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  1. Filtration Failure: On Selection for Societal Sanity.Adrian Mróz - 2018 - Kultura I Historia 34 (2):72-89.
    This paper focuses on the question of filtration through the perspective of “too much information”. It concerns Western society within the context of new media and digital culture. The main aim of this paper is to apply a philosophical reading on the video game concept of Selection for Societal Sanity within the problematics of cultural filtration, control of behaviors and desire, and a problematization of trans-individuation that the selected narrative conveys. The idea of Selection for Societal Sanity, which derives from (...)
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  • Ponavljanje in vpis v »Sanjsko deželo« Evropo.Sigi Jöttkandt - 2016 - Filozofski Vestnik 37 (2).
    V najnovejšem zborniku spisov o sodobni globalni krizi, Against the Double Blackmail, Slavoj Žižek trdi, da potrebujemo Wiederholung Evrope. Tako, denimo, zapiše: »na podlagi kritičnega soočanja s celotno evropsko tradicijo moramo ponoviti vprašanje 'kaj je Evropa?' ali, raje, 'kaj za nas pomeni biti evropejci?' in na tej podlagi zgraditi novo vizijo«. V danem prispevku raziskujem, kako se takšno ponovno prisvajanje »Evrope« skozi ponavljanje že dogaja, kot to nakazuje niz potez, znamenj in drugih sledi, izdolbenih s stopinjami beguncev in prosilcev za (...)
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  • Bernard Stiegler’s Philosophy of Technology: Invention, decision, and education in times of digitization.Anna Kouppanou - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (10):1110-1123.
    Bernard Stiegler’s concept of individuation suggests that the human being is co-constituted with technology. Technology precedes the individual in the respect that the latter is thrown in a technological world that always already contains externally inscribed memories—what he calls tertiary memories—that selectively form the individual and the collective space of the community. Revisiting Husserlian phenomenology, Stiegler renews the critique of culture industries asserting that imagination and differance have always been technologically mediated, and echoing the Heideggerian anxiety concerning thinking’s over-determination, Stiegler (...)
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  • Spectacles of social activism: pandemic and politicking in the age of digital media.Helen-Mary Cawood - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (4):323-337.
    The global COVID-19 pandemic that started in 2020 coincided with another incident that made global news, namely the release of the video of the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police in the United States. While the novelty of the pandemic wore off relatively quickly when things “went back to normal”, the death of George Floyd inspired a radical global movement relating to the treatment of black people (by both police and civilians) worldwide, namely the “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) movement. (...)
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  • Smart screens and transformative ways of looking: Towards a therapeutics of desire.Anna Kouppanou - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (14):1423-1433.
    In this article, I set up a Heideggerian framework of research in order to investigate the phenomenon of looking at the smartphone screen, focusing especially on the desire to look, which I see as intricately connected with the desire to know and the desire to be. With a clear phenomenological disposition, supplemented by a deconstructive look via Giorgio Agamben and Bernard Stiegler, I turn to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, and especially to his myth of Narcissus, and to Lacan’s theory of the formation (...)
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  • Artistic Re-Appropriation and Reconfiguration of the Medium's Milieu.Jacob Lund - 2013 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 23 (44-45).
    Drawing upon Bernard Stiegler’s and Jacques Rancière’s conceptions of medium as a milieu this article seeks to address the question of the political aspects of the aesthetic in relation to the notion of medium. Based on the analysis of this theoretical question the article interprets and discusses artistic endeavors to re-appropriate and reconfigure conservative symbolic orders and media milieus that have become dissociated in relation to works of art by Alfredo Jaar and Thomas Hirschhorn.
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  • From otium to opium (and back again?): Lockdown’s leisure industry, hyper-synchronisation and the philosophy of walking.Helen-Mary Cawood & Mark J. Amiradakis - 2022 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 22 (1).
    This article provides an account of the cultural changes induced by the pandemic, and draws on the tradition of critical theory (especially the work of Horkheimer and Adorno, and Fromm) and the work of Bernard Stiegler to critically assess their impact. It is argued that the rise of online forms of consumption based around streaming have had a deleterious impact on the critical faculties of the individual, and argues that the practice of walking – as proposed by Frederic Gros – (...)
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  • Editors' introduction: Philosophy and affective turn.Marguerite La Caze & Henry Martyn Lloyd - 2011 - Parrhesia 13:1-13.
    This special issue of Parrhesia has developed from the 2010 Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy’s Conference at the University of Queensland on the theme of the philosophy of affect.
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