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  1. „Nichts“ ir „Il y a“ problema kaip asmens tapatumo koreliatyvumas.Luc Anckaert - 2017 - Žmogus ir Žodis 19 (4).
    Dialogo filosofijos mąstytojų Rosenzweig‘o ir Levino darbų esmė – mirties bedugnės ir asmens tapatumo santykis. Rosenzweig‘as niekį laiko galutiniu kantiškojo mąstymo tašku. Mirtis, kaip egzistencinis niekio patyrimas, buvo laikoma kiekvieno žmogaus realybe sudėtingu amžių sandūros laikotarpiu. Rosenzweig‘ui niekis buvo atspirties taškas, permąstant ir siekiant išsaugoti asmens tapatumą. Asmens tapatumas apsaugo nuo niekio, tačiau jis taip pat yra atviras pokyčiams. Savo ankstyvuosiuose tekstuose Levinas daro panašias prielaidas, laikydamas Buvimą asmens tapatumo pradžia. Levinas plėtojo dialektinę fenomenologiją pradėdamas nuo mirties. Asmens tapatumas traktuojamas (...)
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  • A ‘Just and Non-violent Force’? Critique of Law in World Society.Andreas Fischer-Lescano - 2015 - Law and Critique 26 (3):267-280.
    The article takes critiques of the entanglement of law with violence as a point of departure for exploring the possibility of a ‘tertium of law’. It thereby seeks to overcome the dichotomous basic assumptions that see law as always oscillating between an apology for violence on the one hand, and a utopia of reason on the other. The text analyses the possibility of this ‘tertium’, a ‘legal force’ beyond legal violence and legal reason, in four steps, drawing on the work (...)
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  • Worldly Community and Community of Blood in The Star Of Redemption: A Critical Approach From Helmuth Plessner’s Anthropology.Roberto Navarrete Alonso - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (4):451-466.
    This work offers a critical approach to Franz Rosenzweig’s conception of community in The Star of Redemption based on Helmuth Plessner’s political anthropology. First, it presents Plessner’s critique of social radicalism and of the apoliticism of the German spirit, and its parallelism with the Jewish spirit. Second, it delves into the passage from Hegel und der Staat to The Star in a communitarian key. Third, it dwells on the difference between community of blood and community of faith in Rosenzweig, together (...)
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  • Allergologies Versus Homeopathies.Petar Bojanić - 2010 - Law and Critique 21 (1):1-16.
    This paper is a reconstruction of Levinas’ reading of Hegel and his understanding of violence. Combining Franz Rosenzweig’s reflections which concern the sick philosopher and Hegel’s state, as well as Derrida’s interpretation of the different attributes of violence, our aim is also to give full evidence of Derrida’s critical reading of Levinas. The first part illustrates the various classifications of the figures of violence from the different periods of Hegel’s life and the traces that these figures have left in Levinas’ (...)
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  • A Hegelian Basis for Privacy as an Economic Right.Marco De Boni & Martyn Prigmore - 2004 - Contemporary Political Theory 3 (2):168-187.
    The role of information systems and technology in stimulating interest in privacy is discussed, with an emphasis on the move towards regarding privacy as an economic right. Current proposals are shown to derive from pragmatic, problem-driven analyses, rather than clear philosophical foundations: they are therefore inflexible and limited in scope, and advances in technology are likely to render them obsolete. The need for a clear philosophical basis for privacy as an economic rather than a social/human right is therefore identified and (...)
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  • What Remains of the Fundamentum Inconcussum in Light of the Modern Sciences of Man?Carl Friedrich Gethmann - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 47 (2):385-404.
    Transcendental conceptions of subjectivity, beginning with Descartes and including Kant, Fichte, and Husserl as well as neo-transcendental accounts of the 20th century, try to explicate a subject’s subjectivity as a necessary condition for all theoretical and practical validity claims. According to this conception, only this subject-theoretical presupposition allows for an adequate foundation of terms of authorship of action and self-determination. However, the conceptual self-explication of this position faces some inherent difficulties, which has repeatedly been pointed out even by representatives of (...)
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  • Kritik der Ethischen Institution: Kant, Hegel Und der Tod Gottes.Thies Münchow - 2022 - Transcript Verlag.
    Die Idee des modernen Verfassungsstaats beruht auf dem Akt der freiheitlichen Selbstbestimmung aller Bürger*innen. Insofern bildet er die ethische Institution schlechthin. Denn wo das Volk die Parameter der Freiheit bestimmt, da gilt es, das Wesen der Freiheit selbst zu begreifen. Bleibt dieses Begreifen aus, wird der Gründungsakt zur gewesenen Freiheit und die Verwaltung des Staats zur Expert*innensache. Doch wo bleibt da die kreative Freiheit? Diese Frage macht eine Kritik der ethischen Institution notwendig. Dabei zeigt Thies Münchow in Anschluss an Kant (...)
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  • Politics and Immanence: State and History in Hegel and Deleuze.Gorge Hristov - unknown
    The aim of the work is to examine the relationship between the concepts of “immanence” and “politics” in the works of Hegel and Deleuze. Both Hegel and Deleuze are thinkers of immanence and they explicitly think this concept in relation to the problem of political practice. As I show, they attempt to “ground” politics in immanence. The purpose of this work is to prove that there exists an inherent paradox in the undertaking to “ground” politics in immanence. Both philosophers are (...)
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