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  1. The Posthuman as Hollow Idol: A Nietzschean Critique of Human Enhancement.Ciano Aydin - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (3):304-327.
    In this paper, the author aims to show that transhumanists are confused about their own conception of the posthuman: transhumanists anticipate radical transformation of the human through technology and at the same time assume that the criteria to determine what is “normal” and what is “enhanced” are univocal, both in our present time and in the future. Inspired by Nietzsche’s notion of the Overhuman, the author argues that the slightest “historical and phenomenological sense” discloses copious variations of criteria, both diachronic (...)
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  • Overcoming Transhumanism: Education or Enhancement Towards the Overhuman?Markus Lipowicz - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (1):200-213.
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  • ¿Un transhumanismo nietzscheano? Sobre la parcialidad del alegato.Marina García-Granero - 2020 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 53:33-54.
    El artículo analiza desde una perspectiva crítica las tentativas de interpretar a Nietzsche como un precursor del transhumanismo. Tras una breve contextualización del fecundo debate en torno a Nietzsche y el transhumanismo, se evalúa el carácter fraccional o parcial del alegato de Stefan Sorgner en favor de un “transhumanismo nietzscheano”. Después, se investiga la tensión entre humanidad, la superación del ser humano y su cría en los escritos de Nietzsche. Una vez ejecutado este análisis, y sin ánimo de caer en (...)
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  • The case of transhumanism: The possibility of application of Nietzsche’s ethics and critique of morality today.Milos Agatonovic - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (3):429-439.
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  • The Dark Side of Desire: Nietzsche, Transhumanism, and Personal Immortality.Adam Buben - 2020 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 59 (1):66-84.
    The Southern Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  • (1 other version)Consideraciones bioéticas y biopolíticas acerca del Transhumanismo: El debate en torno a una posible experiencia posthumana.Raúl Villarroel - 2015 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 71:177-190.
    Understanding Transhumanism as a particular turn of contemporary reflection that maintains the current state of humanity is not the final but just a transitional one, which can and should be scientific and technologically enhanced, the bioethical and biopolitical implications of such situation will be examined in this paper. Here it will be explored the transhumanist ideas related to the indissoluble link that in modern times have been established between the development of technologies and politics and strategies of neoliberal governmentality. This (...)
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  • Nihilism, Neonihilism, Hypernihilism: ‘Nietzsche aujourd’hui’ Today?Ashley Woodward - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):244-264.
    The ‘French reading’ of Nietzsche crystallized almost 50 years ago at the 1972 conference at Cerisy-la-Salle, Nietzsche aujourd’hui. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual conference of the Friedrich Nietzsche Society, with the theme of ‘The Politics of Difference’, Newcastle University, 20–21 September 2018. Nietzsche’s fortunes have since undergone some dramatic shifts in France, but there are signs that he is once again on the ascendency, in particular the 2016 edited collection Pourquoi nous sommes Nietzschéens (a (...)
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  • ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste’: moral entrepreneurship, or the fine art of recycling evil into good.Steve Fuller - 2013 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 22 (1):118-129.
    Moral entrepreneurship is the fine art of recycling evil into good by taking advantage of situations given or constructed as crises. It should be seen as the ultimate generalisation of the entrepreneurial spirit, whose peculiar excesses have always sat uneasily with homo oeconomicus as the constrained utility maximiser, an image that itself has come to be universalised. A task of this essay is to reconcile the two images in terms of what by the end I call ‘superutilitarianism’, which draws on (...)
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  • Zarathustra and Transhumanism: Man is Something to Be Overcome.Joshua Merlo - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 7 (2):41-61.
    In Sorgner's 2009 paper "Nietzsche, the Overhuman, and Transhumanism", he argues, contra Bostrom, that the transhumanist movement's postman is fundamentally similar to Nietzsche's overman. In this paper, Sorgner's thesis is challenged. It is argued that transhumanism, as presented both popularly and academically, is fundamentally incompatible with Nietzsche's overman, as presented in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. This argument focuses on three significant characteristics's of Zarathustra's description of the overman: the role of earthly existence, immortality, and the rejection of collective values.
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  • Transhumanism, Society and Education: An Edusemiotic Approach.Susana Gómez Redondo, Claudio J. Rodríguez Higuera, Juan R. Coca & Alin Olteanu - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (2):177-193.
    We propose a semiotic framework to underpin a posthumanist philosophy of education, as contrasted to technological determinism. A recent approach to educational processes as semiotic phenomena lends itself as a philosophy to understand the current interplay between education and technology. This view is aligned with the transhumanist movement to defend techno-scientific progress as fundamental to human development. Particularly, we adopt a semiotic approach to education to tackle certain tensions in current debates on the human. Transhumanism scholars share the optimistic belief (...)
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  • Metamodernity, American Transcendentalism and Transhumanism in Japanese Anime.Steven Foertsch - 2022 - In Kaz Hayashi & William Anderson (eds.), Anime, Philosophy and Religion. Wilmington (Delaware, USA): Vernon Press. pp. 73-98.
    Recent theorists of cultural studies have noticed the emergence of metamodernity as an ideal type, categorized by an oscillation between postmodern deconstructivism and modern idealism, into a form of transcendentalism. I argue in this chapter that this type of transcendentalism, informed by the historical American Transcendentalist Movement, is the emerging ideal called “Transhumanism.” I use a case study of five Japanese anime to demonstrate how transhumanist, metamodernist, and transcendental thinking often recur in key core plot points and narratives found within. (...)
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  • Transhumanism: the friendly face of the overhuman and the comic book Superman.Jakub Chavalka - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (254):81-106.
    The core of the study is a critical comparison of Nietzsche’s notion ofÜbermensch, and its transhumanist rewriting into different variants of the posthuman. The first part contextualizes transhumanist thought, primarily in relation to certain evolutionary ideas that, in their totality, exhibit a fundamental anthropological deficit: they speak of the evolutionary overcoming of human, but the limit of sensibility that attempts to imagine a future human being is only the mere negation of what human has been so far. In this way, (...)
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  • Towards a Moderate Stance on Human Enhancement.Nikil Mukerji & Julian Nida-Rümelin - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (26):17-33.
    In this essay, we argue against radical ethical views about human enhancement that either dismiss or endorse it tout court. Instead, we advocate the moderate stance that issues of enhancement should be examined with an open mind and on a case-by-case basis. To make this view plausible, we offer three reasons. The first lies in the fact that it is difficult to delineate enhancement conceptually, which makes it hard to argue for general ethical conclusions about it. The second is that (...)
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  • Techno-bio-politics. On Interfacing Life with and Through Technology.Benjamin Lipp & Sabine Maasen - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (1):133-150.
    Technology takes an unprecedented position in contemporary society. In particular, it has become part and parcel of governmental attempts to manufacture life in new ways. Such ideas concerning the governance of life organize around the same contention: that technology and life are, in fact, highly interconnectable. This is surprising because if one enters the sites of techno-scientific experimentation, those visions turn out to be much frailer and by no means “in place” yet. Rather, they afford or enforce constant interfacing work, (...)
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  • An Argument Against Weiism: A Nietzschean and Philosophical Posthumanist Reading of Ira Levin’s This Perfect Day.Pierre Balthasar - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (4):547-563.
    In this paper, I set out to argue in favour of a philosophical posthumanist and Nietzschean reading of Ira Levin’s This Perfect Day while demonstrating how transhumanism isunbefitting of being called a Nietzschean theory. I will do this by establishing Chip, the protagonist, as a posthuman and being on the path of the ‘Overhuman’ whereas Wei, the antagonist, will be illustrated as Chip’s intended counterpart the Last Human. Through explaining ‘Transhumansim’ and connecting the field to Wei, I will showcase a (...)
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  • Introduction: Take Your Pick! Posthuman Education, Human Posteducation or Posteducation Humanism.David Edward Rose - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (4):467-474.
    Like the discipline of economics, the philosophy of education and educational studies are offshoots of moral philosophy. They investigate how best to realize the good as part of human existence. In...
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  • Tecnotrascendencia como ilusión narcisista.Mariano Rodriguez Gonzalez - 2019 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 76:67-77.
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  • Identity Expansion and Transcendence.William Sims Bainbridge - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (26).
    Emerging developments in communications and computing technology may transform the nature of human identity, in the process rendering obsolete the traditional philosophical and scientific frameworks for understanding the nature of individuals and groups. Progress toward an evaluation of this possibility and an appropriate conceptual basis for analyzing it may be derived from two very different but ultimately connected social movements that promote this radical change. One is the governmentally supported exploration of Converging Technologies, based in the unification of nanoscience, biology, (...)
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  • Infinite Monkeys: Nietzsche and the Cruel Optimism of Personal Immortality.Robert Johnson - unknown
    Nietzsche is a popular source of inspiration for transhumanist writers. Some, such as Sorgner and More, argue that Nietzsche ought to be considered a precursor of the movement. Transhumanism is a philosophy committed to the desirability of using technology to transform human beings, through significant alteration of their brains and bodies, into a new posthuman species. One of the defining characteristics of transhumanism is the desire for personal immortality. I argue that this feature of transhumanism is wholly incompatible with Nietzsche’s (...)
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  • Žižek’s Nietzsche and the Insufficiency of Trauma for a Posthuman Übermensch.Jan Gresil de los Santos Kahambing - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (2).
    The Übermensch, the overcoming of man, is one of Nietzsche’s debated concepts to be situated in posthumanism. In Žižek’s posthumanism, the human as subject can not only be read in Nietzsche’s understanding of the last man, but is inherently tied to the concept of trauma. This is so that trauma, as I exposed before, is a crucial element in advancing a posthuman. This article argues that trauma is, tout court, not enough to realize a posthuman Übermensch. It faces paradoxes that (...)
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  • Transhumanism and the issue of death.Peter Kyslan - 2019 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 9 (1-2):71-80.
    The human issue with the concept of finality constitutes a fundamental platform for the philosophical concept of transhumanism. This paper addresses the historical-philosophical perspective of transhumanism with emphasis put on the 18th and 19th centuries, whereby possible anticipatory actions with respect to transhumanist thought are analyzed. In this sense, the need for a philosophical reflection on transhumanism is justified. The main part of this paper is aimed at philosophical and ethical questions related to cryonics as being one of the most (...)
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  • Nietzsche e o transhumanismo como sintoma do ideal ascético.Luciana Zaterka - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (55).
    Ao lado das imagens já conhecidas de Nietzsche como “precursor do nazismo”, “racista”, “pós-moderno”, “pensador perigoso e irracionalista”, em tempos recentes acrescentou-se à imagem de “precursor do transhumanismo”. Ao apresentarmos aqui alguns elementos do transhumanismo, em especial aqueles ligados às mais recentes biotecnologias, bem como alguns conceitos do pensamento de Nietzsche, em especial o além-do-homem e a ontologia da imanência do vir-a-ser, visamos ampliar esse debate, enfatizando que, para Nietzsche, o ideal transhumanista não seria mais do que um sintoma do (...)
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  • From the ‘Death of God’ to the ‘End of Man’: The Trajectory of the Modern Conception of the Human (and its Overcoming), from Kant through Nietzsche and Foucault, to Transhumanism and Posthumanism.Charles Piecyk - 2025 - Maynooth Philosophy Supplement 1 ('Nietzsche and his legacy'):32-54.
    Foucault famously stated in his 1966 book The Order of Things that ‘man is an invention of recent date’, and ‘one perhaps nearing its end’. The aim of this paper is to make sense of the Foucauldian assumption that what we understand by ‘man’ (or ‘the human’) today is a modern notion. It will do so by tracing its origin back to the Kantian project and the Enlightenment, following its subsequent trajectory in Nietzsche, Foucault himself, and then finally in Transhumanism (...)
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  • (1 other version)Nuevas perspectivas en el debate sobre la naturaleza humana.Alfredo Marcos - 2015 - Pensamiento 71 (269):1239-1248.
    En un artículo anterior, titulado Filosofía de la naturaleza humana, he expuesto mi posición crítica respecto de las corrientes que abogan por la negación de la naturaleza humana, por su completa naturalización o por su completa artificialización. Aquí haré un breve resumen de esta posición, para a continuación profundizar en las críticas, pero ya en diálogo con varios autores que configuran un cambio de perspectiva contemporáneo respecto de la cuestión. En su conjunto, estos autores presentan una crítica muy lúcida al (...)
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