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  1. Situational vulnerability within mental healthcare – a qualitative analysis of ethical challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.Mirjam Faissner, Anna Werning, Michael Winkelkötter, Holger Foullois, Michael Löhr & Jakov Gather - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-9.
    Background Mental healthcare users and patients were described as a particularly vulnerable group in the debate on the burdens of the COVID-19 pandemic. Just what this means and what normative conclusions can be derived from it depend to a large extent on the underlying concept of vulnerability. While a traditional understanding locates vulnerability in the characteristics of social groups, a situational and dynamic approach considers how social structures produce vulnerable social positions. The situation of users and patients in different psychosocial (...)
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  • Sharing Vulnerabilities in the Woman Patient/Doctor Encounter.Jonathan Herring - 2022 - The New Bioethics 28 (3):223-237.
    This article is an examination of the doctor–woman patient encounter through a vulnerability lens. This relationship has been traditionally been critiqued as a paternalistic encounter in which the...
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  • Caregivers and Family Members’ Vulnerability in End-of-Life Decision-Making: An Assessment of How Vulnerability Shapes Clinical Choices and the Contribution of Clinical Ethics Consultation.Federico Nicoli, Alessandra Agnese Grossi & Mario Picozzi - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (1):14.
    Patient-and-family-centered care (PFCC) is critical in end-of-life (EOL) settings. PFCC serves to develop and implement patient care plans within the context of unique family situations. Key components of PFCC include collaboration and communication among patients, family members and healthcare professionals (HCP). Ethical challenges arise when the burdens (e.g., economic, psychosocial, physical) of family members and significant others do not align with patients’ wishes. This study aims to describe the concept of vulnerability and the ethical challenges faced by HCPs in these (...)
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  • Alte Menschen mit lebensbegleitender geistiger Behinderung im Akutkrankenhaus.Claudia Eckstein & Annette Riedel - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (3):325-353.
    Zusammenfassung Alte Menschen mit lebensbegleitender geistiger Behinderung weisen wiederkehrend auch gesundheitliche Problemstellungen auf, die eine stationäre akutklinische Behandlung erfordern. Gesundheitliche Belastungen sind bei dieser Personengruppe nicht ausschließlich auf die Behinderung, sondern auch auf eine höhere Vulnerabilität zurückzuführen, die sich durch degenerativ-altersassoziierte Problemstellungen weiter verstärkt. Gesundheitliche Belastungen treten bei dieser Gruppe mitunter auch als Folge lebenslanger gesundheitlicher Benachteiligung und Unterversorgung auf. Im Vergleich zu Menschen ohne Behinderung bekommen Menschen mit lebensbegleitender geistiger Behinderung vielfach weder die nach ihren höheren und spezifischen Bedarfen (...)
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  • A bioethical perspective on the meanings behind a wish to hasten death: a meta-ethnographic review.Paulo J. Borges, Pablo Hernández-Marrero & Sandra Martins Pereira - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-35.
    BackgroundThe expressions of a “wish to hasten death” or “wish to die” raise ethical concerns and challenges. These expressions are related to ethical principles intertwined within the field of medical ethics, particularly in end-of-life care. Although some reviews were conducted about this topic, none of them provides an in-depth analysis of the meanings behind the “wish to hasten death/die” based specifically on the ethical principles of autonomy, dignity, and vulnerability. The aim of this review is to understand if and how (...)
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