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  1. Socially Responsible Human Resource Management and Employee Moral Voice: Based on the Self-determination Theory.Hongdan Zhao, Yuanhua Chen & Weiwei Liu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (3):929-946.
    Behind the frequent occurrence of business scandals, it is often the silence and connivance of organizational immorality. Moral voice, a kind of employee active moral behavior, inhibits and prevents the organizational unethical phenomenon. Some researchers have sought to explore how to arouse employee moral voice. However, the limited studies mainly investigated the antecedents of leadership styles, ignoring the impact of the organizational factor on moral voice. Based on the self-determination theory, the current study constructs a theoretical model about how socially (...)
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  • The Effects of CEO Awards on Corporate Social Responsibility Focus.Juelin Yin, Jiangyan Li & Jun Ma - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (4):897-916.
    Integrating stakeholder agency theory with the instrumental corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature, this study explores how award-winning CEOs consider personal interests and balance competing stakeholder demands when they decide between external and internal CSR, or CSR focus. Using a difference-in-differences research design, we find that after winning a prestigious media award, CEOs engage in more external CSR, which is more visible to the public, and less internal CSR, which is less likely to attract public attention. We find that such an (...)
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  • Multilevel Examination of How and When Socially Responsible Human Resource Management Improves the Well-Being of Employees.Zhe Zhang, Juan Wang & Ming Jia - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (1):55-71.
    Although empirical evidence has shown that socially responsible human resource management practices positively influence employees’ outcomes, knowledge on the social impact of SRHRM practices on employee well-being has been limited. Drawing upon the social information processing theory and attribution theory, we investigate whether, how, and when SRHRM practices increase the well-being of employees. Using multiphase and multilevel data from 474 employees in 50 companies, we find that SRHRM practices positively predict employee well-being and that the relationship is mediated by employees’ (...)
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  • Dual-Mediation Paths Linking Corporate Social Responsibility to Employee’s Job Performance: A Multilevel Approach.Miaoying Fang, Peng Fan, Surya Nepal & Po-Chien Chang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study attempts to examine the direct impact of corporate social responsibility initiatives on employees’ job performance and the indirect relationships between CSR initiatives on employees’ job performance via industrial relations climate and psychological contract fulfillment. Data were collected from 764 supervisor–subordinate dyads and 271 middle managers from 85 companies. Using a multilevel approach, the results showed that organizational-level CSR was positively related to employees’ job performance. Moreover, the industrial relations climate and psychological contract fulfillment played mediating effects between CSR (...)
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  • Serving as an Ethical Signal: Understanding How and When Socially Responsible Human Resource Management Inhibits Time Theft.Bo Lv, Jie Xiao, Yinxu Zhou, Chenghao Men, Fengyu Li & Haomin Chen - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    Time theft represents an inconspicuous yet pervasive form of unethical misconduct in the workplace, engendering significant losses for organizations. It is thus incumbent upon companies to take measures to mitigate such conduct. Human resource management (HRM) constitutes a pivotal approach through which organizations can regulate employee actions and curb organizational misconduct; however, its role has been largely underexplored in the extant literature. Recognizing the moral foundations of socially responsible HRM (SRHRM), we synthesize signaling theory with cue consistency theory to posit (...)
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  • Are HRM practitioners required to possess competence in corporate ethics? A content analysis of qualifications in Australia and Asia.Michael Segon, Chris Booth & Andrew Roberts - forthcoming - Asian Journal of Business Ethics:1-36.
    Ethical cultures, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and sustainability strategies are increasingly being addressed through formal organisational policies and structures. This is evidenced by codes of ethics, conduct, whistle-blowing reporting lines, anti-bribery and corruption policies, and broader stakeholder and environmental engagement strategies. In the United States, corporate ethics managers are responsible for these functions, supported by specific professional and university-level qualifications. However, this is not the case in Australia and Asia where the role appears delegated to human resource personnel in organisations. (...)
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  • Doing Good and Doing Well? CSR Climate as a Driver of Team Empowerment and Team Performance.Tom Kluijtmans, Kenn Meyfroodt & Saskia Crucke - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (3):599-614.
    The establishment or nurturing of a supportive organizational climate encompasses various activities rooted in ethical commitments. This study focuses on the outcome of these activities, exploring how team members’ collective interpretation and evaluation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives’ presence and authenticity impact team empowerment as a driver of team performance. Drawing on the organizational climate literature, while integrating signaling theory and attribution theory, we hypothesize that the impact of CSR climate on team performance through team empowerment hinges on two (...)
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  • The effect of leader unethical pro-organizational behaviour on subordinate silence: the mediating role of moral ownership.Silu Chen, Chenling Tian, Huan Cheng & Jiaxin Lai - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (4):264-278.
    This study explores the psychological mechanism underlying and the boundary condition affecting the relationship between leader unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) and subordinate silence. Drawing on social cognitive theory (SCT), we posit that leader UPB may decrease subordinate moral ownership, which in turn might trigger subordinate silence; we further hypothesize that corporate social responsibility (CSR) directed toward employees may weaken the relationship between leader UPB and subordinate moral ownership as well as the indirect relationship between leader UPB and subordinate silence via (...)
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  • Human Resource Practices for Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence From Korean Firms.Se-Rin Bang, Myeong-Cheol Choi & Ji-Young Ahn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human resource management in managing environmental, social, governance, or corporate social responsibility initiatives has been recently raised. Yet, little attention has been paid to integrating CSR and HRM. Our primary goal was to identify how and whether certain HR practices are critical for developing employee capability to operate in firms with active CSR initiatives. We first examine the impact of external CSR activities on firm-level work outcomes. Moreover, we attempt to identify a choice of particular HR practices that could be (...)
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  • Social and Moral Practices of the Organizations and Employee-Based Brand Equity: Female Digital Labor Perspective.Sha Hu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigates the role of socially responsible management as a significant determining factor for employees’ morale engagement, employee vitality, and employee-based brand equity. Human resource management policies and strategies are important for addressing the interests of the employees and boosting the overall effectiveness of the organization. To examine this, this study analyzes the role of socially responsible management and organizational morality on EME with the mediation of EV. Also, the study examines the role of EME in EBBE. To conduct (...)
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  • Blessing or Curse? Role of Socially Responsible Human Resource Management in Employee Resilience.Zhe Zhang, Yating Hu & Juan Wang - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-21.
    Extant studies have shown that socially responsible human resource management (SRHRM) brings beneficial effects on employees’ work outcomes. However, little attention has been given to the effect of SRHRM on employee resilience from a balanced perspective. This study draws on conversation of resources theory to examine how and when SRHRM influences employee resilience from a balanced perspective. Using two scenario-based experiments and one multi-wave field study, results show that SRHRM can enhance employee resilience by increasing work meaningfulness, but it can (...)
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