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  1. Max Weber’s charismatic prophets.Christopher Adair-Toteff - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (1):3-20.
    Most accounts of Weber’s notion of charisma follow his own explicit comments and seek its origins in the writings of Rudolf Sohm. While I acknowledge the validity of this, I follow Weber’s suggestions and locate the charismatic forces in the political and ethical conduct and beliefs of certain Old Testament prophets, specifically Amos, Jeremiah and Isaiah. Their emphasis on political justice and ethical fairness, coupled with their unwavering belief in the power of prophecy, infuse Weber’s conception of charisma and in (...)
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  • Revising Foucault: The history and critique of modernity.Colin Koopman - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (5):545-565.
    I offer a major reassessment of Foucault’s philosophico-historical account of the basic problems of modernity. I revise our understanding of Foucault by countering the influential misinterpretations proffered by his European interlocutors such as Habermas and Derrida. Central to Foucault’s account of modernity was his work on two crucial concept pairs: freedom/power and reason/madness. I argue against the view of Habermas and Derrida that Foucault understood modern power and reason as straightforwardly opposed to modern freedom and madness. I show that Foucault (...)
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  • The pitiless 'sobriety of judgement': Max Weber between Carl Menger and Gustav von Schmoller — the academic politics of value freedom.Wilhelm Hennis - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (1):27-59.
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  • Sociology and philosophy in the United States since the sixties: Death and resurrection of a folk action obstacle.Michael Strand - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (1):101-150.
    This article uses participant objectivation in sociology and philosophy as two knowledge fields to provide a reflexive comparison of their synced field effect in historical circumstances. Drawing on the philosopher and historian of science Gaston Bachelard, I theorize fielded knowledge as a social relation that combines the prior presence of folk knowledge with a socioanalytic exchange between field and folk that includes positions of either defense, replacement or critique. A comparison of post-Wittgenstein Anglophone philosophy and post-sixties American sociology describes their (...)
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  • Autonomy and 'inner distance': a trace of Nietzsche in Weber.David Owen - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (1):79-91.
    The problem I raise here is not what ought to succeed mankind in the sequence of species (- the human being is an end -): but what type of human being one ought to breed, ought to will, as more valuable, more worthy of life, more certain of the future. (Friedrich Nietzsche1) The question which leads us beyond the grave of our own generation is not 'how will human beings feel in the future', but 'how will they be' ... We (...)
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  • Polytheism and personality.Mark D. Chapman - 1993 - History of the Human Sciences 6 (2):1-33.
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  • Civilized madness: schizophrenia, self-consciousness and the modern mind.Louis A. Sass - 1994 - History of the Human Sciences 7 (2):83-120.
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  • Context and prejudice in Max Weber's thought: criticisms of Wilhelm Hennis.Gary A. Abraham - 1993 - History of the Human Sciences 6 (3):1-17.
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  • Max Weber and Ernst Toller: realists or idealists?Christopher Adair-Toteff - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (1):1-17.
    Max Weber and Ernst Toller are regarded as political opposites with the former viewed as the responsible realist and the latter as an ethical idealist. I argue that this contrast between the two is not as great as is customarily thought.
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  • Objectivity, value spheres, and "inherent laws": On some suggestive isomorphisms between Weber, Bourdieu, and Luhmann.Hans Henrik Bruun - 2008 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38 (1):97-120.
    I give an account of Max Weber's views concerning the basis of the objectivity of the cultural sciences. In this connection, I offer a critical discussion of his distinction between different "value spheres," each with its own "intrinsic logic." I then consider parallels between Weber's "value spheres" and central elements of Bourdieu's field theory and Luhmann's systems theory, and try to show to what extent Bourdieu's and Luhmann's problems, and the solutions they suggest, can be seen as similar to Weber's. (...)
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  • The separation between ethics and politics: Max Weber on ancient Judaism and modernity.Eyal Chowers - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (3):477-495.
    For Max Weber, modernity is characterized by a tragic conflict among value spheres, each claiming to possess the ‘true meaning’ of human life. In particular, Weber argues that while the political sphere is dominated by the unifying, exclusionary, power-driven, and war-prone nation state, the ethical sphere is characterized by the universalization of individually based, deontological norms. For Weber, I argue, the modern separation between the ethical and political spheres originates in ancient Judaism. His work on Judaism, mostly neglected by political (...)
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  • Max Weber's Dissertation.Lutz Kaelber - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (2):27-56.
    The existing scholarly literature on the work and life of Max Weber has almost nothing to say about Max Weber's dissertation which was part of his first book, The History of Commercial Partnerships. This article reconstructs the development of this work. It explores how Weber chose and developed his dissertation, describes its major themes, and analyzes the academic contexts that framed it. Of particular interest is Max Weber's relationship to Levin Goldschmidt, a leading scholar in the history of commercial law, (...)
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  • Interpreted Modernity: Weber and Taylor on Values and Modernity.Falk Reckling - 2001 - European Journal of Social Theory 4 (2):153-176.
    The writings of Weber and Taylor have some strong affinities. Both start from the anthropological idea that man evaluates his position in the world and constitutes the social world by values. Their analyses of values aim at an understanding of those intersubjective meanings that have constituted western modernity. But, at the same time, their anthropological starting point leads to different interpretations of modernity. Historically, both argue that rationalization (as instrumental rationality) is one of the most influential Kulturbedeutung of modernity. Weber's (...)
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  • Elective Affinities of the Protestant Ethic: Weber and the Chemistry of Capitalism.Andrew M. McKinnon - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (1):108-126.
    Although scholars have long recognized the importance of "elective affinity" as a key word in Weber's sociology, surprisingly little systematic research has gone into understanding this metaphor in Weber's writing, or the source from which he drew the term. For Weber, this was an implicit reference to Goethe's novel, well known to Weber's educated German audience, entitled Elective Affinities. In this article, I provide a systematic account of Goethe's conception of elective affinity as a chemical metaphor, and of the way (...)
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  • The role of the church in the politics of social transformation: The paradox of nihilism.Virgilio Aquino Rivas - 2008 - The Politics and Religion Journal 2 (2):55-77.
    The paper attempts to demonstrate; drawing on the recent experience of Philippine Catholic faith; that the relevance of the Church in the postmodern age is as much a political choice as it is a tolerance of the nihilistic mood of the times. It is a political choice insofar as the Church has nowhere to go in the postmodern except through asserting its relevance; which necessarily means homing in on the growing irrelevance of the organized faith; amidst the secular and liberal (...)
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  • Thirty years of political thinking: Peter Lassman's Max Weber. [REVIEW]Christopher Adair-Toteff - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (1):147-160.
    Peter Lassman, ed., Max Weber. Aldershot, Hants: Ashgate, 2006. 674 pp. £165.
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  • Beyond power: Unbridging Foucault and Weber. [REVIEW]Juan J. Jiménez-Anca - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (1):36-50.
    Today, very few would doubt that there are plenty of reasons to liken Weber’s and Foucault’s theories of power. Nevertheless, their respective works have divergent ethical and ontological preoccupations which should be reconsidered. This article explores Foucault’s account of a historical episode in Discipline and Punish and Weber’s theory of life spheres, uncovering evidence that there is a need to reassess the conceptual bridges which have been built so far. The exploration reveals a radical difference between a monological theory of (...)
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