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  1. The social function of Attic tragedy1.Jasper Griffin - 1998 - Classical Quarterly 48 (01):39-.
    The time is long gone when literary men were happy to treat literature, and tragic poetry in particular, as something which exists serenely outside time, high up in the empyrean of unchanging validity and absolute values. Nowadays it is conventional, and seems natural, to insist that literature is produced within a particular society and a particular social setting: even its most gorgeous blooms have their roots in the soil of history. Its understanding requires us to understand the society which appreciated (...)
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  • Civic Ideology and the problem of difference: the politics of Aeschylean tragedy, once again.Simon Goldhill - 2000 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 120:34-56.
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  • Framing the Gift: The Politics of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi.Richard T. Neer - 2001 - Classical Antiquity 20 (2):273-344.
    Thêsauroi, or treasure-houses, are small, temple-like structures, found typically in the sanctuaries of Delphi and Olympia. They were built by Greek city-states to house the dedications of their citizens. But a thêsauros is not just a storeroom: it is also a frame for costly votives, a way of diverting elite display in the interest of the city. When placed on view in a treasure-house, the individual dedication is re-contextualized: although it still reflects well on its dedicant, it also glorifies the (...)
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  • Inventing the hetaira: sex, politics, and discursive conflict in archaic Greece.Leslie Kurke - 1997 - Classical Antiquity 16 (1):106-150.
    According to Xenophon, the hetaira "gratified" her patron as a philos, participating in an aristocratic network of gift exchange , while the pornê, as her name signified, trafficked in sex as a commodity. Recent writers on Greek prostitution have acknowledged that hetaira vs. pornê may be as much a discursive opposition as a real difference in status, but still, very little attention has been paid to the period of the "invention" of this binary. Hetaira meaning "courtesan" first occurs in Herodotus (...)
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  • The Pindaric First Person in Flux.B. G. F. Currie - 2013 - Classical Antiquity 32 (2):243-282.
    This article argues that in Pindar's epinicians first-person statements may occasionally be made in the persona of the chorus and the athletic victor. The speaking persona behind Pindar's first-person statements varies quite widely: from generic, rhetorical poses—a laudator, an aoidos in the rhapsodic tradition (the “bardic first person”), an Everyman (the “first person indefinite”)—to strongly individualized figures: the Theban poet Pindar, the chorus, the victor. The arguable changes in the speaker's persona are not explicitly signalled in the text. This can (...)
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  • Madness and Bestialization in euripides' Heracles.Antonietta Provenza - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):68-93.
    Against a background of anxious evocation of Dionysiac rites, Euripides'Heraclesstages the extreme degradation of the tragic hero who, as a consequence of the hatred of a divinity, loses his heroic traits and above all his human ones in the exercise of brutal violence. By comparing Heracles in the grip of madness to a furious bull assailing its prey, the tragedian clearly shows the inexorability of the divine will and its arbitrariness, and emphasizes madness itself through images traditionally associated with the (...)
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  • A dithyramb for Augustus: Horace, odes 4.2.Alex Hardie - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):253-285.
    Odes4.2 ostensibly looks forward to two public events lying at some indeterminate point in the future, Augustus' return from campaign in Gaul, and a triumph over the Sygambri. The celebrations anticipated for these occasions frame the second half of the ode; but they do not supply its dramatic setting or timing, and the latter is evidently associated with the period following Augustus' departure for Gaul in summer 16b.c., or at any rate with a time when the Sygambri were felt still (...)
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  • Dangerous Gifts: Ideologies of Marriage and Exchange in Ancient Greece.Deborah Lyons - 2003 - Classical Antiquity 22 (1):93-134.
    A familiar theme in Greek myth is that of the deadly gift that passes between a man and a woman. Analysis of exchanges between men and women reveals the gendered nature of exchange in ancient Greek mythic thinking. Using the anthropological categories of male and female wealth , it is possible to arrive at an understanding of the protocols of exchange as they relate to men and especially to women. These protocols, which are based in part on the distinction between (...)
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  • Epitaphs and citizenship in classical Athens.Elizabeth A. Meyer - 1993 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 113:99-121.
    ‘Death is bad for those who die, but good for the undertakers and the grave-diggers’. And for archaeologists and for epigraphers as well, even though epitaphs, and especially simple or formulaic ones, are probably the most understudied and unloved area of ancient epigraphy. Yet the mere fact of an inscribed epitaph indicates deliberate and intentionally enduring commemoration, and therefore embodies a social attitude; epitaphs thus constitute a matter of historical importance that can be studied for the very reason that so (...)
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  • Diverting Demons: Ritual, Poetic Mockery and the Odysseus-Iros Encounter.Deborah Steiner - 2009 - Classical Antiquity 28 (1):71-100.
    This article treats the verbal and physical altercation between the disguised Odysseus and the local beggar Iros at the start of Odyssey 18 and explores the overlapping ritual and generic aspects of the encounter so as to account for many of its otherwise puzzling features. Beginning with the detailed characterization of Iros at the book's start, I demonstrate how the poet assigns to the parasite properties and modes of behavior that have close analogues in later descriptions of pharmakoi and of (...)
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  • The Dramatization of Emotions in Iliad 24.552–658.Ruobing Xian - 2020 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 164 (2):181-196.
    This article argues that the episode in Il. 24.552–658 involving Achilles and Priam brings out the hero’s ability to control his emotions – even if he did lose them momentarily – by means of his calculation of what will come next. This interpretation fits the compositional structure of the epic, whose closure is highlighted by the hero’s dramatized emotions in his encounter with the Trojan king.
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  • Pindar's Pythian 11 and the Oresteia: Contestatory Ritual Poetics in the 5th c. BCE.Leslie Kurke - 2013 - Classical Antiquity 32 (1):101-175.
    The scholiasts offer two different dates for the Pythian victory of the Theban Thrasydaios celebrated in Pindar's eleventh Pythian ode: 474 or 454 bce. Following several older scholars, I accept the latter date, mainly because Pindar's myth in this poem is a mini-Oresteia, teeming with what seem to be echoes of the language, plotting, and sequencing of Aischylos' trilogy of 458 bce, as well as allusions to the genre of tragedy in general. Yet even those scholars who have argued for (...)
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  • A New Outlook on the Birth of Philosophy in Greece and India. Seaford, R. (2020). The Origins of Philosophy in Ancient Greece and Ancient India. A Historical Comparison. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [REVIEW]Sergii Shevtsov - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (1):216-225.
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  • Новий погляд на виникнення філософії у Греції та Індії. Seaford, R. (2020). The Origins of Philosophy in Ancient Greece and Ancient India. A Historical Comparison. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [REVIEW]Сергій Шевцов - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (1):216-225.
    У цій статті наведено стислий опис основних тез нової книги Ричарда Сіфорда. Деякі з цих тез я піддаю критиці. Зокрема, висловлено сумніви в тому, що спільні характерис- тики й хронологічну близькість зародження філософії в Стародавній Греції й Індії можна пояснити спільним процесом зростання грошового обігу в цих культурах. Я стверджую, що Сіфорд фактично вживає монетизацію як метафізичну категорію. Це дуже схоже марксистський ужиток поняття праці. На мою думку, основними процесами переходу між реальними людськими діями та їх метафізичним сприйняттям є інтеріори- (...)
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