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  1. En torno al Thomas Münzer, teólogo de la revolución. Teología y política en Ernst Bloch y Walter Benjamin (1920-1921).María Paula Viglione - 2021 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 24 (2):173-182.
    Este trabajo se propone analizar la relación entre teología y política en el pensamiento de Ernst Bloch y Walter Benjamin, particularmente en los inicios de la década del veinte, período en el que ambos encuentran en el mesianismo una respuesta política frente a la crisis que enfrentaba Alemania. El marco de discusión se plantea a partir de Thomas Münzer, teólogo de la revolución [1921] de Bloch, en vistas de cotejarlo con los escritos de Benjamin de la época. Se pondrá a (...)
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  • The Mausoleum of Youth: Between Experience and Nihilism in Benjamin's Berlin Childhood.Michael W. Jennings - 2009 - Paragraph 32 (3):313-330.
    Key sections of Walter Benjamin's montage-text Berlin Childhood around 1900 figure the relationship between human experience and modern media, with the sections that frame the text, ‘Loggias’ and ‘The Moon’, structured around metaphors of photography. Drawing on the work of Siegfried Kracauer, and especially his seminal essay ‘Photography’, Benjamin develops, in the course of his book, a theory of photography's relationship to experience that runs counter to the better-known theories developed in such essays as ‘Little History of Photography’ and ‘The (...)
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  • The Promise of Absolute Wealth: Capitalism as a Religion?Christoph Deutschmann - 2001 - Thesis Eleven 66 (1):32-56.
    In his fragment on `capitalism as a religion', Walter Benjamin characterizes capitalism not only as a phenomenon that is `influenced' by religion, as conventional sociological interpretations assume, but as one of `essentially religious' character. This article takes up and elaborates Benjamin's idea, drawing mainly on Simmel, Marx and the constructivist concept of economic `myths'. Referring to Simmel's idea of money as `absolute means' and Marx's concept of capital, it is argued that money is a non-observable and basically paradox phenomenon, comparable (...)
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  • Capitalism as a Religion?: An Unorthodox Analysis of Entrepreneurship.Christoph Deutschmann - 2001 - European Journal of Social Theory 4 (4):387-403.
    The inner affinity of money and religion has been a central issue of the `classical' theories of money, in particular of Georg Simmel and Karl Marx. The paper argues that the conceptualizations of money in current economic sociology and mainstream economic theory are deficient, and that a more promising approach can be developed by referring to those classical authors, whose thinking was not yet dominated by the institutionalized academic division of labour between sociology and economics of today. It is shown, (...)
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  • Mito y religión en la interpretación de la modernidad capitalista de Walter Benjamin.Mariela Vargas - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (171):123-136.
    El artículo analiza la interpretación que Walter Benjamin ofrece de la modernidad capitalista en Capitalismo como religión. Se indaga el sentido del carácter religio- so del capitalismo y se muestra que la primera elaboración sobre el capitalismo en términos de religión dio paso a una aproximación complementaria en términos de fuerzas míticas. Si bien este desplazamiento es visible ya en Capitalismo como reli- gión, cobra nitidez en el Libro de los pasajes, con la introducción del concepto de lo “siempre igual” (...)
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