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  1. Towards a Philosophy of a Bio-Based Economy: A Levinassian Perspective on the Relations between Economic and Ecological Systems.Roel Veraart & Vincent Blok - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (2):169-192.
    This paper investigates the fundamental idea at stake in current bioeconomies such as Europe's Bio-Based Economy (BBE). We argue that basing an economy upon ecology is an ambivalent effort, causing confusion and inconsistencies, and that the dominant framing of the damaged biosphere as a market-failure in bioeconomies such as the BBE is problematic. To counter this dominant narrative, we present alternative conceptualisations of bio-economies and indicate which concepts are overlooked. We highlight the specific contradictions and discrepancies in the relation between (...)
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  • COVID, Existentialism and Crisis Philosophy.Wim Vandekerckhove - 2020 - Philosophy of Management 19 (2):127-132.
    This is the editorial for Vol 19 Issue 2 of Philosophy of Management. A reflection is made on COVID-19 measures and a call for papers is made to explore the crisis through philosophical inquiry on 1) disaster management and 2) existentialist views of work. Guidance is given based on papers published previously in the journal, and on Camus’ La Peste / The Plague.
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  • The Management Practice of Servant Leadership: A Levinasian Enrichment.Peter McGhee - 2023 - Philosophy of Management 22 (3):321-346.
    This paper applies Emmanuel Levinas’ philosophy to the management practice of leadership. Specifically, it focuses on servant leadership, which is considered the most dyadic other-oriented style. While often viewed altruistically, servant leadership can still be egological if it totalizes followers to a leader’s interests and to organizational ends. This paper conceptualises an enriched version of servant leadership using key ideas taken from Levinas’ understanding of the infinite Other and then describes this style using relevant examples. This novel approach, Servant-Leadership-for-the-Other, offers (...)
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  • The Influence of Demonstrated Concern on Perceived Ethical Leadership: A Levinasian Approach.Corey Steiner - 2020 - Philosophy of Management 19 (4):447-467.
    This paper brings empirical and theoretical studies of ethical leadership into conversation with one another in an effort to determine the antecedent(s) to perceived ethical leadership. Employing a Levinasian perspective, I argue that ethical leadership entails being faced with the impossible task of realizing the needs of many individual others. For this reason, I argue, perceived ethical leadership is grounded in an employee’s perception that a leader struggles to make decisions based on the conflicting demands placed upon her. More important (...)
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  • Editorial.Wim Vandekerckhove - 2019 - Philosophy of Management 18 (1):1-4.
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  • Surprizing Management.Wim Vandekerckhove - 2020 - Philosophy of Management 19 (4):365-367.
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  • Гібридний менеджмент як соціально-філософська стратегія: прагматизм, моральна рефлексія та адаптація до глобальних викликів.Oleksiy Kiykov - 2024 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (1):96-112.
    У статті досліджується концепція гібридного менеджменту з точки зору соціально-філософських підходів, які забезпечують не тільки ефективність, але й моральну відповідальність управлінських практик. З огляду на сучасні виклики, такі як війна, глобальні кризи, екологічні та соціальні проблеми, автор акцентує увагу на необхідності переосмислення традиційних управлінських стратегій і впровадження нових підходів, що інтегрують філософські та етичні принципи. Стаття аналізує прагматистський підхід, що базується на ідеях Вільяма Джеймса та Джона Дьюї, які підкреслюють важливість емпіричного досвіду та самоаналізу у процесі прийняття рішень. Використання прагматизму (...)
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  • Theonomous Business Ethics.Payman Tajalli - 2020 - Philosophy of Management 20 (1):57-73.
    In this paper I engage the theonomous ethics of Paul Tillich to argue that morality is a matter of conviction and concern not determination of right or wrong, and moral imperative is not about doing what “right” is, rather it is the self-actualisation of individual through her intersubjective relationships. The motivational force behind self-actualisation stems from the strength of one’s hold on “ultimate concern”, and not the content of “ultimate concern” that maybe referred to by various names including God. The (...)
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