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Man on His Nature

Cambridge University Press (1940)

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  1. Movement: What Evolution and Gesture Can Teach Us About Its Centrality in Natural History and Its Lifelong Significance.Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - 2019 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 44 (1):239-259.
    Midwest Studies In Philosophy, Volume 44, Issue 1, Page 239-259, December 2019: -/- When people speak or write of “embodied” in one form or another, as in embodied mind, embodied cognition, embodied language, embodied self, and so on, they implicitly look past if not outright deny the realities of evolution. Animate life evolves on the basis of different morphologies. Animals with differing morphologies establish not merely different niches but different modes of living, which in the most fundamental sense means establishing (...)
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  • Reconceptualizing the Organism: From Complex Machine to Flowing Stream.Daniel J. Nicholson - 2018 - In Daniel J. Nicholson & John Dupré (eds.), Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter draws on insights from non-equilibrium thermodynamics to demonstrate the ontological inadequacy of the machine conception of the organism. The thermodynamic character of living systems underlies the importance of metabolism and calls for the adoption of a processual view, exemplified by the Heraclitean metaphor of the stream of life. This alternative conception is explored in its various historical formulations and the extent to which it captures the nature of living systems is examined. Following this, the chapter considers the metaphysical (...)
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  • Quantum Mechanics of 'Conscious Energy'.Syed Ismyl Mahmood Rizvi - 2018 - International Journal of Mind, Brain and Cognition 9 (1-2):132-160.
    This paper is aiming to investigate the physical substrate of conscious process. It will attempt to find out: How does conscious process establish relations between their external stimuli and internal stimuli in order to create reality? How does consciousness devoid of new sensory input result to its new quantum effects? And how does conscious process gain mass in brain? This paper will also try to locate the origins of consciousness at the level of neurons along with the quantum effects of (...)
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  • Consciousness as a Physical Process Caused by the Organization of Energy in the Brain.Robert Pepperell - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:393597.
    To explain consciousness as a physical process we must acknowledge the role of energy in the brain. Energetic activity is fundamental to all physical processes and causally drives biological behavior. Recent neuroscientific evidence can be interpreted in a way that suggests consciousness is a product of the organization of energetic activity in the brain. The nature of energy itself, though, remains largely mysterious, and we do not fully understand how it contributes to brain function or consciousness. According to the principle (...)
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  • Reliability and Validity of Experiment in the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.Sullivan Jacqueline Anne - 2007 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
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  • Embodiment on trial: a phenomenological investigation.Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (1):23-39.
    This paper considers dimensions of animate life that are readily “embodied” by phenomenologists and by other philosophy and science researchers as well. The paper demonstrates how the practice of “embodying” short-circuits veritable phenomenological accounts of experience through a neglect of attention to Husserl’s basic conception of, and consistent concern with, animate organism. The paper specifies how in doing so, the practice muddies a clear distinction between the body ‘I have’ and the body ‘I am’, and a clear account of their (...)
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  • Experiential facts?Andy Clark - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):207-208.
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  • Escape from the Cartesian Theater.Daniel C. Dennett & Marcel Kinsbourne - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):234-247.
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  • Mental representation: Always delayed but not always ephemeral.Roger N. Shepard - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):223-224.
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  • Time for more alternatives.Robert Van Gulick - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):228-229.
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  • The psychoanatomy of consciousness: Neural integration occurs in single cells.Gerald S. Wasserman - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):232-233.
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  • What is consciousness for, anyway?Bruce Bridgeman - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):206-207.
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  • The emperor's old hat.Don Perlis - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):680-681.
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  • Neuroscience and psi-ence.Barry L. Beyerstein - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):571.
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  • Parapsychology: Science of the anomalous or search for the soul?James E. Alcock - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):553.
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  • Distance, ESP, and ideology.Z. Vassy - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):616.
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  • Frogs solve Bernstein's problem.Lloyd D. Partridge - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):619-620.
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  • Motor equivalence and goal descriptors.Kevin G. Munhall - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):615-616.
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  • Biological roots of musical epistemology: Functional cycles, Umwelt, and enactive listening.Mark Reybrouck - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (134):599-633.
    This article argues for an epistemology of music, stating that dealing with music can be considered as a process of knowledge acquisition. What really matters is not the representation of an ontological musical reality, but the generation of music knowledge as a tool for adaptation to the sonic world. Three major positions are brought together: the epistemological claims of Jean Piaget, the biological methodology of Jakob von Uexküll, and the constructivistic conceptions of Ernst von Glasersfeld, each ingstress the role of (...)
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  • The Other Edge of Ockham’s Razor: The A-PR Hypothesis and the Origin of Mind. [REVIEW]Zann Gill - 2013 - Biosemiotics 6 (3):403-419.
    Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution characterized all life as engaged in a “struggle for existence”. To struggle requires internal data processing to detect and interpret patterns to guide behavior, a mechanism to struggle for existence. The cognitive bootstrapping A-PR cycle (Autonomy | Pattern Recognition) couples the origin of life and mind, enabling their symbiotic co-evolution. Life processes energy to create order. Mind processes data to create meaning. Life and mind co-evolve toward increased functional effectiveness, using A-PR feedback cycles that reflect (...)
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  • Interfacing religion and the neurosciences: A review of twenty-five years of exploration and reflection. [REVIEW]James B. Ashbrook - 1996 - Zygon 31 (4):545-572.
    Exploration and reflection on the interfacing of religion and the neurosciences in the last twenty‐five years provide a unique point of convergence on the relationship between science and religion. A focus on two streams of consciousness characterized the first phase in the 1970s. Scholarship suggested correlates between the styles of analytical steps and synthetic leaps of imagination and the belief patterns of proclamation and manifestation. The use of lateralized consciousness was critiqued as covering too much as well as not attending (...)
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  • The Passions of the soul and Descartes’s machine psychology.Gary Hatfield - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38 (1):1-35.
    Descartes developed an elaborate theory of animal physiology that he used to explain functionally organized, situationally adapted behavior in both human and nonhuman animals. Although he restricted true mentality to the human soul, I argue that he developed a purely mechanistic (or material) ‘psychology’ of sensory, motor, and low-level cognitive functions. In effect, he sought to mechanize the offices of the Aristotelian sensitive soul. He described the basic mechanisms in the Treatise on man, which he summarized in the Discourse. However, (...)
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  • Hope and world survival.Kuang‐Ming Wu - 1972 - World Futures 12 (1):131-148.
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  • Rodney Cotterill, enchanted looms: Conscious networks in brains and computers. [REVIEW]Rob Wilson - 2001 - Minds and Machines 11 (3):433-437.
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  • The anomaly called psi: Recent research and criticism.K. Ramakrishna Rao & John Palmer - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):539-51.
    Over the past hundred years, a number of scientific investigators claim to have adduced experimental evidence for phenomena information” seems to behave like a weak signal that has to compete for the information-processing resources of the organism, a reduction of ongoing sensorimotor activity may facilitate ESP detection. Such a meaningful convergence of results suggests that psi phenomena may represent a unitary, coherent process whose nature and compatibility with current physical theory have yet to be determined. The theoretical implications and potential (...)
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  • The first computational theory of mind and brain: A close look at McCulloch and Pitts' Logical Calculus of Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity.Gualtiero Piccinini - 2004 - Synthese 141 (2):175-215.
    Despite its significance in neuroscience and computation, McCulloch and Pitts's celebrated 1943 paper has received little historical and philosophical attention. In 1943 there already existed a lively community of biophysicists doing mathematical work on neural networks. What was novel in McCulloch and Pitts's paper was their use of logic and computation to understand neural, and thus mental, activity. McCulloch and Pitts's contributions included (i) a formalism whose refinement and generalization led to the notion of finite automata (an important formalism in (...)
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  • Precis of the emperor's new mind.Roger Penrose - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):643-705.
    The emperor's new mind (hereafter Emperor) is an attempt to put forward a scientific alternative to the viewpoint of according to which mental activity is merely the acting out of some algorithmic procedure. John Searle and other thinkers have likewise argued that mere calculation does not, of itself, evoke conscious mental attributes, such as understanding or intentionality, but they are still prepared to accept the action the brain, like that of any other physical object, could in principle be simulated by (...)
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  • Time and the observer: The where and when of consciousness in the brain.Daniel C. Dennett & Marcel Kinsbourne - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):183-201.
    _Behavioral and Brain Sciences_ , 15, 183-247, 1992. Reprinted in _The Philosopher's Annual_ , Grim, Mar and Williams, eds., vol. XV-1992, 1994, pp. 23-68; Noel Sheehy and Tony Chapman, eds., _Cognitive Science_ , Vol. I, Elgar, 1995, pp.210-274.
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  • Consciousness, brain, and the physical world.Max Velmans - 1990 - Philosophical Psychology 3 (1):77-99.
    Dualist and Reductionist theories of mind disagree about whether or not consciousness can be reduced to a state of or function of the brain. They assume, however, that the contents of consciousness are separate from the external physical world as-perceived. According to the present paper this assumption has no foundation either in everyday experience or in science. Drawing on evidence for perceptual projection in both interoceptive and exteroceptive sense modalities, the case is made that the physical world as-perceived is a (...)
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  • Three overlooked key functional classes for building up minimal synthetic cells.Antoine Danchin - 2021 - Synthetic Biology 6 (1):ysab010.
    Assembly of minimal genomes revealed many genes encoding unknown functions. Three overlooked functional categories account for some of them. Cells are prone to make errors and age. As a first key function, discrimination between proper and changed entities is indispensable. Discrimination requires management of information, an authentic, yet abstract, cur- rency of reality. For example proteins age, sometimes very fast. The cell must identify, then get rid of old proteins without destroying young ones. Implementing discrimination in cells leads to the (...)
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  • Distinguishing Representations as Origin and Representations as Input: Roles for Individual Neurons.Jonathan C. W. Edwards - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • The cell as nexus: connections between the history, philosophy and science of cell biology.Maureen A. O’Malley & Staffan Müller-Wille - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (3):169-171.
    Although the cell is commonly addressed as the unit of life, historians and philosophers have devoted relatively little attention to this concept in comparison to other fundamental concepts of biology such as the gene or species. As a partial remedy to this neglect, we introduce the cell as a major point of connection between various disciplinary approaches, epistemic strategies, technological vectors and overarching biological processes such as metabolism, growth, reproduction and evolution. We suggest that the role of the cell as (...)
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  • Mechanism and vitalism. A history of the controversy.Geert Jan M. De Klerk - 1979 - Acta Biotheoretica 28 (1):1-10.
    This is an attempt to interpret the history of mechanism vs. vitalism in relation to the changing framework of culture and to show the interrelation between both these views and experimental science. After the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century, causal mechanism of classical physics provided the framework for the study of nature. The teleological and holistic properties of life, however, which are incompatible with this theory yielded — as a result both of internal developments within biology and of a (...)
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  • Global pattern perception and temporal order judgments.Richard M. Warren - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):230-231.
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  • Toward an identity theory of consciousness.Dan Lloyd - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):215-216.
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  • Why you'll never know whether Roger Penrose is a computer.Clark Glymour & Kevin Kelly - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):666-667.
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  • The discomforts of dualism.Bruce MacLennan - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):673-674.
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  • Alcock's critique of Schmidt's experiments.Helmut Schmidt - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):609.
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  • Experimental evidence for paranormal phenomena.C. E. M. Hansel - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):590.
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  • Parapsychology's critics: A link with the past?Brian Mackenzie - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):597.
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  • Behavioral stress and myocardial ischemia: An example of conditional response modification.George E. Billman - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (2):295-296.
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  • Orthodoxy and excommunication in science.D. C. Donderi - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):582.
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  • According to “physical irreversibility,” the “paranormal” is not de jure suppressed, but is de facto repressed.O. Costa de Beauregard - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):569.
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  • Psi and the unwilling suspension of belief.Gary Bauslaugh - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):569.
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  • Complexity in control of movements.Gyan C. Agarwal & Gerald L. Gottlieb - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):599-600.
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  • (2 other versions)Dualism.Howard Robinson - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This entry concerns dualism in the philosophy of mind. The term ‘dualism’ has a variety of uses in the history of thought. In general, the idea is that, for some particular domain, there are two fundamental kinds or categories of things or principles. In theology, for example a ‘dualist’ is someone who believes that Good and Evil — or God and the Devil — are independent and more or less equal forces in the world. Dualism contrasts with monism, which is (...)
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  • Susan Blackmore, the meme machine.Matthew Elton - 2001 - Minds and Machines 11 (3):437-442.
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  • Begging the question against phenomenal consciousness.Ned Block - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):205-206.
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  • Nothing is instantaneous, even in sensation.Robert A. M. Gregson - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):210-211.
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  • Some mistakes about consciousness and their motivation.S. L. Hurley - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):211-212.
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