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  1. Zwischen Selbst-Deutung und Interpretation durch Dritte:: Zum Wechselverhältnis von soziokulturellen und ethischen Aspekten von Patientenverfügungen.Silke Schicktanz - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (3):181-190.
    ZusammenfassungDie enorme Bedeutung, die Patientenverfügungen in der aktuellen ethisch-rechtlichen Diskussion zukommt, steht in gewissem Widerspruch zur geringen öffentlichen Bereitschaft, eine solche abzufassen. Dies wirft die ethische Frage auf, welche Argumente für das Abfassen von Patientenverfügungen sprechen. Zentral sind hierbei strebensethische Aspekte, die auf das Wünschenswerte und Lebenskluge einer solchen Entscheidung abheben. Mit einem um die soziokulturelle Perspektive erweiterten Identitätskonzept lässt sich für die Patientenverfügung als sinnvolles Instrument der Selbst-Deutung und Lebensplanung argumentieren. Zugleich verweist die soziokulturelle Dimension auf neue ethische Probleme (...)
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  • Existential choices: to what degree is who we are a matter of choice?Somogy Varga - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (1):65-79.
    On the one hand, it is commonly agreed that we make choices in which we are guided by a core of personal commitments, wishes, feelings, etc. that we take to express who we are. On the other, it is commonly agreed that some of these ‘existential’ choices constitute who we are. When confronting these two matters, the question of agency inevitably arises: Whether and in what sense can we choose ourselves? The paper will argue for a new perspective on existential (...)
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  • Four levels of self-interpretation: A paradigm for interpretive social philosophy and political criticism.Hartmut Rosa - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (5-6):691-720.
    If we are to find the criteria for critical analyses of social arrangements and processes not in some abstract, universalist framework, but from the guiding ‘self-interpretations’ of the societies in question, as contemporary contextualist and ‘communitarian’ approaches to social philosophy suggest, the vexing question arises as to where these self-interpretations can be found and how they are identified. The paper presents a model according to which there are four interdependent as well as partially autonomous spheres or ‘levels’ of socially relevant (...)
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  • Die ärztlich assistierte Selbsttötung und das gesellschaftlich Gute - Physician-assisted suicide and the common good.Roland Kipke - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (2):141-154.
    Definition of the problem: The question whether a prohibition of physician-assisted suicide is justifiable plays a prominent role in recent debate about this practice. Many authors argue that assisted suicide is an issue of individual choice, that a prohibition would base on particular conceptions of the good and that such a justification is not acceptable in a liberal society. Arguments: Within the frame of a communitarian approach the article demonstrates that the handling of dying and what physicians are allowed to (...)
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  • Re-Enchanting The World: An Examination Of Ethics, Religion, And Their Relationship In The Work Of Charles Taylor.David McPherson - 2013 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    In this dissertation I examine the topics of ethics, religion, and their relationship in the work of Charles Taylor. I take Taylor's attempt to confront modern disenchantment by seeking a kind of re-enchantment as my guiding thread. Seeking re-enchantment means, first of all, defending an `engaged realist' account of strong evaluation, i.e., qualitative distinctions of value that are seen as normative for our desires. Secondly, it means overcoming self-enclosure and achieving self-transcendence, which I argue should be understood in terms of (...)
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  • Divergierende Konzepte Politischen Handelns in der Politikwissenschaft.Hubertus Buchstein - 2012 - In Georg Weisseno & Hubertus Buchstein (eds.), Politisch Handeln: Modelle, Möglichkeiten, Kompetenzen. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. pp. 18--38.
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  • Narrative Research: Voices of Teachers and Philosophers.Rauno Huttunen, Hannu L. T. Heikkinen & Leena Syrjälä (eds.) - 2002 - Jyväskylä: SoPhi.
    Why do we tell our life stories? What is the point of studying narratives? What is the truth of narratives? How are narratives collected and studied by researchers? In this book the voices of teachers, education researchers, student teachers and philosophers join to form a polyphonic voice that attempts to answer these questions. They shed light on the obscure world of narrative research. This book contains both theoretical articles and empirical examples of narrative research. The theoretical articles introduce and develop (...)
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  • Linking environmental psychology and critical social psychology: Theoretical considerations toward a comprehensive research agenda.Thomas Kühn & Sebastian Bobeth - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In order to foster pro-environmental behavior in the midst of a global ecological crisis, current research in environmental psychology is often limited to individual-related factors and theories about conscious processing. However, in recent years, we observe a certain discontentment with the limitations of this approach within the community as well as increasing efforts toward broadening the scope. In our work, we aim for a closer investigation of the relations between individuals, societal factors, and pro-environmental actions while considering the role of (...)
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  • Interpreted Modernity: Weber and Taylor on Values and Modernity.Falk Reckling - 2001 - European Journal of Social Theory 4 (2):153-176.
    The writings of Weber and Taylor have some strong affinities. Both start from the anthropological idea that man evaluates his position in the world and constitutes the social world by values. Their analyses of values aim at an understanding of those intersubjective meanings that have constituted western modernity. But, at the same time, their anthropological starting point leads to different interpretations of modernity. Historically, both argue that rationalization (as instrumental rationality) is one of the most influential Kulturbedeutung of modernity. Weber's (...)
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  • Interpreting Advance Directives: Ethical Considerations of the Interplay Between Personal and Cultural Identity. [REVIEW]Silke Schicktanz - 2009 - Health Care Analysis 17 (2):158-171.
    In many industrialized countries ethicists and lawyers favour advance directives as a tool to guarantee patient autonomy in end-of-life-decisions. However, most citizens seem reluctant to adopt the practice; the number of patients who have an advance directive is low across most countries. The article discusses the key argument for seeing such documents as an instrument of self-interpretation and life-planning, which ultimately have to be interpreted by third parties as well. Interpretation by third parties and the process of self-reflection are conceptually (...)
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  • Zwischen Selbst-Deutung und Interpretation durch Dritte. [REVIEW]Prof Dr Silke Schicktanz - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (3):181-190.
    Die enorme Bedeutung, die Patientenverfügungen in der aktuellen ethisch-rechtlichen Diskussion zukommt, steht in gewissem Widerspruch zur geringen öffentlichen Bereitschaft, eine solche abzufassen. Dies wirft die ethische Frage auf, welche Argumente für das Abfassen von Patientenverfügungen sprechen. Zentral sind hierbei strebensethische Aspekte, die auf das Wünschenswerte und Lebenskluge einer solchen Entscheidung abheben. Mit einem um die soziokulturelle Perspektive erweiterten Identitätskonzept lässt sich für die Patientenverfügung als sinnvolles Instrument der Selbst-Deutung und Lebensplanung argumentieren. Zugleich verweist die soziokulturelle Dimension auf neue ethische Probleme (...)
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