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  1. Competition, cooperation, and an adversarial model of sport.Sinclair A. MacRae - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 45 (1):53-67.
    In this paper, I defend a general theory of competition and contrast it with a corresponding general theory of cooperation. I then use this analysis to critique mutualism. Building on the work of Arthur Applbaum and Joseph Heath I develop an alternative adversarial model of competitive sport, one that helps explain and is partly justified by shallow interpretivism, and argue that this model helps shows that the claim that mutualism provides us with the most defensible ethical ideal of sport is (...)
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  • The Social Construction of ‘Mental Toughness’ – a Fascistoid Ideology?Nick Caddick & Emily Ryall - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (1):137-154.
    This article considers the social construction of mental toughness in line with prevailing social attitudes towards success and dominance in elite sport. Critical attention is drawn to the research literature which has sought to conceptualise mental toughness and the idealistic rhetoric and metaphor with which it has done so. The concept of mental toughness currently reflects an elitist ideal, constructed along the lines of the romantic narrative of the ‘Hollywood hero’ athlete. In contrast, the mental and moral virtues which should (...)
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  • Development and Validation of a Short Version Sport Orientation Questionnaire for Chinese Adolescents.Jindong Chang, Yali Yi & Naiqing Song - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  • Michael Novak’s alternate route: political realism in The Joy of Sports.Reuben Hoetmer - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 45 (1):22-36.
    This work seeks to honor Michael Novak’s contribution to sport ethics by returning to his seminal work, The Joy of Sports. Novak runs an alternate route in developing his ethic, drawing largely on the school of political realism, particularly the work of Reinhold Niebuhr. In so doing, he offers a distinctive lens through which to approach to the myriad ethical issues in sport, including those related to competition, violence, and engagement in foul play. The essay outlines four core dimensions of (...)
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  • Konflikto metaforų analizė tiesioginėse krepšinio rungtynių komentaruose taikant tekstynų metodą.Jurga Cibulskienė - 2014 - Žmogus ir Žodis 16 (3).
    Pastaraisiais metais vis daugiau metaforos tyrimų tampa taikomaisiais, t.y. susiję su realaus gyvenimo sritimis. Politinio, ekonominio, sveikatos, švietimo, meno diskursų metaforos yra plačiai analizuojamos kognityvistų. Šis tyrimas tęsia metaforos studijas realiame diskurse ir analizuoja metaforą sporto diskurse, tiksliau tariant, Europos krepšinio čempionato tiesioginių transliacijų komentaruose. Buvo sudarytas 46 559 žodžių tekstynas ir metaforiniai pasakymai buvo analizuojami pasitelkus programinę AntConc įrangą. Tyrimas rodo, kad krepšinio diskurse vyrauja konceptualioji konflikto metafora. Pastebėta, kad nustatyti metaforiniai pasakymai paklūsta tam tikram scenarijui: kova, puolimas, gynyba, (...)
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