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In Science Fiction and Philosophy: From Time Travel to Superintelligence. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 260–276 (2009)

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  1. Reflections on Perspectives of Transhumanism, Buddhist Transhumanism, and Buddhist Modernism on the Self.Vera Borrmann - 2023 - NanoEthics 17 (3):1-6.
    A claim made by Buddhist or Buddhism-affine scholars such as Michael LaTorra and James Hughes is that transhumanism, neuroscience, and the teachings of Buddhism are compatible because they aim to alleviate suffering and pain and attain a stable state of happiness. This claim can be challenged. At first glance, the approach seems valid, because since the 1980s there have been dialogues and scientific collaborations with representatives of Tibetan Buddhism and scientists on the topics of neuroscience, consciousness, ethics and technology, and (...)
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  • (1 other version)With all this Pseudoscience, Why so Little Pseudotechnology?Sven Ove Hansson - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (6):685-696.
    After a review of previous uses of the term “pseudotechnology”, a definition is proposed: “A pseudotechnology is an alleged technology that is irreparably dysfunctional for its intended purpose since it is based on construction principles that cannot be made to work”. The relationship between pseudotechnology and pseudoscience is discussed, and so is the relationship between pseudotechnology and the much weaker concept of technological malfunction. An explanation is offered of why pseudotechnology is much more seldom referred to than pseudoscience: dysfunctional technology (...)
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