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The English Utilitarians and India

Oxford University Press USA (1989)

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  1. The Promise of Happiness. By Sara Ahmed. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2010.Andrea Veltman - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (1):218-222.
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  • Truth, relativism and western conceptions of indian philosophy.Roy W. Perrett - 1998 - Asian Philosophy 8 (1):19 – 29.
    We (relatively few) Western analytic philosophers who also work on classical Indian philosophy commonly encounter puzzlement or suspicion from our colleagues in Western philosophy because of our Indian interests. The ubiquity of these attitudes is itself revealing of Western conceptions of Indian philosophy, though their origins lie in cultural history often unknown to those who hold them. In the first part of this paper I relate a small but significant slice of that history before going on to distinguish and illustrate (...)
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  • The nineteenth century liberal tradition and the English School historical narrative.Daniel M. Green - 2020 - Journal of International Political Theory 16 (2):171-189.
    This article uses the framework of “traditions of thought” and “dilemmas” to problematize and revise the English School’s Expansion Narrative of international relations history in the crucial ninet...
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  • The Indianization of Colonial Medicine: The Case of Psychiatry in Early-Twentieth-Century British India.Waltraud Ernst - 2012 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 20 (2):61-89.
    ZusammenfassungAnders als die weitgehend in der Geschichtsschreibung belegte psychiatrische Anstalt für Europäer und Europäerinnen mit ihrem englischen Leiter Owen Berkeley-Hill ist die weitaus größere Institution für indische Patienten und Patientinnen im nordindischen Ranchi bisher nicht untersucht worden. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Beitrags steht die Karriere des Leiters dieser Institution, Jal E. Dhunjibhoy, zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts als von der britischen Kolonialregierung eine Indianisierung der medizinischen Einrichtungen angestrebt wurde. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Studien über intermediaries und middles konzentriert sich dieser Aufsatz (...)
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  • The colonial state and statistical knowledge.U. Kalpagam - 2000 - History of the Human Sciences 13 (2):37-55.
    The development of both the modern state and modern scientific discourses in the non-Western world are closely linked together, both being the outcome of the colonial encounter. Using a Foucauldian framework of power/knowledge and his notions of ‘episteme’ and ‘governmentality’, this article explores how colonial governmentality in India produced statistical knowledge of the country thus ushering in a new social scientific discourse of ‘progress’, ‘history’, ‘economy’ and ‘society’.
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  • Law and Terror in the Age of Colonial Constitution Making.Ranabir Samaddar - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (4):18 - 33.
    In this exploration into the close relation between terror and law, I attempt first to show that the relation between terror and law is not a simple question of relating violence to law, but to the very process of constitution making. Second, laws relating to terror may or may not find a formal place in the constitution, but this relation is essential to the working of the basic law, of the foundational concept of the rule of law. Third, intelligence gathering (...)
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  • The Empire of Uniformity and the Government of Subject Peoples.Christine Helliwell & Barry Hindess - 2002 - Cultural Values 6 (1-2):139-152.
    James Tully's Strange Multiplicity uses the example of indigenous minorities in the white settler colonies of North America to develop a remarkably powerful critique of liberal constitutionalism's rule of uniformity. In proclaiming the identity of all persons before the law, he insists, liberal constitutional arrangements commonly discriminate against indigenous and other minorities. While the force of this critique is undeniable, it nevertheless takes at face value one of the central claims of liberal consitutionalism, namely, its claim to be based on (...)
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  • The Mad and the Past: Retrospective Diagnosis, Post-Coloniality, Discourse Analysis and the Asylum Archive. [REVIEW]James Mills - 2000 - Journal of Medical Humanities 21 (3):141-158.
    Before attempting to use as a historical source the Lucknow Lunatic Asylum case notes of the British colonial period in India, it is necessary to determine which methodological approach is most viable. The approach of historians, who attempt retrospectively to diagnose the patients of the past from the clinical details of case notes, does not satisfactorily deal with the criticism that data on medical case notes is less a series of objective observations and more a product of the power relations (...)
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