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In The Linguistic turn: essays in philosophical method. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1967)

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  1. Does Philosophy Have More Than One Method? On Intercultural Comparison, Hegel, and Universality.Timo Ennen - 2023 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 15 (3):208-219.
    This essay takes issue with two possible stances in comparative and intercultural philosophy. First, there is the idea of ascertaining a method or conditions of possibility before engaging in intercultural comparison. This amounts to contemplating a form prior to any content. Second, there is the idea that a plurality of given philosophical traditions exist that do not have to be held together by a notion of what philosophy is. This is equivalent to asserting a diversity of content without giving it (...)
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  • Rhetoric as Critique: Towards a Rhetorical Philosophy.Gerald Posselt & Andreas Hetzel - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (3):41-61.
    While philosophy has been defined as a critical endeavour since Plato, the critical potential of rhetoric has been mostly overlooked. In recent years, critique itself – as a means of enlightenment and emancipation – has come under attack. While there have been various attempts to renew and strengthen critical theory and practice, rhetoric has not yet played a part in these attempts. Addressing this lacuna, the article argues that rhetoric can function as a critical force within philosophy. The rhetorical perspective (...)
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  • Stylistic Appearances and Linguistic Diversity.Filippo Contesi - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (5):661-675.
    Contemporary philosophy is beginning to pay to problems of linguistic justice the attention that they deserve in today’s heavily interconnected world. However, contemporary philosophy, as a part of today’s world, has problems of linguistic justice of its own which deserve meta-philosophical attention. At least in the philosophical tradition that is mainstream in much of the world today, viz. analytic philosophy, methodological and sociological mechanisms make it the case that the voices of non-native-speaking philosophers are substantially less heard. In this essay, (...)
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  • Social Enactive Perception: Practices, Experience, and Contents.Alejandro Arango - 2016 - Dissertation, Vanderbilt University
    This dissertation proposes the central elements of a Social Enactive Theory of Perception. According to SEP, perception consists in sensory-based practices of interaction with objects, events, and states of affairs that are socially constituted. I oppose the representational view that perception is an indirect contact with the world, consists of the passive receiving and processing of sensory input, is in need of constant assessment of accuracy, and is a matter of individuals alone. I share the basic enactivist insight that perception (...)
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  • A Compass for Valuation: Peircean Realism in Alain Locke's Functional Theory of Value.Greg Moses - 2013 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 27 (4):402-424.
    When Alain Locke developed a philosophy of valuation that he termed “functional relativism,” he contrasted his position to “value realism,” apparently because he wanted to keep valuations free from being bound to status quo existence. This article considers Locke's philosophy of valuation in relation to the “realism” of Charles S. Peirce in order to show that there is an approach to realism that answers to requirements of dynamic, evolutionary growth and creativity. The argument begins by placing Locke's cardinal values onto (...)
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  • Towards a new romanticism.April Elisabeth Pierce - 2014 - Thesis Eleven 123 (1):17-40.
    This essay addresses Jacques Derrida’s theory of metaphor, as it has been handed to literary theory and continental philosophy. Our aim is to reassess the relationship between metaphor and metaphysics, using two distinct critical lenses. We will contrast Derrida’s influential position to an anachronistic author – Giambattista Vico (1668–1744). Vico initiated what is now (retrospectively) called the romantic theory of metaphor, but the details of his theory are missing from current discussions. For this reason, Vico’s view is given closer attention. (...)
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  • The Absence of Rhetorical Theory in Richard Rorty's Linguistic Pragmatism.Robert Danisch - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (2):156-181.
    In 1967 Richard Rorty edited an anthology of philosophy papers called The Linguistic Turn. This book was supposed to "provide material for reflection on the most recent philosophical revolution, that of linguistic philosophy" (2). Rorty contends in the introduction that the "history of philosophy is punctuated by revolts against the practices of previous philosophers" (1). Thus The Linguistic Turn tries to highlight the ways in which philosophical methods and problems were being rethought in terms of language throughout the middle portion (...)
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  • Are sensations still brain processes.Thomas W. Polger - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (1):1-21.
    Fifty years ago J. J. C. Smart published his pioneering paper, “Sensations and Brain Processes.” It is appropriate to mark the golden anniversary of Smart’s publication by considering how well his article has stood up, and how well the identity theory itself has fared. In this paper I first revisit Smart’s text, reflecting on how it has weathered the years. Then I consider the status of the identity theory in current philosophical thinking, taking into account the objections and replies that (...)
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  • “We Always Have a Beer after the Meeting”: How Norms, Customs, Conventions, and the Like Explain Behavior.Todd Jones - 2006 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 36 (3):251-275.
    There are a vast number of ways of explaining human behavior in the social sciences and in ordinary conversation. One family of accounts seeks to explain behavior using terms such as norms, customs, tradition, convention , and culture . Despite the ubiquity of these terms, it is not fully clear how these concepts really explain behavior, how they are related, how they differ, and what they contrast with. In this article, I hope to answer such questions. Key Words: norm • (...)
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  • What's Done Here—Explaining Behavior in Terms of Customs and Norms.Todd Jones - 2007 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (3):363-393.
    Terms like “norm,” “custom,” “convention,” “tradition,” and “culture” are used throughout social science, and throughout everyday conversation, to describe certain types of behaviors. Yet it is not very clear what people mean by them. In this paper, I try to make clearer what is meant by these terms and what makes the behavior they describe possible.
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  • Do you value topic-continuity? The moral foundations of Cappelen’s insistence on ‘topic-continuity’ and reasons for resisting them.Yvonne Huetter-Almerigi - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (3):891-911.
    The article reveals the pragmatic implications of Herman Cappelen’s account of ‘topics’ in his contribution to the conceptual engineering literature. I show that Cappelen’s introduction of the category of ‘topics’ serves the pragmatic goal of having a convenient handle to account for ‘continuity in revision’, and that his general insistence on ‘continuity’ is motivated morally and strategically. In asking what accounts for continuity, Cappelen’s ‘topics’ are not defined by content or any other fixed set of rules or criteria. Topics are (...)
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  • Normative engagement across difference: Pragmatism, dialogic inclusion, and social practices.Clayton Chin - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (3):302-325.
    This article addresses the problem of inter-normative engagement, of constructing dialogical interaction across substantive normative difference. Focusing on how this affects democratic and pluralistic contexts, it argues that a social-practice-based approach to normativity and reasoning offers unique resources to understand and frame such encounters. It specifically draws on pragmatism and the work of Richard Rorty to reframe normativity, authority, identity, and reason, linking these understandings to recent trends to deliberative political inclusivism in democratic theory. The upshot is that framing inter-normative (...)
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  • No Picnic: Cavell on Rule‐Descriptions.Constantine Sandis - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 44 (3):295-317.
    In his first paper, ‘Must We Mean What We Say?’, Stanley Cavell defended the methods of ordinary language philosophy against various charges made by his senior colleague, Benson Mates, under the influence of the empirical semantics of Arne Naess.1Cavell’s argument hinges on the claim that native speakers are asourceof evidence for 'what is said' in language and, accordingly, need not base their claims about ordinary language upon evidence. In what follows, I maintain that this defence against empirical semantics applies equally (...)
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  • Rethinking The Philosophers’ Steamboat: the tragedy of Sergei Bulgakov.Olga Lyanda-Geller - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (4):641-663.
    Among those included in the lists of being sent out in 1922 as part of the “Philosophers’ Steamboat,” there was Sergei Nikolayevich (Father Sergius) Bulgakov (1871–1944). Prior to his deportation, Bulgakov, after many years of struggle, reunited his philosophical and theological journeys. This is reflected in his dialogues and essays, in particular, in At the Feast of the Gods and At the Walls of Chersonesus, and Tragedy of Philosophy. In exile, Bulgakov continued to reflect on the tragedy of a thinker (...)
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  • Futures for research in education.Bill Cope & Mary Kalantzis - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (11):1732-1739.
    Ours are times of unprecedented ‘disruption’. The business pundits like this idea. ‘Disruptive innovation’, they are inclined to call it (Bower and Christensen 1995), a contemporary variation of Jo...
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  • Semantic Realism, Actually.Simon Hewitt - 2020 - Metaphysica 21 (2):237-254.
    Michael Dummett offered a semantic characterisation of a variety of realism-antirealism debates. This approach has fallen out of fashion. This has been to the detriment of metaphysics. This paper offers an accurate characterisation of Dummett’s view, often lacking in the literature, and then defends it against a range of attacks (from Devitt, Miller and Williamson). This understanding of realism debates is resilient, and if we take it seriously the philosophical terrain looks importantly different. In particular, the philosophy of language has (...)
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  • A Trinitarian approach to spirituality: Exploring the possibilities.Rian Venter - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    Spirituality and ultimacy are inextricably linked. Underlying the plurality of spiritualities are myriad ways to construe the identity of the transcendent. In a Christian sense, the notion of the divine with a Trinitarian identification is central. The article examines the implications of such a naming of God for spirituality. Attention is paid to the relationship between doctrinal theology and spirituality as well as to scholarly reflection already undertaken on a so-called Trinitarian spirituality. The article suggests guidelines for future work and (...)
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  • Beyond analytic and continental in contemporary political thought: Pragmatic methodological pluralism and the situated turn.Clayton Chin - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 15 (2):205-222.
    In the division between analytic and continental thought, pragmatism has often been cast as a middle way. Fundamentally critical of each, it also shares resonances with both of these traditions. However, while this observation is common, remarkably little has been done to examine its truth in contemporary political thought. Drawing on recent trends in political theory, including ‘New Realism’, critical genealogical methods and a surge in pragmatic approaches, this article identifies an emerging situated turn in political thought. Emerging from several (...)
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  • The semiotics of intercultural exchange: Ostensive definition and digital reason.Horst Ruthrof - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (157):387-410.
    The paper distinguishes two forms of intercultural exchange, negotiation between cultures at a personal level and global exchange. In the first case, Ostensive Definition appears to be crucial. The paper attempts an intersemiotic rehabilitation of OD in response to Wittgenstein and Quine. In global intercultural exchange the ‘universal grammar’ of digital reason appears to be the crucial component to be analysed. Both forms of negotiation, the paper argues, rely on Vorstellung as an essential ingredient. Yet Vorstellung is missing from the (...)
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  • ICT and Language Teacher Development in the Global South: A New Materialist Discourse Analysis.Sardar M. Anwaruddin - 2016 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 52 (3):260-278.
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