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I Virtue ethics, happiness, and the good life

In The Cambridge companion to virtue ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 7 (2013)

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  1. Mid-Management, Employee Engagement, and the Generation of Reliable Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility.Lynn Godkin - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (1):15-28.
    This paper explains how middle managers might enlist ethically engaged employees into the production of reliable, sustainable CSR. An accompanying model illustrates how those managers can encounter employee engagement in CSR and channel their enthusiasm effectively. It presents factors scaffolding organizational support for employee engagement and how they relate to the intensity of that engagement. It introduces the importance of employee voice and illustrates how associated signals might be captured.
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  • Is Environmental Virtue Ethics Anthropocentric?Dominika Dzwonkowska - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (6):723-738.
    Virtue ethics (VE), due to its eudaimonistic character, is very anthropocentric; thus the application of VE to environmental ethics (EE) seems to be in contradiction with EE’s critical opinion of human centeredness. In the paper, I prove the claim that there is a possibility of elaborating an environmental virtue ethics (EVE) that involves others (including nonhuman beings). I prove that claim through analyzing Ronald Sandler’s EVE, especially his concept of pluralistic virtue and a pluralistic approach to the aim of ethical (...)
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  • Theory of Virtue Ethics: Do Consumers’ Good Traits Predict Their Socially Responsible Consumption?So Young Song & Youn-Kyung Kim - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):1159-1175.
    Drawing upon the theory of virtue ethics, this study builds a decision tree predictive model to explore the anticipated impact of good traits on socially responsible consumption. Using R statistical software, we generate a classification tree and cross-validate the model on two independent datasets. The results indicate that the virtuous traits of self-efficacy, courage, and self-control, as well as the personality traits of openness and conscientiousness, predict socially responsible purchase and disposal behavior. Remarkably, the largest segment of socially responsible consumers (...)
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  • Eudaimonism in the Mencius: Fulfilling the Heart.Benjamin I. Huff - 2015 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14 (3):403-431.
    This paper argues that Mencius is a eudaimonist, and that his eudaimonism plays an architectonic role in his thought. Mencius maintains that the most satisfying life for a human being is the life of benevolence, rightness, wisdom, and ritual propriety, and that such a life fulfills essential desires and capacities of the human heart. He also repeatedly appeals both to these and to morally neutral desires in his efforts to persuade others to develop and exercise the virtues. Classical Greek eudaimonists (...)
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  • Altruistic Eudaimonism and the Self-Absorption Objection.Jeff D’Souza - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (3):475-490.
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  • Virtues as reasons structures.Leland F. Saunders - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (9):2785-2804.
    There is a certain kind of tension in recent accounts of the role of reasons in virtue ethics between two plausible claims that pull in different directions. First, that virtues are the central normative notion in virtue ethics; and second, that virtue is a kind of responsiveness to reasons: that reasons explain both what it is to act from virtue, and what the virtues are. I argue that this is a serious tension and necessitates a different account of the relationship (...)
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  • The concepts of virtue after the „character – situation” debate.Natasza Anna Szutta - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (2):55-74.
    The article focuses on a currently hot debate in contemporary ethics that takes place between so-called situationists and the advocates of virtue ethics. The fundamental assumption made by virtue ethics is that developing and perfecting one’s moral character or moral virtues warrants one’s morally good action. Situationists claim that this assumption contradicts the results of the latest empirical studies. From this observation, they conclude that virtue ethics is based on an empirically inadequate moral psychology.In the first part of the article, (...)
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