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  1. Skilled Feelings in Chinese and Greek Heart-Mind-Body Metaphors.Lisa Raphals - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (1):69-91.
    This article examines the operation of “skilled feelings” in metaphors for the heart-mind (xin 心) as ruler of the body. It focuses on three Chinese philosophical texts in contexts outside of the “Confucian” texts that have dominated the emerging field of comparative virtue ethics—the Zhuangzi 莊子, Sunzi Bingfa 孫子兵法 (Sunzi’s Art of War), and Huangdi Neijing 黃帝內經 (The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine)—and briefly contrasts the Chinese accounts to influential Greek metaphors of the mind as ruler of the body (...)
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  • Epistemology in the Mencius.Waldemar Brys - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong (eds.), Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 491-514.
    This chapter examines Mencius’s views on knowledge and how they might contribute to contemporary debates in epistemology. For this purpose, I focus on three features that I take to be characteristic (although not exhaustive) of Mencian epistemology: first, Mencius’s views on knowing things; second, the role that wisdom or intellectual virtue plays in acquiring knowledge; and third, Mencius’s views on “knowing-to”, a kind of knowledge conceptually distinct from knowing-that and knowing-how. I argue that the views we find in the Mencius (...)
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  • The Uneasy Relation between Chinese and Western Philosophy.Eske Møllgaard - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (3):377-387.
    The article considers the relation between Chinese philosophy as an academic discipline and Western philosophy. In the academy there are three ways Chinese philosophy can relate to Western philosophy: Chinese philosophy may see itself as the other of Western philosophy, Chinese philosophy may seek recognition from Western philosophy, and Chinese philosophy may refuse to see Western philosophy as the measure for what is philosophy. I consider scholars from each of these three positions as well as the debate between them. Through (...)
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  • Correlative Thinking in Pacific Island (Micronesian) Cultural Philosophies.James Sellmann - 2021 - Pacific Asia Inquiry: Multidisciplinary Perspectives 11:154-175.
    To continue the project of explicating Pacific values and worldviews, this paper focuses on correlative thinking in some of the cultural philosophies of the Pacific islands, especially Micronesia. Correlative thinking differs, in degree, from scientific and academic logic that emphasize the truth-value of statements. After examining aspects of correlative thinking in Bali and the Philippines, I extract some characteristics of Pacific philosophies from cultural practices, myths, and beliefs. Unlike William Alkire (Alkire, 1972), I find that Pacific islanders use correlative thinking, (...)
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  • Response to Jim Behuniak.Edward Slingerland - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (3):485-488.
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  • Entschärfung des Essentialismusvorwurfs: Einige methodische Überlegungen zur Praxis der Kulturphilosophie.Roger T. Ames - 2020 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2020 (5):171-193.
    Zusammenfassung Ein wohlbekannter kritischer Einwand gegen jene unter uns, die versuchen, kulturelle Unterschiede im Dienste verantwortungsvoller kultureller Vergleiche hervorzuheben, richtet sich darauf, dass wir uns dabei der Essentialisierung genau dieser Kulturen schuldig machen. Essentialismus ist dabei als eine Verallgemeinerung zu verstehen, die besagt, dass bestimmte Eigenschaften einer gegebenen Bevölkerung innerhalb dieser Kultur universell und zugleich ihr eigentümlich sind, demnach nicht von kontingenten Kontexten abhängen und dass wiederum ebendiese Eigenschaften Relativismus und Inkommensurabilität unter den Kulturen bedingen. In diesem Essay möchte ich (...)
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