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Dewey between Hegel and Darwin

In Herman J. Saatkamp (ed.), Rorty & pragmatism: the philosopher responds to his critics. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press (1995)

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  1. Human landscapes: contributions to a pragmatist anthropology.Roberta Dreon - 2022 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    The first work to offer a comprehensive pragmatist anthropology focusing on sensibility, habits, and human experience as contingently yet irreversibly enlanguaged.
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  • Antirepresentationalism Before and After Rorty.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):424-442.
    Richard Rorty's rejection of prevailing interior-mirror understandings of the presumed relationship between “minds” and “nature,” along with his promotion of nonrepresentational accounts of knowledge, truth, and science, participates in a rich tradition of jointly pragmatist and constructivist views that spans the twentieth century. This contribution to the symposium “Whatever Happened to Richard Rorty?” considers Rorty's complex and ambivalent relation to that tradition, particularly to the work of his American pragmatist predecessors, William James and John Dewey, and to subsequent pragmatist-constructivist antirepresentationalism (...)
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  • The varieties of experience: William James after the linguistic turn.Alexis Dianda - 2023 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Reconstructing the philosophical project of William James, Alexis Dianda deploys a concept of experience that avoids both foundationalist epistemology and an account of the subject rooted in immediately given objects of consciousness. In doing so, Dianda rethinks the role of experience as well as the aims and resources of pragmatic philosophy.
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  • The Naturalistic Side of Hegel’s Pragmatism.Emmanuel Renault - 2012 - Critical Horizons 13 (2):244 - 274.
    This paper contrasts the Hegelianism of contemporary neo-pragmatism and the Hegelianism of classical pragmatism as it has been reassessed in contemporary Deweyan scholarship. Drawing on Dewey’s interpretation of Hegel, this paper argues that Hegel’s theory of the spirit is in many aspects more akin to Dewey’s pragmatism than Brandom’s. The first part compares Dewey’s pragmatism with Hegel’s conceptions of experience and the theory/practice relation. The second part compares Dewey’s naturalism with Hegel’s theory of the relation between nature and spirit.
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  • From ethics to ethics: combatting dangers to democracy.Lynda Stone - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (2):143-156.
    ABSTRACTThis article posits an interpersonal ethical commitment to combat dangers to democracy in current times. Largely within an American context, two complementary pillars of ethics are presented. The first is from Nel Noddings and the ethics of care and the second developed primarily from Richard Rorty in a neo-pragmatist view. The contexts of present dangers, worldwide, especially in the USA, and then of this nation’s schooling, situate the ethics. A suggestion for teachers, students, and their schools as ‘citizen educators’ to (...)
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  • Tragedy and Citizenship: Conflict, Reconciliation, and Democracy from Haemon to Hegel.Derek W. M. Barker - 2008 - SUNY Press.
    Tragedy and Citizenship provides a wide-ranging exploration of attitudes toward tragedy and their implications for politics. Derek W. M. Barker reads the history of political thought as a contest between the tragic view of politics that accepts conflict and uncertainty, and an optimistic perspective that sees conflict as self-dissolving. Drawing on Aristotle's political thought, alongside a novel reading of the Antigone that centers on Haemon, its most neglected character, Barker provides contemporary democratic theory with a theory of tragedy. He sees (...)
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  • “Terministic Screens,” Social Constructionism, and the Language of Experience: Kenneth Burke's Utilization of William James.Paul Stob - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (2):pp. 130-152.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Terministic Screens," Social Constructionism, and the Language of Experience:Kenneth Burke's Utilization of William JamesPaul StobKenneth Burke's influence on various academic disciplines is clear in the number of books and articles published annually on his thought. It is also clear insofar as academics continue to turn to his work for insights on handling scholarly problems. That is to say, not only do we explore the dimensions of his work, we (...)
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  • Rorty, Putnam, and the pragmatist view of epistemology and metaphysics.Teed Rockwell - 2003 - Education and Culture 19 (1):3.
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  • Relativism, realism, and reflection.John Tasioulas - 1998 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 41 (4):377 – 410.
    The paper undertakes a critical examination of three key strands- relativism, antirealism, and reflection- in Bernard Williams's sceptical interpretation of ethical thought. The anti-realist basis of Williams's 'relativism of distance' is identified and the way this threatens to render his relativism more subversive than initially appears. Focusing on Williams's anti-realism, the paper argues that it fails because it is caught on the horns of a dilemma: either it draws on a conception of reality that is metaphysically incoherent, or else it (...)
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  • Speed as metaphysics.Nik Winchester - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (3):159-166.
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  • Evolution and Explanation: Biology, Aesthetics, Pragmatism.Robert Chodat - 2010 - Contemporary Pragmatism 7 (2):155-188.
    Recent discussion of the arts has grown increasingly sympathetic to evolutionary psychology, a trend vividly captured in Denis Dutton's recent book The Art Instinct. Yet evolutionary psychologists have paid startlingly little attention to pragmatism, despite the fact that pragmatists also work in Darwin's wake and often interrogate the “two cultures” divide. An extended comparison of pragmatist and evolutionary aesthetics can help us recognize the more layered notion of “nature” running through pragmatism, and help us articulate what matters most for us (...)
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  • How is the Human Life-Form of Mind Really Possible in Nature? Parallels Between John Dewey and Helmuth Plessner.Hans-Peter Krüger - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (1):47-64.
    J. Dewey and H. Plessner both and independently of one another treated the central question of what new task philosophy must set itself if the assumption is correct that the life-form of mind, i.e., the mental life-form of humans, arose in nature and must also sustain itself in the future within nature. If nature has to reconceived so as to make the irreducible qualities of life and mind truly possible, then it can no longer be restricted to the role of (...)
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  • Pragmatism and activity theory: Is Dewey's philosophy a philosophy of cultural retooling?Reijo Miettinen - 2006 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 8 (2):3-19.
    A philosopher of education, Jim Garrison, has suggested that John Dewey's philosophy is a philosophy of cultural retooling and that Dewey adopted both his conception of work and the idea of tool as "a middle term between subject and object” from Hegel. This interpretation raises the question of what the relationship of the idea of cultural retooling in Dewey’s work is to his naturalism and to his allegiance to Darwinian biological functionalism. To deal with this problem, this paper analyzes how (...)
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  • (1 other version)Cultural historical activity theory and Dewey's idea-based social constructivism: Consequences for Educational Research.May Britt Postholm - 2008 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 10 (1):37-48.
    Background: Our theoretical perspectives direct our research processes. The article contributes to the debate on Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) and Dewey’s idea-based social constructivism, and to the debate on methodology and how the researcher’s theoretical stance guides the researcher in his or her work. Purpose: The article presents fundamental ideas within CHAT and Dewey’s idea-based social constructivism. The purpose of the text is to discuss and examine how ideas in these two theories guide educational research conducted within the framework (...)
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  • Anti-Platonism of Rorty’s thought.Marek Kwiek - unknown
    From the perspective of subsequent books and texts by Richard Rorty it can be clearly seen that to have a look at his anti-Platonism and anti-essentialism, it is not enough to read either only Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, or only Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity, Consequences of Pragmatism and both volumes of Philosophical Papers. For me it turns out that the impression given by various readings of Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature in Reading Rorty - the first serious (...)
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  • Philosophical Excursus I. Seriousness, play, and fame.Marek Kwiek - unknown
    Reading numerous readings of Jacques Derrida made by Richard Rorty during the period of the last twenty years or so, one can get the impression that Rorty admires French deconstructionist without reservations, presenting him as an example of a new way of practising philosophy - a way which is private, idiosyncratic and publicly uncommitted, which is original, but publicly useless, which, finally, leads to individual autonomy. A way leading to self-creation, getting out of the influence and power of one’s precursors (...)
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  • Rorty and literature, or about the priority of the "wisdom of the novel" to the "wisdom of philosophy".Marek Kwiek - unknown
    Richard Rorty’s approach to fiction results from its consistently - to use here his own opposition - "solidarity-related" account; the "other side", literary self-creation, remains programmatically and intentionally undiscussed with much seriousness. One can just get the impression that literature, and the novel in particular, has been burdened with heaviness of responsibility... Does in Rorty’s reflections the novel appear as a source of multifarious metaphors, of the whole worlds born out of the writer’s imagination? Is there in it another dimension (...)
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