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  1. Global Business Norms and Islamic Views of Women’s Employment.Jawad Syed & Harry J. Van Buren - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (2):251-276.
    ABSTRACT:This article examines the issue of gender equality within Islam in order to develop an ethical framework for businesses operating in Muslim majority countries. We pay attention to the role of women and seemingly inconsistent expectations of Islamic and Western societies with regard to appropriate gender roles. In particular, we contrast a mainstream Western liberal individualist view of freedom and equality—the capability approach, used here as an illustration of mainstream Western liberalism—with an egalitarian Islamic view on gender equality. While the (...)
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  • Soft-Boiled Masculinity: Renegotiating Gender and Racial Ideologies in the Promise Keepers Movement.Melanie Heath - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (3):423-444.
    This article examines the tensions in the identities of men who belong to the Promise Keepers movement by uncovering the social conditions that lead men to rethink gender and racial ideologies. Using participant observation and in-depth interviews, the author draws on gender and social movement scholarship to reveal how contradictory gender and racial ideologies shape PKs' identities. Furthermore, the PKs' impact on gender and race relations is also contradictory. PK fosters men's growth on an interactional level, allowing men to embrace (...)
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  • “Doing Religion” In a Secular World: Women in Conservative Religions and the Question of Agency.Orit Avishai - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (4):409-433.
    Sociological studies of women's experiences with conservative religions are typically framed by a paradox that ponders women's complicity. The prevailing view associates agency with strategic subjects who use religion to further extra-religious ends and pays little attention to the cultural and institutional contexts that shape “compliance.” This paper suggests an alternative framing. Rather than asking why women comply, I examine agency as religious conduct and religiosity as a constructed status. Drawing on a study that examined how orthodox Jewish Israeli women (...)
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  • Working-Class Job Loss, Gender, and the Negotiation of Household Labor.Marie Cornwall & Elizabeth Miklya Legerski - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (4):447-474.
    Scholars see the gendered division of household labor as a stronghold of gender inequality. We explore changes in household labor and gender relations when conservative, working-class families experience employment disruptions. Using data from 49 qualitative interviews conducted with men and women following the forced unemployment of breadwinning husbands, we observe some change in gendered household labor but conclude that a significant degendering of housework is thwarted by institutional-, interactive-, and individual-level processes. At the institutional level, the lack of well-paying jobs (...)
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  • Negotiating Patriarchy: South Korean Evangelical Women and the Politics of Gender.Kelly H. Chong - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (6):697-724.
    Based on ethnographic research, this study investigates the meaning and impact of women’s involvement in South Korean evangelicalism. While recent works addressing the “paradox” of women’s participation in conservative religions have highlighted the significance of these religions as unexpected vehicles of gender empowerment and contestation, this study finds that the experiences and consequences of Korean evangelical women’s religiosity are highly contradictory; although crucial in women’s efforts to negotiate the injuries of the modern Confucian-patriarchal family, conversion, for many women, also signifies (...)
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  • Mourning Mayberry: Guns, Masculinity, and Socioeconomic Decline.Jennifer Carlson - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (3):386-409.
    This study uses in-depth interviews and participant observation with gun carriers in Michigan to examine how socioeconomic decline shapes the appropriation of guns by men of diverse class and race backgrounds. Gun carriers nostalgically referenced the decline of Mayberry America—a version of America characterized by the stable employment of male breadwinners and low crime rates. While men of color and poor and working-class men bear the material brunt of these transformations, this narrative of decline impacts how both privileged and marginalized (...)
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  • TO VEIL OR NOT TO VEIL?: A Case Study of Identity Negotiation among Muslim Women in Austin, Texas.John P. Bartkowski & Jen'nan Ghazal Read - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (3):395-417.
    The increasingly pervasive practice of veiling among Muslim women has stimulated a great deal of scholarly investigation and debate. This study brings empirical evidence to bear on current debates about the meaning of the veil in Islam. This article first examines the conflicting meanings of the veil among Muslim religious elites and Islamic feminists. Although the dominant gender discourse among Muslim elites strongly favors this cultural practice, an antiveiling discourse promulgated by Islamic feminists has gained ground within recent years. This (...)
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  • Espousing Patriarchy: Conciliatory Masculinity and Homosocial Femininity in Religiously Conservative Families.Melanie Heath - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (6):888-910.
    Drawing on in-depth interviews with individuals in current and former plural Mormon fundamentalist families, I demonstrate how gender is structured relationally in plural marriage, dependent on noncoercive power relations. Men perform a “conciliatory masculinity” based on their position as head of the family that requires constant consensus-building skills and emotional labor to maintain family harmony. This masculinity is shaped in relation to women’s performance of “homosocial femininity” that curbs men’s power by building strong bonds among wives to deflect jealousies and (...)
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  • “That’s What a Man Is Supposed to Do”: Compensatory Manhood Acts in an LGBT Christian Church.J. Edward Sumerau - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (3):461-487.
    In this article, I examine how gay Christian men constructed compensatory manhood acts. Based on more than 450 hours of fieldwork in a southeastern LGBT Christian organization, I analyze how a group of gay men, responding to sexist, heterosexist, and religious stigma, as well as the acquisition of a new pastor, constructed identities as gay Christian men by emphasizing paternal stewardship, stressing emotional control and inherent rationality, and defining intimate relationships in a Christian manner. These subordinated men, regardless of their (...)
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  • Where Are the Antifeminist Evangelicals?: Evangelical Identity, Subcultural Location, and Attitudes toward Feminism.Sally K. Gallagher - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (4):451-472.
    Based on data from a national survey and personal interviews with more than 300 religiously committed Protestants, this analysis assesses the range and location of attitudes toward feminism among conservative Protestants. Findings suggest that evangelicals are not uniformly antifeminist. Rather, the majority are both supportive and appreciative of the gains of liberal feminism as well as concerned that feminism has gotten off track by promoting an excessive individualism that undermines stable, meaningful, and caring relationships. For most evangelicals, feminism is neither (...)
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  • Postfeminist, engaged and resistant: Evangelical male clergy attitudes towards gender and women’s ordination in the Church of England.Alex Fry - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (1):65-83.
    Despite the introduction of female bishops, women do not hold offices on equal terms with men in the Church of England, where conservative evangelical male clergy often reject the validity of women’s ordination. This article explores the gender values of such clergy, investigating how they are expressed and the factors that shape them. Data is drawn from semi-structured interviews and is interpreted with thematic narrative analysis. The themes were analyzed with theories on postfeminism, engaged orthodoxy and group schism. It is (...)
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  • Evangelical and Catholic Masculinities in Two Fatherhood Ministries.Joseph Gelfer - 2010 - Feminist Theology 19 (1):36-53.
    In men’s ministries it is possible to distinguish between evangelical and Catholic masculinities: the former being more traditional, the latter somewhat ‘softer.’ This paper pursues these differing masculine performances within a discourse of fatherhood in two fatherhood ministries: Dad the Family Shepherd and Fathers for Good. On the whole, the fatherhood ministries repeat the evangelical and Catholic masculinities of regular men’s ministries via the treatment of male headship, the politics of gender and sexuality, and the use of sport as a (...)
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  • The Impact of Religious Conservatism On Men's Work and Family Involvement.Jennifer Glass & Nicole H. W. Civettini - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (2):172-193.
    The social conservatism of evangelical and fundamentalist groups includes their support for premarital sexual restraint, husband leadership, and father involvement. The authors explore whether religious conservatism affects work–family outcomes of men using the National Survey of Families and Households, 1988 and 1993 waves. The authors hypothesize that men from conservative households will make earlier transitions to adulthood, work fewer hours, and earn less money. Moreover, the belief in strong paternal involvement should lead religiously conservative men to spend more time in (...)
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  • “People don’t come in Asking for the Gospel, They come in for a Pregnancy Test!” Feminizing Evangelism in Crisis Pregnancy Centers.Kendra Hutchens - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (2):165-188.
    Led by women, faith-based pregnancy centers constitute the largest segment of the movement to oppose abortion in the United States. These centers provide services for women but face criticism for offering assistance motivated and shaped by conservative religious views. In this article, I explore how evangelical staff at two faith-based centers in the western United States conceptualize their work as religious practice and reimagine “doing” evangelism. I draw upon observational, interview, and textual data to show how gender shapes the definition, (...)
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  • Child rearing as a mechanism for social change: The relationship of child gender to parents' commitment to gender equity.Brent S. Steel & Rebecca L. Warner - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (4):503-517.
    In this article, the authors argue that having daughters has the potential of sensitizing parents to issues of gender equity. Because parents invest a significant amount of themselves in their children, anticipated and actual struggles that their children face, and the public policies addressing those struggles, take on increased salience. We find that both fathers' and mothers' support for public policies designed to address gender equity increases when parents have daughters only. The findings are stronger for men, suggesting that child (...)
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  • Explaining Religious Market Failure: A Gendered Critique of the Religious Economies Model.Evelyn Bush - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (3):304-325.
    According to the religious economies model, religious supply in open religious economies should adapt to the demands of diverse market niches. This proposition is inconsistent with the finding that, although women constitute the majority of religious consumers, the majority of the religions produced in the American religious marketplace favor men's interests relative to women's. Three modifications to the religious economies model are suggested to account for this contradiction. The first modification is a respecification of "religious capital " that takes into (...)
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