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Meta‐ethics and environmental ethics

Metaphilosophy 16 (2‐3):103-117 (1985)

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  1. Aesthetic Animism.Ryan P. Doran - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (11):3365-3400.
    I argue that the main existing accounts of the relationship between the beauty of environmental entities and their moral standing are mistaken in important ways. Beauty does not, as has been suggested by optimists, confer intrinsic moral standing. Nor is it the case, as has been suggested by pessimists, that beauty at best provides an anthropocentric source of moral standing that is commensurate with other sources of pleasure. I present arguments and evidence that show that the appreciation of beauty tends (...)
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  • Animal Liberation is an Environmental Ethic.Dale Jamieson - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (1):41-57.
    I begin by briefly tracing the history of the split between environmental ethics and animal liberation, go on to sketch a theory of value that I think is implicit in animal liberation, and explain how this theory is consistent with strong environmental commitments. I conclude with some observations about problems that remain.
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  • The Value of Nature's Otherness.Simon A. Hailwood - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (3):353-372.
    Environmentalist philosophers often paint a holistic picture, stressing such things as the continuity of humanity with wider nature and our membership of the 'natural community' . The implication seems to be that a non-anthropocentric philosophy requires that we strongly identify ourselves with nature and therefore that we downplay any human/non-human distinction. An alternative view, I think more interesting and plausible, stresses the distinction between humanity and a nature valued precisely for its otherness. In this article I discuss some of its (...)
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  • Two Distinctions in Environmental Goodness.Karen Green - 1996 - Environmental Values 5 (1):31 - 46.
    In her paper, 'Two distinctions in goodness', Korsgaard points out that while a contrast is often drawn between intrinsic and instrumental value there are really two distinctions to be drawn here. One is the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic value, the other is that between having value as an end and having value as a means. In this paper I apply this contrast to some issues in environmental philosophy. It has become a commonplace of environmentalism that there are intrinsic values (...)
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  • Animal ethics and interest conflicts.Elisa Aaltola - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (1):19-48.
    : Animal ethics has presented convincing arguments for the individual value of animals. Animals are not only valuable instrumentally or indirectly, but in themselves. Less has been written about interest conflicts between humans and other animals, and the use of animals in practice. The motive of this paper is to analyze different approaches to interest conflicts. It concentrates on six models, which are the rights model, the interest model, the mental complexity model, the special relations model, the multi-criteria model, and (...)
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  • Making and finding values in nature: From a Humean point of view.Y. S. Lo - 2006 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 49 (2):123 – 147.
    The paper advances a Humean metaethical analysis of "intrinsic value" - a notion fundamental in moral philosophy in general and particularly so in environmental ethics. The analysis reduces an object's moral properties (e.g., its value) to the empirical relations between the object's natural properties and people's psychological dispositions to respond to them. Moral properties turn out to be both objective and subjective, but in ways compatible with, and complementary to, each other. Next, the paper investigates whether the Humean analysis can (...)
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  • Facts About Natural Values.Robert Elliot - 1996 - Environmental Values 5 (3):221 - 234.
    Some environmental philosophers believe that the rejection of anthropocentric ethics requires the development and defence of an objectivist meta-ethical theory according to which values are, in the most literal sense. discovered not conferred. It is argued that nothing of normative or motivational import, however, turns on the meta-ethical issue. It is also argued that a rejection of normative anthropocentrism is completely consistent with meta-ethical subjectivism. Moreover the dynamics and outcomes of rational debate about normative environmental ethics are not determined by (...)
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  • Keeping a Place for Metaethics: Assessing Elliot's Dismissal of the Subjectivism/Objectivism Debate in Environmental Ethics.Darren Domsky - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (5):675-694.
    Robert Elliot claims that the metaethical distinction between subjectivism and objectivism is unimportant in environmental ethics. He argues that because a sufficiently sophisticated subjectivist can accommodate all the intrinsic value an objectivist can, even in apparently problematic situations where humans either do not exist or do not have the relevant values, and because metaethical commitments fail to have any normative or motivational impact on rational debate, it makes no difference whether an environmental ethicist is a subjectivist or an objectivist. Elliot's (...)
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  • Environmental philosophy 2.0: Ethics and conservation biology for the 21st century.Jay Odenbaugh - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 45 (1):92-96.
    In this essay, I critically engage Sahotra Sarkar’s Environmental Philosophy. The several topics include the conceptual foundations of conservation biology and traditional philosophy of science, naturalism and its implications, and ethical theory and specifically the status of human welfare.
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  • Responsibility Towards Life in the Early Anthropocene.Paul Alberts - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (4):5 - 17.
    Angelaki, Volume 16, Issue 4, Page 5-17, December 2011.
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  • Critical notices.Robert Elliot - 1985 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 63 (4):499 – 509.
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  • Il valore intrinseco della biodiversità.Matteo Andreozzi - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 59:129-148.
    Il principale scopo di questo articolo è esplorare la legittimità e le implicazioni dell’ascrizione di valore intrinseco alla biodiversità. Svariati problemi ambientali stanno seriamente mettendo in crisi l’idea tradizionale secondo la quale la comunità morale dovrebbe essere ristretta ai soli esseri umani. In tale contesto, la ricerca filosofica è chiamata a una stimolante quanto urgente analisi della nozione di “biodiversità”. Tuttavia, alcuni eticisti ambientali continuano ad affermare che la biodiversità non abbia valore intrinseco. In questo contributo mostro che il concetto (...)
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  • Hinduism and Environmental Ethics: An Analysis and Defense of a Basic Assumption.Christopher G. Framarin - 2012 - Asian Philosophy 22 (1):75-91.
    The literature on Hinduism and the environment is vast, and growing quickly. It has benefitted greatly from the work of scholars in a wide range of disciplines, such as religious studies, Asian studies, history, anthropology, political science, and so on. At the same time, much of this work fails to define key terms and make fundamental assumptions explicit. Consequently, it is at least initially difficult to engage with it philosophically. In the first section of this paper, I clarify a central, (...)
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  • Environmental and Biosafety Research Ethics Committees: Guidelines and Principles for Ethics Reviewers in the South African Context.Maricel Van Rooyen - 2021 - Dissertation, Stellenbosch University
    Over the last two decades, there was an upsurge of research and innovation in biotechnology and related fields, leading to exciting new discoveries in areas such as the engineering of biological processes, gene editing, stem cell research, CRISPR-Cas9 technology, Synthetic Biology, recombinant DNA, LMOs and GMOs, to mention only a few. At the same time, these advances generated concerns about biosafety, biosecurity and adverse impacts on biodiversity and the environment, leading to the establishment of Research Ethics Committees (RECs) at Higher (...)
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