotic desire in relation to the deficiency argument and the affinity argument. (...)
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  • Sur la tête de Gorgias. Le “parler beau” et le “dire vrai” dans Le Banquet de Platon.Henri Joly - 1990 - Argumentation 4 (1):5-33.
    Rhetoric is at present the object of a rehabilitation on a grand scale, all the more as it overlaps the fields of literature, linguistics, and philosophy. Actually, if philosophy rejects and removes rhetoric, it is nevertheless, as a method of word, wholly impregnated with it. To investigate the complex relationship of mutual implication in which rhetoric and philosophy are involved is part and parcel of this plan of re-evaluation of rhetoric as “discourse art” with a view to a re-definition of (...)
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  • The failure of philosophical love: a reading on Plato’s Symposium.Irley Fernandes Franco - 2018 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 24:137-158.
    In this paper I argue that Socrates' speech in Plato’s Symposium cannot by itself express Plato’s view of love. All the non-philosophical speeches, each standing for a different contemporary view of love, should be taken into serious consideration, for they are not mere pastiches of empty theories. In fact, they seem to have been placed there to have their intellectual strength tested by philosophy, for not only their contents reveal commonsensical accepted wisdom, but their discursive beauty powerfully impresses the audience, (...)
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  • Reviving Greco‐Roman friendship: A bibliographical review.Heather Devere - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (4):149-187.
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  • La figura de Alcibíades en la historia de Atenas del siglo V y en la narrativa del Banquete de Platón.Gabriele Cornelli - 2015 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 8 (18).
    La figura de Alcibíades atraviesa la historia de Atenas del siglo V y la narrativa del Banquete con su fuerza política dramática y su representación de género desviado. El “affaire” Alcibíades asume así un lugar central en las preocupaciones platónicas dirigidas generalmente a la revisión histórica de los años de plomo de las disensiones civiles y más específicamente como una unión peligrosa de éste con Sócrates y su grupo. El sentido de la incursión dramática de Alcibíades en el Banquete, así (...)
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  • (1 other version)Sobre la naturaleza del Éros platónico: ¿daímon o theós?María Angélica Fierro - 2018 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 28:157-189.
    Resumen: Mientras que en Banquete Platón presenta a Éros como un daímon metaxý, i.e. como una divinidad intermedia e intermediaria entre dioses y hombres, en Fedro lo caracteriza, en cambio, como un theós -un dios. Procuraremos mostrar aquí que esto no implica, sin embargo, un cambio doctrinal substancial sino que se trata de dos aproximaciones distintas pero complementarias respecto a la verdadera naturaleza de Éros. Según el Fedro, si bien éros puede permanecer en una expresión puramente física, sin desarrollar su (...)
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