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  1. Sharing lives, sharing bodies: partners negotiating breast cancer experiences.Marjolein de Boer, Kristin Zeiler & Jenny Slatman - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (2):253-265.
    By drawing on Jean-Luc Nancy’s philosophy of ontological relationality, this article explores what it means to be a ‘we’ in breast cancer. What are the characteristics—the extent and diversity—of couples’ relationally lived experiences of bodily changes in breast cancer? Through analyzing duo interviews with diagnosed women and their partners, four ways of sharing an embodied life are identified. (1) While ‘being different together’, partners have different, albeit connected kinds of experiences of breast cancer. (2) While ‘being there for you’, partners (...)
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  • Missing Phenomenological Accounts: Disability Theory, Body Integrity Identity Disorder, and Being an Amputee.Christine Wieseler - 2018 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 11 (2):83-111.
    Phenomenology provides a method for disability theorists to describe embodied subjectivity lacking within the social model of disability. Within the literature on body integrity identity disorder (BIID), dominant narratives of disability are influential, individual bodies are considered in isolation, and experiences of disabled people are omitted. Research on BIID tends to incorporate an individualist ontology. In this article, I argue that Merleau-Ponty's conceptualization of “being in the world,” which recognizes subjectivity as embodied and intersubjective, provides a better starting point for (...)
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  • Body Boundary Work: Praxeological Thoughts on Personal Corporality.Tobias Boll & Sophie Merit Müller - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (4):585-602.
    In everyday life, we usually go by theone-body-one-person rule: one person has one body. This social belief builds on two assumptions: bodies are individual units and they are the same in different situations. This is also the conceptual resource for social theories that build on the notion of individuals. In this article, we turn it into a sociological topic. We develop a vocabulary for reconstructing bodily one-ness and bodily sameness as practically achieved social order, asbody boundary work: what belongs to (...)
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  • Ethics of limb disposal: dignity and the medical waste stockpiling scandal.Esmée Hanna & Glenn Robert - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):575-578.
    We draw on the concept of dignity to consider the ethics of the disposal of amputated limbs. The ethics of the management and disposal of human tissue has been subject to greater scrutiny and discussion in recent years, although the disposal of the limbs often remains absent from such discourses. In light of the recent UK controversy regarding failures in the medical waste disposal and the stockpiling of waste (including body parts), the appropriate handling of human tissue has been subject (...)
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  • The pursuit of “restrictive” enhancement: A phenomenological argument.Sarah A. Gardner - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):106-123.
    Current philosophical literature is saturated with the debate on biomedical enhancement, where bio-liberals and conservatives alike make compelling arguments for and against the enterprise. However, this literature is yet to consider the impact such enhancement would have on the individual’s actual lived experience. This article seeks to remedy that by situating the bioethics debate within the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, specifically theorising how biomedical enhancement of the physical kind would impact Merleau-Ponty’s notion of the body-subject. The central issue arises when (...)
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  • Filosofia do corpo e inventário da dor: elementos para uma fenomenologia da experiência do membro‑fantasma.Luís António Umbelino - 2017 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 26 (51):137-162.
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  • Après l’unité de rééducation.Paul-Fabien Perennou Groud - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-1 (16-1):57-76.
    This article analyses the everyday experiences of lower limb amputees with prosthesis during the first eighteen months after rehabilitation. It is based on an ethnographic and longitudinal research carried out with fourteen patients whose lower limb(s) has or have been recently amputated. Grounded in semi-directive interviews conducted one year and a half after the end of their rehabilitation ended, this study specifically focuses on the cross-analysis of the amputees’ discourses and feedback regarding their daily experiences of, and accommodation to, a (...)
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  • After the rehabilitation unit.Paul-Fabien Perennou Groud - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-1 (16-1).
    Cet article analyse les vécus quotidiens des personnes amputées des membres inférieurs avec leur prothèse, au cours des dix-huit premiers mois post-rééducation. L’étude se base sur une enquête ethnographique et longitudinale réalisée auprès de quatorze personnes nouvellement amputées d’un ou des deux membres inférieurs. Elle porte spécifiquement sur l’analyse croisée des discours et retours d’expérience des personnes amputées vis-à-vis de leur vécu quotidien et de leur accommodement avec la prothèse, recueillis lors d’entretiens semi-directifs menés un an et demi après la (...)
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  • Filosofia do Corpo e Inventário da Dor.Luís António Umbelino - 2020 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 26 (52):291-310.
    Um aspeto fundamental do modo de ser da nossa corporeidade complexa, sugerido na primeira parte deste trabalho pelo alinhamento da experiência do amputado com a experiência do luto, permaneceu aí implícito e não enfrentado, sendo agora o momento de o retomar: trata-‑se de saber que papel desempenha o corpo na própria origem da relação intersubjetiva -‑ ou, se quisermos, como pode contribuir para resolver o “problema da existência de outras mentes”. Voltando ao horizonte do projeto fenomenológico merleau-‑pontyano, a nossa questão (...)
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  • We never know what pain is able to do. On Merleau-Ponty’s analysis of the phantom-limb experience.Luís António Umbelino - 2017 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 19:187-199.
    Beginning with the uncanny case of phantom pain, as it is experienced, for example, by the amputee, and taking in consideration M. Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological descriptions and inputs on the subject, in this paper we aim to meditate on the nature and way of being of our complex corporality. Our perspective will be developed along the phenomenological analysis of the phantom limb experience, as it allows us to sketch a precise and detailed approach to the phantasmagorical way of being of the (...)
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