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Experimental Design: Ethics, Integrity and the Scientific Method.Jonathan Lewis - 2020 - In Ron Iphofen (ed.), Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity. Springer. pp. 459-474.details
Can significant difference in regulating medical and non-medical research be justified?David Hunter - 2014 - Monash Bioethics Review 32 (3-4):254-267.details
Ethical dilemmas in research in relation to ethical review: An empirical study.Gunnel Colnerud - 2014 - Research Ethics 10 (4):238-253.details
Etyka naukowych badań społecznych. Pomiędzy kodyfikacją i instytucjonalizacją a praktyką badawczą.Adrianna Surmiak - 2020 - Diametros 19 (74):36-50.details
Researching the Mental Capacity Act 2005: reflections on governance, field relationships, and ethics with an adult who did not consent.Godfred Boahen - 2015 - Ethics and Social Welfare 9 (4):375-389.details
Ethical imperialism or ethical mindfulness? Rethinking ethical review for social sciences.Tim Bond - 2012 - Research Ethics 8 (2):97-112.details
What Can We Learn From the Discussion on Anglophone Ethics Committees? An Analysis of Selected (Contested) Issues.Adrianna Surmiak - 2023 - Diametros 19 (76):15-29.details
Psychology, ethics, and research ethics boards.Donald Sharpe & Julie Ziemer - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (8):658-673.details
Enhancing ethics review of social and behavioral research: developing a review template in Ethiopia.Liya Wassie, Senkenesh Gebre-Mariam, Geremew Tarekegne & Stuart Rennie - 2019 - Research Ethics 15 (3-4):1-23.details
Compliance with National Ethics Requirements for Human-Subject Research in Non-biomedical Sciences in Brazil: A Changing Culture?Karina de Albuquerque Rocha & Sonia M. R. Vasconcelos - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (3):693-705.details
Bioethics as Object of Study: Dilemmas of Immanence in Research Ethics Review.Carey DeMichelis - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (2):137-143.details
Navigating research ethics in the absence of an ethics review board: The importance of space for sharing.Cécile Giraud, Giuseppe Davide Cioffo, Maïté Kervyn de Lettenhove & Carlos Ramirez Chaves - 2018 - Research Ethics 15 (1):1-17.details
Between the accountable and the auditable: Ethics and ethical governance in the social sciencesSchragZachary M, Ethical Imperialism: Institutional Review Boards and the Social Sciences, 1965–2009. USA: Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.StarkLaura, Behind Closed Doors: IRBs and the Making of Ethical Research. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2011.van den HoonaardWill C, The Seduction of Ethics: Transforming the Social Sciences. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2011.1. [REVIEW]Nathan Emmerich - 2013 - Research Ethics 9 (4):175-186.details
Beyond Criticism of Ethics Review Boards: Strategies for Engaging Research Communities and Enhancing Ethical Review Processes.Andrew Hickey, Samantha Davis, Will Farmer, Julianna Dawidowicz, Clint Moloney, Andrea Lamont-Mills, Jess Carniel, Yosheen Pillay, David Akenson, Annette Brömdal, Richard Gehrmann, Dean Mills, Tracy Kolbe-Alexander, Tanya Machin, Suzanne Reich, Kim Southey, Lynda Crowley-Cyr, Taiji Watanabe, Josh Davenport, Rohit Hirani, Helena King, Roshini Perera, Lucy Williams, Kurt Timmins, Michael Thompson, Douglas Eacersall & Jacinta Maxwell - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (4):549-567.details
The case for ethics review in the social sciences: Drawing from practice at Queen Mary University of London.Maxine Robertson - 2014 - Research Ethics 10 (2):69-76.details
Komisja etyczna jako strażnik, wróg, cenzor czy partner? Proces oceny etycznej badań społecznych z udziałem osób świadczących usługi seksualne.Izabela Ślęzak - 2022 - Diametros 19 (76):30-47.details
Playing the interdisciplinary game across education-medical education boundaries:sites of knowledge, collaborative identities and methodological innovations.Sue E. Timmis & Jane Williams - unknowndetails
Social science and ethics review: A question of practice not principle.Stuart G. Nicholls, Jamie Brehaut & Raphae Saginur - 2012 - Research Ethics 8 (2):71-78.details
Evaluating the prospects for university-based ethical governance in artificial intelligence and data-driven innovation.Christine Hine - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (4):464-479.details
Improving ethical assurance for non-university researchers in crisis settings: an early vision based on democratic norms.Leanne Cochrane, Orla Drummond & Eliza Jordan - forthcoming - Research Ethics.details
Editorial: The publication of unethical research.David Hunter - 2012 - Research Ethics 8 (2):67-70.details
Rethinking Local Institutional Review Board (IRB) Review at State Health Departments: Implications for a Consolidated, Independent Public Health IRB.David Perlman - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (4):997-1007.details
Modeling Ethics: Approaches to Data Creep in Higher Education.Madisson Whitman - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (6):1-18.details
Untangling research and practice: What Facebook’s “emotional contagion” study teaches us.Danah Boyd - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (1):4-13.details
Revisions to the Common Rule: A proposal in search of evidence.Stuart G. Nicholls - 2017 - Research Ethics 13 (2):92-96.details
Providing ethical guidance for collaborative research in developing countries.Nina Morris - 2015 - Research Ethics 11 (4):211-235.details
The problems of presumed isomorphism and the ethics review of social science: A response to Schrag.Adam Hedgecoe - 2012 - Research Ethics 8 (2):79-86.details
Response to Schrag: What are ethics committees for anyway? A defence of social science research ethics review.Sean Jennings - 2012 - Research Ethics 8 (2):87-96.details
Does Research Ethics Apply to Us?Sven Ove Hansson - 2020 - Theoria 86 (1):3-8.details