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  1. Creative Activity and Alienation in Hegel and Marx.Sean Sayers - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (1):107-128.
    For Marx, work is the fundamental and central activity in human life and, potentially at least, a ful lling and liberating activity. Although this view is implicit throughout Marx’s work, there is little explicit explanation or defence of it. The fullest treatment is in the account of ‘estranged labour’ [entfremdete Arbeit] in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts;1 but, even there, Marx does not set out his philosophical assumptions at length. For an understanding of these, one must turn to Hegel. Marx (...)
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  • Recent Australian Work in Philosophy.Robert Brown - 1988 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):545-578.
    In the chapter entitled ‘Philosophy and the Meaning of Life’ in Robert Nozick’s Philosophical Explanations there is an admonitory passage with many applications. ‘It is a puzzle,’ says Nozick, ‘how so many people, including intellectuals and academics devote enormous energy to work in which nothing of themselves or their important goals shines forth, not even in the way their work is presented. If they were struck down, their children upon growing up and examining their work would never know why they (...)
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  • Marxism, Art and the Histories of Latin America: An Interview with David Craven.Angela Dimitrakaki - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (3):116-134.
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  • Avantgarde, utopije in oblačila.Aleš Erjavec - 2017 - Filozofski Vestnik 38 (1).
    Avtor predstavi dva primera, ko je bil v zgodnjem dvajsetem stoletju kombinezon preoblikovan v projekt z utopijskim potencialom. V Italiji je bil tak primer tuta, v Rusiji pa prozodezhda. V prvem primeru je šlo za enodelni kombinezon, ki je postal po prvi svetovni vojni zelo priljubljeno oblačilo. To je bil projekt, ki je asociiral na futurizem in utopizem. Pred vojno sta nekoliko podoben projekt razvila Giacomo Balla in Fortunato Depero. Manj kot desetletje po tej futuristični intervenciji v oblačenju je nastala (...)
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