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  1. The narrative self-model in schizophrenia: integrating predictive processing with phenomenological psychopathology.José M. Araya, Pablo López-Silva & Cherise Rosen - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    Over the last several years, predictive processing approaches to computational neuropsychiatry have been gaining explanatory traction. According to these accounts, some of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia arise from aberrant precision-weighting during hierarchical Bayesian inference. In contrast to computational approaches, the phenomenological tradition in psychiatry holds that disruptions or alterations of the self (Ichstörungen) lie at the core of schizophrenia. In this article, we aim to integrate these approaches. We align ourselves with the phenomenological insight that self-disturbances lie at the (...)
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  • The Epistemic Innocence of Elaborated Delusions Re-Examined.Maja Białek - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (2):541-566.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, I want to re-examine the epistemic status of elaborated delusions. Bortolotti (2016, 2020) claims that they can be epistemically innocent. However, I will show that this type of delusions is more unique than suggested by the existing analyses of their epistemic status. They typically cause more profound harms than other kinds of delusions, and in most cases, it would be counterproductive to classify them as epistemically beneficial or innocent. I will employ predictive (...)
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  • Effort, Uncertainty, and the Sense of Agency.Oliver Lukitsch - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (4):955-975.
    Orthodox neurocognitive accounts of the bodily sense of agency suggest that the experience of agency arises when action-effects are anticipated accurately. In this paper, I argue that while successful anticipation is crucial for the sense of agency, the role of unsuccessful prediction has been neglected, and that inefficacy and uncertainty are no less central to the sense of agency. I will argue that this is reflected in the phenomenology of agency, which can be characterized both as the experience of efficacy (...)
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  • Thinking in schizophrenia and the social phenomenology of thought insertion.Pablo López-Silva - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Patients suffering from delusions of thought insertion (TI) report that external agents of different nature have placed thoughts into their minds. The symptom involves distressing feelings of intromission and exposition, loss of mental privacy, diminished ego boundaries, and a – often neglected – peculiar “physicality”. A dominant approach within cognitive sciences characterizes TI as involving alterations in the experience of being the author of certain thoughts. For the advocates of this so-called Standard Approach to TI, the absence of a sense (...)
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  • DSM: una perspectiva hegeliana de la clasificación en psiquiatría.Gonzalo Amador Rivera - 2024 - Studia Hegeliana 10:89-106.
    La psiquiatría a lo largo de su historia y fundamentalmente desde la publicación del DSM-5, enfrenta diversas críticas por la falta de confiabilidad y validez en las clasificaciones de los trastornos mentales, esto debido a su incapacidad para integrar adecuadamente el conocimiento científico y la complejidad de las experiencias individuales. Este análisis, inspirado en la filosofía de Hegel, propone una nueva perspectiva que valora cada caso clínico como una entidad única, desafiando el enfoque reduccionista y promoviendo un entendimiento más profundo (...)
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  • Expressing experience: the promise and perils of the phenomenological interview.Elizabeth Pienkos, Borut Škodlar & Louis Sass - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):53-71.
    This paper outlines several of the challenges that are inherent in any attempt to communicate subjective experience to others, particularly in the context of a clinical interview. It presents the phenomenological interview as a way of effectively responding to these challenges, which may be especially important when attempting to understand the profound experiential transformations that take place in schizophrenia. Features of language experience in schizophrenia—including changes in interpersonal orientation, a sense of the arbitrariness of language, and a desire for faithful (...)
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  • Multiple Realities and Hybrid Objects: A Creative Approach of Schizophrenic Delusion.Michel Cermolacce, Katherine Despax, Raphaëlle Richieri & Jean Naudin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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