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  1. Kumārila Bhaṭṭa and Pārthasārathi Miśra on First- and Higher-Order Knowing.Malcolm Keating - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (2):396-414.
    According to the seventh-century C.E. philosopher Kumārila Bhat.t.a, epistemic agents are warranted in taking their world-presenting experiences as veridical, if they lack defeaters. For him, these experiences are defeasibly sources of knowledge without the agent reflecting on their content or investigating their causal origins. This position is known as svatah prāmāṇya in Sanskrit (henceforth the SP principle). -/- As explicated by the eleventh-century commentator, Pārthasārathi Misŕa, this position entails that epistemic agents know things without simultaneously knowing that they know them, (...)
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  • Philosophy and Vedic Exegesis in the Mimamsa.Johannes Bronkhorst - 1997 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 59:359-372.
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  • Kumārila.Daniel Arnold - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Epistemological Foundation within Debates on Perception: The Comparison between Dharmakīrti and Kumārila. 성청환 - 2012 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 34 (34):43-70.
    미망사학파의 쿠마릴라와 불교논사 다르마키르티는 비록 생존 연대의 선후 관계에 대해서는 논란이 있지만 동시대의 인물이다. 각각 미망사와 불교의 철학적 논의의 정점을 이끌었다는 평가를 받고 있는 이들의 사상은 지각의 논의에서도 서로 상반된다. 두 사상가 모두 인식을 무모순성이라고 정의하여 유사성을 보이는 듯하나, 쿠마릴라는 무모순성이 내재적 정당성으로 보증된다고 주장하고, 이는 결국 베다의 영원성을 논증할 수 있게 되는 근거가 된다. 반면 다르마키르티는 인식의 무모순성을 인간의 목적 성취로 규정하여 그 지향점이 다르다. 이를 바탕으로 지각에 대한 정의와 논증에서도 이들은 첨예하게 대립한다. 쿠마릴라는 지각은 다르마를 알 수 없는 (...)
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  • Kumārila’s Critique of Omniscience. 성청환 - 2016 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (48):75-102.
    인도철학에서 일체지자(一切知者, sarvajña)는 일상적 경험 세계에 관한 지식의 범위를 넘어 다르마, 천상, 해탈 등과 같은 진리를 소유한 자를 의미한다. 일체지자 개념은 브라만 전통의 철학뿐만 아니라 불교 자이나를 포괄하는 모든 종교 전통에서 광범위하게 사용되었고, 각 학파들은 자신들의 주장의 권위를 세우기 위해서 서로 다르게 이해하고 해석하였다. 미망사학파의 대표적인 논사인 쿠마릴라(Kumārila)는 베다의 권위를 옹호하기 위해서 일체지자의 존재 가능성을 어떠한 경우에라도 인정할 수 없다. 따라서 그는 일체지자의 존재를 다양한 각도에서 부정한다. 쿠마릴라에게서 ‘모든 것을 안다’라고 했을 때, 모든 것은 다르마를 제외한 모든 것을 의미하는 것이며, (...)
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  • Mīmāṃsāsūtra 6.5.54 on bādha in Maṇḍanamiśra’s Brahmasiddhi.Akane Saito - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (5):915-944.
    This paper will show how the philosopher Maṇḍanamiśra discusses in his Brahmasiddhi the cancellation of a former element by a latter, which is prescribed in Mīmāṃsāsūtra 6.5.54. We do not have yet a clear idea of what the value of this text holds for him. I would emphasize that probably more than we had expected, it forms an essential part of Maṇḍana’s philosophy. Its authority is sometimes stated explicitly and sometimes not; and we easily overlook the fact that his argument (...)
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  • Hypothesis-Generating Logic in Udayana’s Rational Theology.Taisei Shida - 2011 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (4-5):503-520.
    The aim of this paper is to clarify Udayana’s logic in his theistic monograph Nyāyakusumāñjali , especially in the second chapter where he postulates as conclusion the existence of God. In the course of this postulation, Udayana gives as its reason such Nyāya theories as the extrinsic validity of cognition (* parataḥprāmāṇya ) and the creation and dissolution of the world (*s argapralaya ). The present paper first focuses on the argument over the creation and dissolution of the world, clarifying (...)
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  • When Did Svatantra Inference Gain Its Autonomy? Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla as Sources for a Tibetan Distinction.Kevin Vose - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (4):703-750.
    This article examines Śāntarakṣita’s and Kamalaśīla’s understandings of svatantra and prasaṅga proofs in the attempt to clarify how and why Tibetan Prāsaṅgikas came to portray svatantra inference as an instance of the very thing Madhyamaka rejects. The article proceeds in four parts. A brief comparison of Patsap Nyimadrak’s portrayal of svatantra inference with Bhāviveka’s and Candrakīrti’s employment of this expression shows that Patsap expanded the meaning of it, charging its users with embracing a realism at odds with Madhyamaka emptiness. Patsap’s (...)
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