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  1. Postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism? Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg in conversation.Catherine Rottenberg, Rosalind Gill & Sarah Banet-Weiser - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (1):3-24.
    In this unconventional article, Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg conduct a three-way ‘conversation’ in which they all take turns outlining how they understand the relationship among postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism. It begins with a short introduction, and then Ros, Sarah and Catherine each define the term they have become associated with. This is followed by another round in which they discuss the overlaps, similarities and disjunctures among the terms, and the article ends with how each one (...)
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  • Leaving Productivism behind: Towards a Holistic and Processual Philosophy of Ecological Management.Pasi Heikkurinen, Toni Ruuska, Anna Kuokkanen & Sally Russell - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (1):21-36.
    This article examines parallels between the increasing mental burnout and environmental overshoot in the organisational context. The article argues that there is a particular philosophy of management that connects these two phenomena of overshoot and burnout, namely productivism. As there are boundaries in all ecological processes and systems, the productivist aim of having ever more output and growth is deemed absurd. It is proposed that productivity as a management philosophy not only leads to mental ill-health in organisations but also to (...)
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  • Loneliness is a feminist issue.Eleanor Wilkinson - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (1):23-38.
    Loneliness is often described as a deadly epidemic sweeping across the population, a silent killer. Loneliness, we are told, is a social disease that must be cured. But what does it mean to think of loneliness as a feminist issue, and what might a specifically feminist theorisation bring to conceptualisations of loneliness? In this paper, I argue that feminism helps us see that loneliness is not just personal but political. I trace how stories of loneliness surface, circulate, shift and compound (...)
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  • Care-ful Work: An Ethics of Care Approach to Contingent Labour in the Creative Industries.Ana Alacovska & Joëlle Bissonnette - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):135-151.
    Studies of creative industries typically contend that creative work is profoundly precarious, taking place on a freelance basis in highly competitive, individualized and contingent labour markets. Such studies depict creative workers as correspondingly self-enterprising, self-reliant, self-interested and calculative agents who valorise care-free independence. In contrast, we adopt the ‘ethics of care’ approach to explore, recognize and appreciate the communitarian, relational and moral considerations as well as interpersonal connectedness and interdependencies that underpin creative work. Drawing on in-depth interviews with creative workers (...)
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  • The entrepreneur of the self beyond Foucault’s neoliberal homo oeconomicus.Tim Christiaens - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (4):493-511.
    In his lectures on neoliberalism, Michel Foucault argues that neoliberalism produces subjects as ‘entrepreneurs of themselves’. He bases this claim on Gary Becker’s conception of the utility-maximizing agent who solely acts upon cost/benefit-calculations. Not all neoliberalized subjects, however, are encouraged to maximize their utility through mere calculation. This article argues that Foucault’s description of neoliberal subjectivity obscures a non-calculative, more audacious side to neoliberal subjectivity. Precarious workers in the creative industries, for example, are encouraged not merely to rationally manage their (...)
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  • On the Ethics of Psychometric Instruments Used in Leadership Development Programmes.Suze Wilson, Hugh Lee, Jackie Ford & Nancy Harding - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (2):211-227.
    The leadership development industry regularly claims to aid in developing effective, ethical leaders, using 360-degree psychometric assessments as key tools for so doing. This paper analyses the effects of such tools on those subjected to and subjectivised by them from a Foucauldian perspective. We argue that instead of encouraging ethical leadership such instruments inculcate practices and belief systems that perpetuate falsehoods, misrepresentations and inequalities. ‘Followers’ are presumed compliant, malleable beings needing leaders to determine what is in their interests. Such techniques (...)
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  • Are you a neoliberal subject? On the uses and abuses of a concept.Galen Watts - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (3):458-476.
    A spate of social scientific literature gives the impression that societies in the twenty-first century are overrun with ‘neoliberal subjects’. But what does it actually mean to be a neoliberal subject? And in what ways does this concept relate to ‘neoliberalism’, more generally? In this article, I distinguish between four common ways of thinking about ‘neoliberalism’: as a set of economic policies, as a hegemonic ideological project, as a political rationality and form of governmentality and as a specific type of (...)
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  • Responsibility for Sexual Injustices: Toward an Intersectional Account.Erinn Cunniff Gilson - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):422-446.
    Public discussion of sexual victimization has intensified within the US context and globally. One noteworthy feature of recent public discourse in the US is that it calls for a broadening of responsibility with respect to both the parties involved and the forms of sexual victimization for which people are held to account. Yet often the narratives about responsibility and practices of responsibility-taking that dominate in this discussion remain individualizing and penalizing. This essay takes stock of the myriad failures of responsibility (...)
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  • How markets are made: Race, democracy and transnationalism in neoliberal thought.Lars Cornelissen - 2019 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (4):793-803.
    As offshoots of and reactions to neoliberalism continue to dominate our political imaginary, the scholarly critique of neoliberal thought remains urgent and timely. This article engages with two re...
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  • Postfeminist Versions of Equality? An Analysis of Relationship and Sex Counseling Practices in Finland.Marjo Kolehmainen - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (1):63-87.
    Relationship and sex counseling are pivotal components of the “therapeutization of society,” which has been identified and widely examined as a key transformation of 21st-century modern Western societies. The particular understandings of gender and sexuality that circulate in those practices contribute to the wider everyday conceptions of intimate life and are thus important to investigate from a feminist perspective. Combining insights from studies on therapeutic cultures, research on intimate relationships, scholarship on postfeminism, and affect theory, this article taps into the (...)
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  • La difusión del lenguaje terapéutico a través de la literatura gerencial y de autoayuda.Maria Medina-Vicent - 2020 - Agora 39 (2):33-58.
    La sociedad del “nuevo espíritu del capitalismo” se caracteriza por la profusión del lenguaje terapéutico entre la población, un tipo de lenguaje que responde al desarrollo del malestar que la posmodernidad y el capitalismo feroz causan en los individuos. En dicho contexto, valores como la autonomía, el éxito, la creatividad y el empoderamiento pierden su poder de transformación social para convertirse en herramientas disciplinarias al servicio del sistema neoliberal. En el presente artículo abordaremos dos herramientas que consideramos, contribuyen a la (...)
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  • Superfood as spatial fix: the ascent of the almond.Emily Reisman - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):337-351.
    In the twenty-first century, a widening array of unassuming fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains have been crowned “superfoods.” While many are exotic imports marketed to Western consumers through neocolonial narratives, others are familiar domestically-grown supermarket staples spectacularly rebranded. Why has “superfood” status become so central to the American produce industry? What sort of subjectivities does a superfood cultivate among consumers? This paper charts the ascent of the almond to superfood status as the latest in a series of spatial fixes alleviating (...)
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