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  1. Models for normal intuitionistic modal logics.Milan Božić & Kosta Došen - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (3):217 - 245.
    Kripke-style models with two accessibility relations, one intuitionistic and the other modal, are given for analogues of the modal systemK based on Heyting's prepositional logic. It is shown that these two relations can combine with each other in various ways. Soundness and completeness are proved for systems with only the necessity operator, or only the possibility operator, or both. Embeddings in modal systems with several modal operators, based on classical propositional logic, are also considered. This paper lays the ground for (...)
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  • Basic Intuitionistic Conditional Logic.Yale Weiss - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (3):447-469.
    Conditional logics have traditionally been intended to formalize various intuitively correct modes of reasoning involving conditional expressions in natural language. Although conditional logics have by now been thoroughly studied in a classical context, they have yet to be systematically examined in an intuitionistic context, despite compelling philosophical and technical reasons to do so. This paper addresses this gap by thoroughly examining the basic intuitionistic conditional logic ICK, the intuitionistic counterpart of Chellas’ important classical system CK. I give ICK both worlds (...)
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  • (1 other version)Monadic Intuitionistic and Modal Logics Admitting Provability Interpretations.Guram Bezhanishvili, Kristina Brantley & Julia Ilin - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):427-467.
    The Gödel translation provides an embedding of the intuitionistic logic$\mathsf {IPC}$into the modal logic$\mathsf {Grz}$, which then embeds into the modal logic$\mathsf {GL}$via the splitting translation. Combined with Solovay’s theorem that$\mathsf {GL}$is the modal logic of the provability predicate of Peano Arithmetic$\mathsf {PA}$, both$\mathsf {IPC}$and$\mathsf {Grz}$admit provability interpretations. When attempting to ‘lift’ these results to the monadic extensions$\mathsf {MIPC}$,$\mathsf {MGrz}$, and$\mathsf {MGL}$of these logics, the same techniques no longer work. Following a conjecture made by Esakia, we add an appropriate version (...)
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  • (1 other version)Decidable fragments of first-order modal logics.Frank Wolter & Michael Zakharyaschev - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1415-1438.
    The paper considers the set ML 1 of first-order polymodal formulas the modal operators in which can be applied to subformulas of at most one free variable. Using a mosaic technique, we prove a general satisfiability criterion for formulas in ML 1 , which reduces the modal satisfiability to the classical one. The criterion is then used to single out a number of new, in a sense optimal, decidable fragments of various modal predicate logics.
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  • Temporal Interpretation of Monadic Intuitionistic Quantifiers.Guram Bezhanishvili & Luca Carai - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):164-187.
    We show that monadic intuitionistic quantifiers admit the following temporal interpretation: “always in the future” (for$\forall $) and “sometime in the past” (for$\exists $). It is well known that Prior’s intuitionistic modal logic${\sf MIPC}$axiomatizes the monadic fragment of the intuitionistic predicate logic, and that${\sf MIPC}$is translated fully and faithfully into the monadic fragment${\sf MS4}$of the predicate${\sf S4}$via the Gödel translation. To realize the temporal interpretation mentioned above, we introduce a new tense extension${\sf TS4}$of${\sf S4}$and provide a full and faithful translation (...)
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  • A uniform tableau method for intuitionistic modal logics I.Giambattista Amati & Fiora Pirri - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (1):29 - 60.
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  • Label-free natural deduction systems for intuitionistic and classical modal logics.Didier Galmiche & Yakoub Salhi - 2010 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (4):373-421.
    In this paper we study natural deduction for the intuitionistic and classical (normal) modal logics obtained from the combinations of the axioms T, B, 4 and 5. In this context we introduce a new multi-contextual structure, called T-sequent, that allows to design simple labelfree natural deduction systems for these logics. After proving that they are sound and complete we show that they satisfy the normalization property and consequently the subformula property in the intuitionistic case.
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  • Gentzen sequent calculi for some intuitionistic modal logics.Zhe Lin & Minghui Ma - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (4):596-623.
    Intuitionistic modal logics are extensions of intuitionistic propositional logic with modal axioms. We treat with two modal languages ${\mathscr{L}}_\Diamond $ and $\mathscr{L}_{\Diamond,\Box }$ which extend the intuitionistic propositional language with $\Diamond $ and $\Diamond,\Box $, respectively. Gentzen sequent calculi are established for several intuitionistic modal logics. In particular, we introduce a Gentzen sequent calculus for the well-known intuitionistic modal logic $\textsf{MIPC}$. These sequent calculi admit cut elimination and subformula property. They are decidable.
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  • Failure of the Blok–Esakia Theorem in the monadic setting.G. Bezhanishvili & L. Carai - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (4):103527.
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  • On the Finite Model Property of Intuitionistic Modal Logics over MIPC.Takahito Aoto & Hiroyuki Shirasu - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (4):435-448.
    MIPC is a well-known intuitionistic modal logic of Prior and Bull . It is shown that every normal intuitionistic modal logic L over MIPC has the finite model property whenever L is Kripke-complete and universal.
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