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  1. A construct divided: prosocial behavior as helping, sharing, and comforting subtypes.Kristen A. Dunfield - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • Do Preverbal Infants Understand Discrete Facial Expressions of Emotion?Ashley L. Ruba & Betty M. Repacholi - 2019 - Emotion Review 12 (4):235-250.
    An ongoing debate in affective science concerns whether certain discrete, “basic” emotions have evolutionarily based signals that are easily, universally, and innatel...
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  • Computational Models of Emotion Inference in Theory of Mind: A Review and Roadmap.Desmond C. Ong, Jamil Zaki & Noah D. Goodman - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (2):338-357.
    An important, but relatively neglected, aspect of human theory of mind is emotion inference: understanding how and why a person feels a certain why is central to reasoning about their beliefs, desires and plans. The authors review recent work that has begun to unveil the structure and determinants of emotion inference, organizing them within a unified probabilistic framework.
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  • Core knowledge, language learning, and the origins of morality and pedagogy: Reply to reviews of What babies know.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (5):1336-1350.
    The astute reviews by Hamlin and by Revencu and Csibra provide compelling arguments and evidence for the early emergence of moral evaluation, communication, and pedagogical learning. I accept these conclusions but not the reviewers' claims that infants' talents in these domains depend on core systems of moral evaluation or pedagogical communication. Instead, I suggest that core knowledge of people as agents and as social beings, together with infants' emerging understanding of their native language, support learning about people as moral agents, (...)
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  • Violations of Core Knowledge Shape Early Learning.Aimee E. Stahl & Lisa Feigenson - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (1):136-153.
    This paper discusses recent evidence that violations of core knowledge offer special learning opportunities for infants and young children. Children make predictions about the world from the youngest ages. When their fail to match observed data, they show an enhanced drive to seek and retain new information about entities that violated their expectations. Finally, the authors draw comparisons between children and adults, and with other species, to explore how surprise shapes thought more broadly.
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  • Goal attributions and instrumental helping at 14 and 24 months of age.Kathryn Hobbs & Elizabeth Spelke - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):44-59.
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  • Surprise! 20-month-old infants understand the emotional consequences of false beliefs.Rose M. Scott - 2017 - Cognition 159 (C):33-47.
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  • Rational Inference of Beliefs and Desires From Emotional Expressions.Yang Wu, Chris L. Baker, Joshua B. Tenenbaum & Laura E. Schulz - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (3):850-884.
    We investigated people's ability to infer others’ mental states from their emotional reactions, manipulating whether agents wanted, expected, and caused an outcome. Participants recovered agents’ desires throughout. When the agent observed, but did not cause the outcome, participants’ ability to recover the agent's beliefs depended on the evidence they got. When the agent caused the event, participants’ judgments also depended on the probability of the action ; when actions were improbable given the mental states, people failed to recover the agent's (...)
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  • Choosing Among Undesirable Options: Children Consider Desirability of Available Choices in Evaluation of Socially Mindful Actions.Sixian Li & Xin Zhao - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (4):e13441.
    Previous studies show that adults and children evaluate the act of leaving a choice for others as prosocial, and have termed such actions as socially mindful actions. The current study investigates how the desirability of the available options (i.e., whether the available options are desirable or not) may influence adults’ and children's evaluation of socially mindful actions. Children (N = 120, 4- to 6-year-olds) and adults (N = 124) were asked to evaluate characters selecting items for themselves from a set (...)
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  • Context-dependent social evaluation in 4.5-month-old human infants: the role of domain-general versus domain-specific processes in the development of social evaluation. [REVIEW]J. K. Hamlin - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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