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  1. Theorizing Effective (Preventative) Remedy: Exploring the Root Cause Dimensions of Human Rights Abuse & Remedy.Alysha Kate Shivji - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    This paper puts forth a critical perspective on remedy for business-related human rights abuses. It reflects on the purpose of remedy in Business and Human Rights and argues that effective remedy should address the multiple root causes of abuses to prevent reoccurrences rather than focus on surface issues and isolated cases. To develop a theoretical framework to conceptualize preventative remedy that addresses multiple root causes, this research draws on Fraser’s radical democratic conception of justice and participatory parity. According to the (...)
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  • Abusive Supervision and Employee Deviance: A Multifoci Justice Perspective.Haesang Park, Jenny M. Hoobler, Junfeng Wu, Robert C. Liden, Jia Hu & Morgan S. Wilson - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):1113-1131.
    In order to address the influence of unethical leader behaviors in the form of abusive supervision on subordinates’ retaliatory responses, we meta-analytically examined the impact of abusive supervision on subordinate deviance, inclusive of the role of justice and power distance. Specifically, we investigated the mediating role of supervisory- and organizationally focused justice and the moderating role of power distance as one model explaining why and when abusive supervision is related to subordinate deviance toward supervisors and organizations. With 79 independent sample (...)
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  • They can be choosers: Aid, Levinas and Unconditional Cash Transfers.Julio Andrade - 2019 - African Journal of Business Ethics 13 (2).
    In this paper I seek to critically examine UCT’s and CCT’s and consider how a Levinasian ethics might offer normative guidelines to evaluate such aid programmes. Such an analysis will serve to both critique and supplement the traditional utilitarian analyses of such programmes. In so doing, this paper also hopes to contribute to the business ethics literature in which a Levinasian ethics may be brought to bear on real world problems. I proceed by enlisting Jordaan who argues that a Levinasian (...)
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  • The Inhibitory Effect of Political Conservatism on Consumption: The Case of Fair Trade.Thomas Usslepp, Sandra Awanis, Margaret K. Hogg & Ahmad Daryanto - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (3):519-531.
    Fair trade has been researched extensively. However, our understanding of why consumers might be reluctant to purchase fair trade goods, and the associated potential barriers to the wider adoption of fair trade products, is incomplete. Based on data from 409 USA participants, our study demonstrates some of the psychological processes that underlie the rejection of fair trade products by conservatives. Our findings show that political conservatism affects fair trade perspective-taking and fair trade identity, and these latter two subsequently affect fair (...)
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  • Catering to Otherness: Levinasian Consumer Ethics at Restaurant Day.Joel Hietanen & Antti Sihvonen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (2):261-276.
    There is a rich tradition of inquiry in consumer research into how collective consumption manifests in various forms and contexts. While this literature has shown how group cohesion prescribes ethical and moral positions, our study explores how ethicality can arise from consumers and their relations in a more emergent fashion. To do so, we present a Levinasian perspective on consumer ethics through a focus on Restaurant Day, a global food carnival that is organized by consumers themselves. Our ethnographic findings highlight (...)
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