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  1. Towards a Definition of Efforts.Olivier Massin - 2017 - Motivation Science 3 (3):230-259.
    Although widely used across psychology, economics, and philosophy, the concept ofeffort is rarely ever defined. This article argues that the time is ripe to look for anexplicit general definition of effort, makes some proposals about how to arrive at thisdefinition, and suggests that a force-based approach is the most promising. Section 1presents an interdisciplinary overview of some chief research axes on effort, and arguesthat few, if any, general definitions have been proposed so far. Section 2 argues thatsuch a definition is (...)
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  • Is Economic Rationality in the Head?Kevin Vallier - 2015 - Minds and Machines 25 (4):339-360.
    Many economic theorists hold that social institutions can lead otherwise irrational agents to approximate the predictions of traditional rational choice theory. But there is little consensus on how institutions do so. I defend an economic internalist account of the institution-actor relationship by explaining economic rationality as a feature of individuals whose decision-making is aided by institutional structures. This approach, known as the subjective transaction costs theory, represents apparently irrational behavior as a rational response to high subjective transaction costs of thinking (...)
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  • Reconsidering the common ratio effect: the roles of compound independence, reduction, and coalescing.Ulrich Schmidt & Christian Seidl - 2014 - Theory and Decision 77 (3):323-339.
    Common ratio effects should be ruled out if subjects’ preferences satisfy compound independence, reduction of compound lotteries, and coalescing. In other words, at least one of these axioms should be violated in order to generate a common ratio effect. Relying on a simple experiment, we investigate which failure of these axioms is concomitant with the empirical observation of common ratio effects. We observe that compound independence and reduction of compound lotteries hold, whereas coalescing is systematically violated. This result provides support (...)
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  • Advancing the rationality debate.Keith E. Stanovich & Richard F. West - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):701-717.
    In this response, we clarify several misunderstandings of the understanding/acceptance principle and defend our specific operationalization of that principle. We reiterate the importance of addressing the problem of rational task construal and we elaborate the notion of computational limitations contained in our target article. Our concept of thinking dispositions as variable intentional-level styles of epistemic and behavioral regulation is explained, as is its relation to the rationality debate. Many of the suggestions of the commentators for elaborating two-process models are easily (...)
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  • Experimental economics as a method for normative business ethics.Pedro Francés-Gómez, Lorenzo Sacconi & Marco Faillo - 2015 - Business Ethics 24 (supplement S1):41-53.
    We advance the thesis that the method of experimental economics can make significant contributions to normative, as opposed to descriptive, business ethics. We contend that there are two basic ways in which experimental economics may make this contribution, and we exemplify these ways by pointing to experimental support of social contract theory as rational foundation for business ethics. These two ways are: (1) adding psychological realism; and (2) testing some quasi-empirical assumptions present in normative theory. In order to make good (...)
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  • The influence of fear on risk taking: a meta-analysis.Sean Wake, Jolie Wormwood & Ajay B. Satpute - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (6):1143-1159.
    A common finding in the study of emotion and decision making is the tendency for fear and anxiety to decrease risk taking. The current meta-analysis summarises the strength and variability of this...
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  • Rationality with preference discovery costs.Matthew S. Wilson - 2018 - Theory and Decision 85 (2):233-251.
    Economic theory assumes that preferences are rational. However, experiments have found small violations of transitivity. This paper develops a model of rationality with preference discovery costs. Introspection is costly. Thus, agents may find it optimal to use less than full effort, even though this raises the risk of making a poor choice. This model could potentially explain the intransitivities observed in the data while retaining rationality and optimization.
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  • Error Propagation in the Elicitation of Utility and Probability Weighting Functions.Pavlo Blavatskyy - 2006 - Theory and Decision 60 (2-3):315-334.
    Elicitation methods in decision-making under risk allow us to infer the utilities of outcomes as well as the probability weights from the observed preferences of an individual. An optimally efficient elicitation method is proposed, which takes the inevitable distortion of preferences by random errors into account and minimizes the effect of such errors on the inferred utility and probability weighting functions. Under mild assumptions, the optimally efficient method for eliciting utilities and probability weights is the following three-stage procedure. First, a (...)
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  • Principes méthodologiques et pratiques de l'économie expérimentale : une vue d'ensemble.Daniel Serra - 2012 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 13 (1):21-78.
    Résumé L’article évoque les bases de la méthode expérimentale en général et son adaptation à l’étude des phénomènes économiques tout en rendant compte des réflexions philosophiques récentes sur la nature des expériences en laboratoire. Il recense par ailleurs les principales procédures expérimentales qui caractérisent la bonne pratique des économistes – dont certaines témoignent d’une grande ingéniosité – en pointant en parallèle ce qui la sépare de celle plus ancienne des psychologues. La question des incitations financières y fait l’objet d’une attention (...)
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