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  1. Historical Temporalities of Capital: An Anti-Historicist Perspective.Massimiliano Tomba - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (4):44-65.
    Marx's rethinking of the combination between absolute surplus-value and relative surplus-value during the 1860s is very important in order to reconsider the co-presence of different forms of historical temporality and exploitation. Postmodernism presents a picture of a plurality of historical times in which the old lies beside the modern and the sweatshop beside the high-tech factory. Because it fails to provide an explanation of the relation between these forms, postmodernism produces a false image of an 'ahistorical' present. In this article (...)
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  • Karl Marx.Jonathan Wolff - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Karl Marx (1818-1883) is best known not as a philosopher but as a revolutionary communist, whose works inspired the foundation of many communist regimes in the twentieth century. It is hard to think of many who have had as much influence in the creation of the modern world. Trained as a philosopher, Marx turned away from philosophy in his mid-twenties, towards economics and politics. However, in addition to his overtly philosophical early work, his later writings have many points of contact (...)
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  • Thinking past Henri Lefebvre : introducing “the theory of ground rent and rural sociology”.Stuart Elden & Adam David Morton - 2016 - Antipode 48 (1):57-66.
    This introduction to the translation of Henri Lefebvre's 1956 essay “The theory of ground rent and rural Sociology” moves through three stages. First, it suggests that Anglophone appropriations of Lefebvre have tended to focus too much on his urban writings, at the expense of understanding his early work on rural sociology, and failing to recognise how his urban focus emerged as a result of his interest in rural–urban transformation. Second, it provides a summary of his wider work on rural questions, (...)
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  • Piercing the Present with the Past.Harry Harootunian - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (4):60-74.
    This response to Tomba’sMarx’s Temporalitieshomes in on its critical interrogation of linear conceptions of development which have distorted Marxism’s capacity to seize the present. The article foregrounds the resources on which Tomba draws, from Walter Benjamin’s theses on history to Marx’s account of the struggles over the working day, and enlists them in an encounter with the questions of unevenness, archaism and pre-capitalism in Postcolonial theory, as well as in the attempts to ‘overcome modernity’ that marked the thought and practice (...)
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  • Marx’s Temporal Bridges and Other Pathways.Massimiliano Tomba - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (4):75-91.
    In this article I reply to three critics. Responding to Cinzia Arruzza, I argue that capital encounters a large spectrum of differences of gender, religion and ethnicity, as well as differences generated by racism. Capital is able to use these differences to its own profit in order to differentiate wages and intensities of exploitation and thereby divide the working class. Responding to Peter Osborne, I contend that my temporal-layered framework elucidates how capital organises and synchronises different temporalities according to the (...)
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  • Karl Marx as philosopher of freedom.Andrzej Walicki - 1988 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 2 (4):10-58.
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  • Vera Zasulich’s Critique of Neo-Populism.Constanza Bosch Alessio & Daniel Gaido - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (4):93-125.
    Vera Zasulich’s shooting of Trepov, a governor of St Petersburg who had ordered the flogging of a political prisoner, in January 1878, catapulted her to international fame as a revolutionary heroine, a reputation that she put to good use by becoming one of the five ‘founding parents’ of Russian Marxism that created the ‘Group for the Emancipation of Labour’ in 1883. But her act of self-sacrifice also triggered, to her dismay, the institutionalisation of individual terrorist tactics in the Russian Populist (...)
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  • Reframing development theory: the significance of the idea of uneven and combined development.Fouad Makki - 2015 - Theory and Society 44 (5):471-497.
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  • La ética de la liberación ante la ética del discurso.Enrique Dussel - 1996 - Isegoría 13:135-149.
    En este artículo el autor responde a cuatro objeciones que Karí-Otto Apel desarrolla en el trabajo: «La ética del Discurso ante el desafío de la Filosofía de la Liberación» (lsegoría 11, pp. 108•125). 1) La miseria, que es una evidencia de exigencia ética, necesita para alcanzar validez intersubjetiva de la mediación hermenéutica de las ciencias sociales criticas. 2) En el nivel ideológico la Filosofía de la Liberación no acepta ser criticada de historicisrno y de un cierto econornicismo marxista Standard, ya (...)
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  • The Re-Invention of Populism: Islamist Responses to Capitalist Development in the Contemporary Maghreb.Alejandro Colás - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (4):231-260.
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  • Rearticulating Contemporary Populism.Michael Bray - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (3):27-64.
    Oriented, descriptively, by recent liberal definitions of populism, this essay pursues a historical-materialist definition that grounds populist antagonisms in class struggles as ‘crystallised’ in the capitalist state. A critical assessment of Laclau’s early equation of populism and socialism inaugurates the reading of Poulantzas’s relational account of class and state as a nascent framework for a theory of populism, centred on the state and its ideological crystallisation of individualisation, the mental/manual-labour division and the ‘people-nation’. This framework is then expanded to articulate (...)
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  • Marxism, Law and the Global South: Asiatic Mode of Production Debates, The Legal Subject and the Promise of Left Universalism.Nergis Canefe - 2021 - Https://Pressbooks.Pub/Daraja21/.
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  • Idle No More.Jeffery R. Webber - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (3):3-29.
    This article introduces the symposium on Glen Coulthard’s Red Skin, White Masks. It begins by situating the book’s publication in the wake of the extensive mobilisations of the Idle No More movement in Canada in 2012–13. Coulthard’s strategic hypotheses on the horizons of Indigenous liberation in the book are intimately linked to his participation in these recent struggles. The article then locates Red Skin, White Masks within a wider renaissance of Indigenous Studies in the North American context in recent years, (...)
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