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  1. A simple solution to the hardest logic puzzle ever.Brian Rabern & Landon Rabern - 2008 - Analysis 68 (2):105-112.
    We present the simplest solution ever to 'the hardest logic puzzle ever'. We then modify the puzzle to make it even harder and give a simple solution to the modified puzzle. The final sections investigate exploding god-heads and a two-question solution to the original puzzle.
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  • Why the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever Cannot Be Solved in Less than Three Questions.Gregory Wheeler & Pedro Barahona - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (2):493-503.
    Rabern and Rabern (Analysis 68:105–112 2 ) and Uzquiano (Analysis 70:39–44 4 ) have each presented increasingly harder versions of ‘the hardest logic puzzle ever’ (Boolos The Harvard Review of Philosophy 6:62–65 1 ), and each has provided a two-question solution to his predecessor’s puzzle. But Uzquiano’s puzzle is different from the original and different from Rabern and Rabern’s in at least one important respect: it cannot be solved in less than three questions. In this paper we solve Uzquiano’s puzzle (...)
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  • Does every proposition have a unique contradictory?M. J. Cresswell - 2008 - Analysis 68 (2):112-114.
    If you think that a proposition can have more than one contradictory, or can have none, then you need read no further. What I will show is that if then It is not obvious that this must be so. If p1 and p2 are distinct but logically equivalent, it might appear that their contradictories, q1 and q2, should also be distinct though logically equivalent. In traditional logic, a pair of propositions which satisfy (3)(i) alone are called contraries, and a pair (...)
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  • A Framework for Riddles about Truth that do not involve Self-Reference.Stefan Wintein - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (3):445-482.
    In this paper, we present a framework in which we analyze three riddles about truth that are all (originally) due to Smullyan. We start with the riddle of the yes-no brothers and then the somewhat more complicated riddle of the da-ja brothers is studied. Finally, we study the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever (HLPE). We present the respective riddles as sets of sentences of quotational languages , which are interpreted by sentence-structures. Using a revision-process the consistency of these sets is established. (...)
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  • On the Behavior of True and False.Stefan Wintein - 2012 - Minds and Machines 22 (1):1-24.
    Uzquiano (Analysis 70:39–44, 2010 ) showed that the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever ( HLPE ) [in its amended form due to Rabern and Rabern (Analysis 68:105–112, 2008 )] has a solution in only two questions. Uzquiano concludes his paper by noting that his solution strategy naturally suggests a harder variation of the puzzle which, as he remarks, he does not know how to solve in two questions. Wheeler and Barahona (J Philos Logic, to appear, 2011 ) formulated a three question (...)
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