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  1. Ethical Contradiction and the Fractured Community in Lucan's "Bellum Civile".Matthew B. Roller - 1996 - Classical Antiquity 15 (2):319-347.
    Lucan's "Bellum Civile" is a poem filled with ethical contradictions. This paper contends that at least some of these contradictions can be traced to competing views regarding the composition of the community in civil war: the view that one's opponent is a civis and the view that he is a hostis are available simultaneously. Therefore the position that it is morally wrong to attack a member of one's own community competes with the position that it is morally right to use (...)
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  • Demolished Houses, Monumentality, and Memory in Roman Culture.Matthew B. Roller - 2010 - Classical Antiquity 29 (1):117-180.
    This article examines the tradition of punitive house demolition during the Roman Republic, but from a sociocultural rather than institutional-legal perspective. Exploiting recent scholarship on the Roman house, on exemplarity, and on memory sanctions, I argue that narratives of house demolition constitute a form of ethically inflected political discourse, whose purpose is to stigmatize certain social actors as malefactors of a particular sort . The demolition itself is symbolically resonant, and the resultant stigma is propagated by subsequent monuments—various structures, toponyms, (...)
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  • Plutarch's method of work in the Roman lives.Christopher Pelling - 1979 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 99:74-96.
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  • Seneca the Elder, the Controuersia Figurata, and the Political Discourse of the Early Empire.Matthew Leigh - 2021 - Classical Antiquity 40 (1):118-150.
    This paper studies examples of how exponents of Roman declamation could insert into arguments on the trivial, even fantastic, cases known as controuersiae statements of striking relevance to the political culture of the triumviral and early imperial period. This is particularly apparent in the Controuersiae of Seneca the Elder but some traces remain in the Minor Declamations attributed to Quintilian. The boundaries separating Rome itself from the declamatory city referred to by modern scholars as Sophistopolis are significantly blurred even in (...)
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  • Circuli – Statuen – Funera.‚Unverfasste‘ Partizipationsformen der spätrepublikanischen Plebs.Fabian Knopf - 2019 - Klio 101 (1):107-141.
    Zusammenfassung In der Forschung zum politischen System des spätrepublikanischen Roms werden besonders Comitien, Contiones und Spiele als Gelegenheiten untersucht, bei denen das römische Volk seine politische Meinung äußern konnte. Die drei Gelegenheiten waren allerdings elitendominiert, was eine unabhängige politische Meinungsäußerung seitens der Nicht-Elite zwar nicht unmöglich machte, doch aber erschwerte. Im folgenden Aufsatz sollen dagegen mit circuli, Statuensetzungen und funera popularia Plattformen untersucht werden, die von der Elite nicht einfach kontrolliert werden konnten. Eine elitenunabhängige Meinung, so die These, konnte insbesondere (...)
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  • (1 other version)Jupiter's Aeneid: Fama and Imperium.Julia Hejduk - 2009 - Classical Antiquity 28 (2):279-327.
    The conflict between Jupiter and Juno in the Aeneid is commonly read as a battle between the forces of order and chaos . The present article argues that this schematization, though morally and aesthetically satisfying, fails to account for most of the data. Virgil's Jupiter is in fact concerned solely with power and adulation , despite persistent attempts by readers—and characters in the poem—to see him as benign. By systematically discussing every appearance of Jupiter in the poem, the article seeks (...)
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  • Great Expectations: Wordplay as Warfare in caesar's Bellvm Civile.Lauren Donovan Ginsberg - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):184-197.
    This article argues that Caesar puns on the cognomen of Pompey the Great through his use of the adjective magnus at least twice in his Bellum Civile. In each instance, the wordplay contributes to (1) evoking the memory of Pompey's past triumphs and (2) exploring the gulf between past reputation and present reality. By focussing on this particular wordplay, the article contributes to a wider discussion of Caesarean language and wit as well as to studies of Caesar's art of characterization.
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  • The Tradition of the Spolia Opima: M. Claudius Marcellus and Augustus.Harriet I. Flower - 2000 - Classical Antiquity 19 (1):34-64.
    This paper aims to reexamine how traditions about the spolia opima developed with special emphasis on two crucial phases of their evolution, the time of Marcus Claudius Marcellus' dedication in 222 BC and the early years of Augustus' principate, following the restoration of the temple of Jupiter Feretrius on the Capitol. In particular, I will argue that Marcellus invented the spolia opima, that his feat shaped the entire tradition about such dedications, and that this tradition was later enhanced and "reinvented" (...)
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  • The Death of Priam: Allegory and History in the Aeneid.A. M. Bowie - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):470-.
    he true relation between these scenes and historic fact is more mysterious and less simple. The metamorphosis takes place on a higher plane. Historic events and the poet's inner experience are stripped of everything accidental and actual. They are removed from time and transported into the large and distant land of Myth. There, on a higher plane of life, they are developed in symbolic and poetic shapes having a right to an existence of their own. The fact, therefore, that the (...)
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