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  1. Chosen Children? : An empirical study and a philosophical analysis of moral aspects of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and germ-line gene therapy.Kristin Zeiler - unknown
    With pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), genetic testing and selective transfer of embryos is possible. In the future, germ-line gene therapy (GLGT) applied to embryos before implantation, in order to introduce missing genes or replace mutant ones, may be possible. The objective of this dissertation is to analyse moral aspects of these technologies, as described by eighteen British, Italian and Swedish gynaecologists and geneticists. The objective is systematised into three parts: research interviews and qualitative analysis, philosophical analysis, and elaboration of a (...)
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  • (1 other version)Are Saviour Siblings a Special Case in Procreative Ethics?Caleb Althorpe & Elizabeth Finneron-Burns - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 26 (1):49-73.
    Children conceived in order to donate biological material to save the life of an already existing child are known as 'saviour siblings'. The primary reasons that have been offered against the practice are: (i) creating a saviour sibling has negative impacts on the created child and (ii) creating a saviour child represents a wrongful procreative motivation of the parents. In this paper we examine to what extent the creation of saviour siblings actually presents a special case in procreative ethics. Although (...)
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  • Comparing Non-Medical Sex Selection and Saviour Sibling Selection in the Case of JS and LS v Patient Review Panel: Beyond the Welfare of the Child?Malcolm K. Smith & Michelle Taylor-Sands - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1):139-153.
    The national ethical guidelines relevant to assisted reproductive technology have recently been reviewed by the National Health and Medical Research Council. The review process paid particular attention to the issue of non-medical sex selection, although ultimately, the updated ethical guidelines maintain the pre-consultation position of a prohibition on non-medical sex selection. Whilst this recent review process provided a public forum for debate and discussion of this ethically contentious issue, the Victorian case of JS and LS v Patient Review Panel [2011] (...)
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  • Conception of Saviour Siblings: Ethical Perceptions of Selected Stakeholders in Malaysia.Chee Ying Kuek, Sharon Kaur A./P. Gurmukh Singh & Pek San Tay - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (2):167-178.
    The conception of saviour siblings using preimplantation genetic diagnosis coupled with human leukocyte antigen typing or HLA typing alone is controversial and receives a wide divergence of legal responses among countries around the world. The resulting child conceived through this procedure is dubbed a ‘saviour sibling’ as the child can potentially act as a compatible donor for an elder ailing sibling who needs a haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. At present, the acceptability of this procedure in Malaysia is ambiguous as there (...)
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  • Saviour siblings: no avoiding the hard questions.Colin Gavaghan - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (12):931-932.
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  • The return of the Inseminator: Eutelegenesis in past and contemporary reproductive ethics.John Mcmillan - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (2):393-410.
    Eugenicists in the 1930s and 1940s emphasised our moral responsibilities to future generations and the importance of positively selecting traits that would benefit humanity. In 1935 Herbert Brewer recommended ‘Eutelegenesis’ so that that future generations are not only protected from hereditary disease but also become more intelligent and fraternal than us. The development of these techniques for human use and animal husbandry was the catalyst for the cross fertilization of moral ideas and the development of a critical procreative morality. While (...)
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  • Tıbbi, Dini ve Etik Boyutlarıyla Genetik.Maide Baris & Orhan Onder (eds.) - 2024 - Istanbul: İsar Yayinlari.
    Genetics: Medical, Theological and Ethical Aspects Tibbi, Dini ve Etik Boyutlariyla Genetik -/- Genetik bilimi biyolojinin botanik ve zooloji alanındaki uygulamalarını aşarak, sınırlarını önce antropolojiye sonra tıbba doğru hızla genişletmiştir. Öyle ki artık biyokimyadan onkolojiye kadar neredeyse tüm biyomedikal disiplinler, genetiğin kavramları, ilkeleri ve metodolojisi ile aşılanmıştır. Modern tıbbın uygulama alanında geniş bir yer tutan genetik bilimi, bir hastalığa dair risk analizi, teşhis ve tedavi seçeneklerinin belirlenmesi, prognozun değerlendirilmesi gibi klinik uygulamanın farklı evrelerinde söz sahibi olmaktadır. İçinde bulunduğumuz 21. yüzyılda (...)
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  • Medical ethics and broadening the context of debate.John McMillan - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):65-65.
    The Journal of Medical Ethics has published a few papers over recent years that explore the ethical implications of ectogenesis.1–4 It is an as yet undeveloped but theoretically possible method by which a fetus can be gestated outside of the womb, and while the prospects of ‘full’ ectogenesis seem some way off, there are techniques that suggest ‘partial’ ectogenesis could be closer. This issue’s Feature Article considers two of the principal arguments that have been developed in favour of ectogenesis being (...)
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  • Is it objectionable to create a child as a carer for a disabled parent?Benjamin Pojer - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (12):788-791.
    In his recent paper, Adam Cureton presents a compelling case in support of the right of parents with disabilities to conceive and raise children. Cureton argues that caring for a parent with a disability may be beneficial for a child and the creation of a child with the intention of him/her being a carer for his/her disabled parent is objectionable. This response to Cureton's paper will focus on the creation of children with the purpose of them being carers for their (...)
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  • Reading between the lines: Infertility and current health insurance policies in the US.Cristina Richie - 2014 - Clinical Ethics 9 (4):127-134.
    This article will examine current US health insurance policies for providing fertility services and Assisted Reproductive Technologies and analyze the open-ended policies of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This state in particular will be discussed in depth, as there are virtually no limits on infertility provision or coverage. However, tightening up Massachusetts’s health insurance policies by putting parameters on provision and coverage of Assisted Reproductive Technologies will allow the infertile to continue to access paid-for treatment while ensuring that the goal of (...)
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  • Truth, Progress, and Regress in Bioethics.Victor Saenz - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (6):615-633.
    How do we know that particular answers in bioethical controversies are true, or are at least getting closer to the truth? We gain insight into this question by applying Alasdair MacIntyre’s work on the nature of rationality, rational justification, and tradition. Using MacIntyre’s work and the papers in this issue of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, I propose a framework for members of particular traditions to judge whether they themselves or other traditions are getting closer to or further away (...)
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  • Saviour Sibilings And Collective Family Interests.Michelle Taylor-Sands - 2010 - Monash Bioethics Review 29 (2):1-15.
    In this article, I will explore the ethical concerns arising out of the use of preimplantation tissue typing to create saviour siblings. There are two main ethical concerns about the welfare of the child to be born as a result of PTT. The first is whether the child to be born is treated as a commodity, as simply a means to save the life of his or her sibling. The second is whether the child to be born will be harmed (...)
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  • Kant’s ‘formula of humanity’ and assisted reproductive technology: a case for duties to future children.Tatiana Patrone - 2017 - Monash Bioethics Review 34 (3-4):206-225.
    The paper asks the question whether Kant’s ethical theory can be applied to issues in assisted reproductive technology. It argues against three objections to applying Kant’s ethics to ART: the non-identity objection, the gen-ethics objection, and the care-ethics objection. After showing that neither of the three objections is sufficiently persuasive the paper proposes a reading of Kant’s ‘formula of humanity,’ and especially its negative clause, that can be of some guidance in ART. The paper conclude that although Kant’s ‘formula of (...)
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  • Persons and Their Parts: New Reproductive Technologies and Risks of Commodification. [REVIEW]Heather Widdows - 2009 - Health Care Analysis 17 (1):36-46.
    This paper explores one aspect of the social implications of new reproductive technologies, namely, the impact such technologies have on our understandings of family structures and our expectations of children. In particular it considers whether the possibilities afforded by such technologies result in a more contractual and commodified understanding of children. To do this the paper outlines the possibilities afforded by NRTs and their commodificatory tendencies; second, it explores the commodification debate using the somewhat parallel example of commodification of organs; (...)
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