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  1. On the proof-theory of a first-order extension of GL.Yehuda Schwartz & George Tourlakis - 2014 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 23 (3).
    We introduce a first order extension of GL, called ML 3 , and develop its proof theory via a proxy cut-free sequent calculus GLTS. We prove the highly nontrivial result that cut is a derived rule in GLTS, a result that is unavailable in other known first-order extensions of GL. This leads to proofs of weak reflection and the related conservation result for ML 3 , as well as proofs for Craig’s interpolation theorem for GLTS. Turning to semantics we prove (...)
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  • An Arithmetically Complete Predicate Modal Logic.Yunge Hao & George Tourlakis - 2021 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50 (4):513-541.
    This paper investigates a first-order extension of GL called \. We outline briefly the history that led to \, its key properties and some of its toolbox: the \emph{conservation theorem}, its cut-free Gentzenisation, the ``formulators'' tool. Its semantic completeness is fully stated in the current paper and the proof is retold here. Applying the Solovay technique to those models the present paper establishes its main result, namely, that \ is arithmetically complete. As expanded below, \ is a first-order modal logic (...)
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  • A New Arithmetically Incomplete First-Order Extension of Gl All Theorems of Which Have Cut Free Proofs.George Tourlakis - 2016 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 45 (1).
    Reference [12] introduced a novel formula to formula translation tool that enables syntactic metatheoretical investigations of first-order modallogics, bypassing a need to convert them first into Gentzen style logics in order torely on cut elimination and the subformula property. In fact, the formulator tool,as was already demonstrated in loc. cit., is applicable even to the metatheoreticalstudy of logics such as QGL, where cut elimination is unavailable. This paper applies the formulator approach to show the independence of the axiom schema ☐A (...)
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  • A Short and Readable Proof of Cut Elimination for Two First-Order Modal Logics.Feng Gao & George Tourlakis - 2015 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 44 (3/4):131-147.
    A well established technique toward developing the proof theory of a Hilbert-style modal logic is to introduce a Gentzen-style equivalent (a Gentzenisation), then develop the proof theory of the latter, and finally transfer the metatheoretical results to the original logic (e.g., [1, 6, 8, 18, 10, 12]). In the first-order modal case, on one hand we know that the Gentzenisation of the straightforward first-order extension of GL, the logic QGL, admits no cut elimination (if the rule is included as primitive; (...)
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