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  1. The heterogeneous world of congruency sequence effects: an update.Wout Duthoo, Elger L. Abrahamse, Senne Braem, Carsten N. Boehler & Wim Notebaert - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • Can unconscious knowledge allow control in sequence learning?Qiufang Fu, Zoltán Dienes & Xiaolan Fu - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):462-474.
    This paper investigates the conscious status of both the knowledge that an item is legal and the knowledge of why it is legal in sequence learning. We compared ability to control use of knowledge with stated awareness of the knowledge as measures of the conscious status of knowledge. Experiment 1 showed that when people could control use of judgment knowledge they were indeed conscious of having that knowledge according to their own statements. Yet Experiment 2 showed that people could exert (...)
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  • A dual-stage two-phase model of selective attention.Ronald Hübner, Marco Steinhauser & Carola Lehle - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (3):759-784.
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  • Is there evidence for unaware evaluative conditioning in a valence contingency learning task?Anne Gast, Jasmin Richter & Borys Ruszpel - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (1):57-73.
    ABSTRACTIn three experiments we investigated whether memory-independent evaluative conditioning and other memory-independent contingency learning effects occur in the valence contingency...
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  • Reach tracking reveals dissociable processes underlying cognitive control.Christopher D. Erb, Jeff Moher, David M. Sobel & Joo-Hyun Song - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):114-126.
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  • Task Conflict and Task Control: A Mini-Review.Ran Littman, Eldad Keha & Eyal Kalanthroff - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • Learning, awareness, and instruction: Subjective contingency awareness does matter in the colour-word contingency learning paradigm.James R. Schmidt & Jan De Houwer - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (4):1754-1768.
    In three experiments, each of a set colour-unrelated distracting words was presented most often in a particular target print colour . In Experiment 1, half of the participants were told the word-colour contingencies in advance and half were not . The instructed group showed a larger learning effect. This instruction effect was fully explained by increases in subjective awareness with instruction. In Experiment 2, contingency instructions were again given, but no contingencies were actually present. Although many participants claimed to be (...)
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  • When emotion does and does not impair performance: A Garner theory of the emotional Stroop effect.Yaniv Mama, Moshe Shay Ben-Haim & Daniel Algom - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (4):589-602.
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  • Disentangling Genuine Semantic Stroop Effects in Reading from Contingency Effects: On the Need for Two Neutral Baselines.Eric Lorentz, Tessa McKibben, Chelsea Ekstrand, Layla Gould, Kathryn Anton & Ron Borowsky - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Explaining Qualia: A Proposed Theoretical Framework for Addressing the Hard Problem of Consciousness.Leandro Castelluccio - manuscript
    The enigma of consciousness, particularly the subjective and ineffable nature of qualia (our inner conscious experience), poses one of the most challenging puzzles in contemporary philosophy and cognitive science—the "hard problem". Grounded in interdisciplinary perspectives from philosophy of mind and neuroscience, this article introduces a novel theoretical framework aimed at elucidating the mysterious nature of qualia and providing a comprehensive explanation for the hard problem of consciousness. Emphasizing the intricate relationship between consciousness, identity, and subjective experience, and analyzing the brain's (...)
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  • Stroop effects from newly learned color words: effects of memory consolidation and episodic context.Sebastian Geukes, M. Gareth Gaskell & Pienie Zwitserlood - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Contingency learning and unlearning in the blink of an eye: A resource dependent process.James R. Schmidt, Jan Houweder & Derek Besner - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):235-250.
    Recent studies show that when words are correlated with the colours they are printed in , colour identification is faster when the word is presented in its correlated colour than in an uncorrelated colour . The present series of experiments explored the possible mechanisms involved in this colour-word contingency learning effect. Experiment 1 demonstrated that the effect is already present after 18 learning trials. During subsequent unlearning, the effect extinguished equally rapidly. Two reanalyses of data from Schmidt, Crump, Cheesman, and (...)
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  • Contingency learning and unlearning in the blink of an eye: A resource dependent process.James R. Schmidt, Jan De Houwer & Derek Besner - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):235-250.
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  • Reliable Correlational Cuing While Controlling for Most-Recent-Pairing Effects.Guangjun Xu & J. Toby Mordkoff - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  • Measuring strategic control in implicit learning: how and why?Elisabeth Norman - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Contingency and congruency switch in the congruency sequence effect: a reply to Blais, Stefanidi, and Brewer.James R. Schmidt - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • A spiral model of musical decision-making.Daniel Bangert, Emery Schubert & Dorottya Fabian - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:79605.
    This paper describes a model of how musicians make decisions about performing notated music. The model builds on psychological theories of decision-making and was developed from empirical studies of Western art music performance that aimed to identify intuitive and deliberate processes of decision-making, a distinction consistent with dual-process theories of cognition. The model proposes that the proportion of intuitive (Type 1) and deliberate (Type 2) decision-making processes changes with increasing expertise and conceptualizes this change as movement along a continually narrowing (...)
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  • The role of awareness in the cognitive control of single-prime negative priming.Hsuan-Fu Chao - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 57:94-105.
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  • Dissociating the roles of episodic retrieval and contingency awareness in valence contingency learning.Carina G. Giesen, Hannah Duderstadt, Jasmin Richter & Klaus Rothermund - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    In the valence contingency learning task (VCT), participants evaluate target words which are preceded by nonwords. Nonwords are predictive for positive/negative evaluations. Previous studies demonstrated that this results in (a) reliable contingency learning effects, reflected in better performance for highly contingent nonword-valence pairings and (b) less reliable evaluative conditioning (EC) effects, reflected in more positive ratings of nonwords that were highly predictive of positive (vs. negative) evaluative responses. In a highly-powered (N = 129) preregistered study, we investigated both effects and (...)
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  • The relationship between strategic control and conscious structural knowledge in artificial grammar learning.Elisabeth Norman, Ryan B. Scott, Mark C. Price & Zoltan Dienes - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:229-236.
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  • The processing of task-irrelevant emotion and colour in the Approach-Avoidance Task.Xijia Luo, Mike Rinck, Harold Bekkering & Eni S. Becker - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):548-562.
    ABSTRACTWhen processing information about human faces, we have to integrate different sources of information like skin colour and emotional expression. In 3 experiments, we investigated how these features are processed in a top-down manner when task instructions determine the relevance of features, and in a bottom-up manner when the stimulus features themselves determine process priority. In Experiment 1, participants learned to respond with approach-avoidance movements to faces that presented both emotion and colour features. For each participant, only one of these (...)
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  • On the Nature of Cognitive Control and Endogenous Orienting: A Response to Chica and Bartolomeo (2010).Evan F. Risko & Jennifer A. Stolz - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):445-446.
    Chica and Bartolemeo : The proportion valid effect in covert orienting: Strategic control or implicit learning? Consciousness and Cognition,19, 443–444.) agree that our results . The proportion valid effect in covert orienting: Strategic control or implicit learning? Consciousness and Cognition,19, 432–442.) are consistent with an implicit learning account of the proportion valid effect. Nevertheless, they raise two general issues that an explicit strategy might be operative in other contexts and that orienting in response to implicit knowledge is endogenous. In our (...)
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  • In Support of a Distinction between Voluntary and Stimulus-Driven Control: A Review of the Literature on Proportion Congruent Effects. [REVIEW]Julie M. Bugg & Matthew J. C. Crump - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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