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  1. Weak systems of determinacy and arithmetical quasi-inductive definitions.P. D. Welch - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (2):418 - 436.
    We locate winning strategies for various ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{3}^{0}$ -games in the L-hierarchy in order to prove the following: Theorem 1. KP+Σ₂-Comprehension $\vdash \exists \alpha L_{\alpha}\ models"\Sigma _{2}-{\bf KP}+\Sigma _{3}^{0}-\text{Determinacy}."$ Alternatively: ${\mathrm{\Pi }}_{3}^{1}\text{\hspace{0.17em}}-{\mathrm{C}\mathrm{A}}_{0}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}$ "there is a β-model of ${\mathrm{\Delta }}_{3}^{1}-{\mathrm{C}\mathrm{A}}_{0}\text{\hspace{0.17em}}\text{\hspace{0.17em}}+\text{\hspace{0.17 em}}{\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{3}^{0}$ -Determinacy." The implication is not reversible. (The antecedent here may be replaced with ${\mathrm{\Pi }}_{3}^{1}\text{\hspace{0.17em}}\text{\hspace{0.17em}}\left({\mathrm{\Pi }}_{3}^{1}\right)-{\mathrm{C}\mathrm{A}}_{0}:\text{\hspace{0.17em}}{\mathrm{\Pi }}_{3}^{1}$ instances of Comprehension with only ${\mathrm{\Pi }}_{3}^{1}$ -lightface definable parameters—or even weaker theories.) Theorem 2. KP +Δ₂-Comprehension +Σ₂-Replacement + ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{3}^{0}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}$ -Determinacy. (Here AQI (...)
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  • Δ 0 3 -determinacy, comprehension and induction.Medyahya Ould Medsalem & Kazuyuki Tanaka - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (2):452-462.
    We show that each of Δ13-CA0 + Σ13-IND and Π12-CA0 + Π13-TI proves Δ03-Det and that neither Σ31-IND nor Π13-TI can be dropped. We also show that neither Δ13-CA0 + Σ1∞-IND nor Π12-CA0 + Π1∞-TI proves Σ03-Det. Moreover, we prove that none of Δ21-CA0, Σ31-IND and Π21-TI is provable in Δ11-Det0 = ACA0 + Δ11-Det.
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  • Determinacy of Wadge classes and subsystems of second order arithmetic.Takako Nemoto - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (2):154-176.
    In this paper we study the logical strength of the determinacy of infinite binary games in terms of second order arithmetic. We define new determinacy schemata inspired by the Wadge classes of Polish spaces and show the following equivalences over the system RCA0*, which consists of the axioms of discrete ordered semi‐rings with exponentiation, Δ10 comprehension and Π00 induction, and which is known as a weaker system than the popularbase theory RCA0: 1. Bisep(Δ10, Σ10)‐Det* ↔ WKL0, 2. Bisep(Δ10, Σ20)‐Det* ↔ (...)
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  • Reverse mathematics: the playground of logic.Richard A. Shore - 2010 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):378-402.
    This paper is essentially the author's Gödel Lecture at the ASL Logic Colloquium '09 in Sofia extended and supplemented by material from some other papers. After a brief description of traditional reverse mathematics, a computational approach to is presented. There are then discussions of some interactions between reverse mathematics and the major branches of mathematical logic in terms of the techniques they supply as well as theorems for analysis. The emphasis here is on ones that lie outside the usual main (...)
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  • Determinacy in third order arithmetic.Sherwood Hachtman - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (11):2008-2021.
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  • Comparing inductive and circular definitions: Parameters, complexity and games.Kai-Uwe Küdhnberger, Benedikt Löwe, Michael Möllerfeld & Philip Welch - 2005 - Studia Logica 81 (1):79 - 98.
    Gupta-Belnap-style circular definitions use all real numbers as possible starting points of revision sequences. In that sense they are boldface definitions. We discuss lightface versions of circular definitions and boldface versions of inductive definitions.
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  • Calibrating determinacy strength in levels of the borel hierarchy.Sherwood Hachtman - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (2):510-548.
    We analyze the set-theoretic strength of determinacy for levels of the Borel hierarchy of the form$\Sigma _{1 + \alpha + 3}^0 $, forα<ω1. Well-known results of H. Friedman and D.A. Martin have shown this determinacy to requireα+ 1 iterations of the Power Set Axiom, but we ask what additional ambient set theory is strictly necessary. To this end, we isolate a family of weak reflection principles, Π1-RAPα, whose consistency strength corresponds exactly to the logical strength of${\rm{\Sigma }}_{1 + \alpha + (...)
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  • Borel quasi-orderings in subsystems of second-order arithmetic.Alberto Marcone - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 54 (3):265-291.
    We study the provability in subsystems of second-order arithmetic of two theorems of Harrington and Shelah [6] about Borel quasi-orderings of the reals. These theorems turn out to be provable in ATR0, thus giving further evidence to the observation that ATR0 is the minimal subsystem of second-order arithmetic in which significant portion of descriptive set theory can be developed. As in [6] considering the lightface versions of the theorems will be instrumental in their proof and the main techniques employed will (...)
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  • Lipschitz and Wadge binary games in second order arithmetic.Andrés Cordón-Franco, F. Félix Lara-Martín & Manuel J. S. Loureiro - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (9):103301.
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  • A characterization of Σ 1 1 -reflecting ordinals.J. P. Aguilera - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (10):103009.
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  • Games and reflection in.J. P. Aguilera - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (3):1102-1123.
    We characterize the determinacy of $F_\sigma $ games of length $\omega ^2$ in terms of determinacy assertions for short games. Specifically, we show that $F_\sigma $ games of length $\omega ^2$ are determined if, and only if, there is a transitive model of ${\mathsf {KP}}+{\mathsf {AD}}$ containing $\mathbb {R}$ and reflecting $\Pi _1$ facts about the next admissible set.As a consequence, one obtains that, over the base theory ${\mathsf {KP}} + {\mathsf {DC}} + ``\mathbb {R}$ exists,” determinacy for $F_\sigma $ (...)
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  • A Reflection Principle As a Reverse-mathematical Fixed Point over the Base Theory ZFC.Sakaé Fuchino - 2017 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 25:67-77.
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  • The Trend of Logic and Foundation of Mathematics in Japan in 1991 to 1996.Yuzuru Kakuda, Kanji Namba & Nobuyoshi Motohashi - 1997 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 9 (2):95-110.
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  • A Survey of Determinacy of Infinite Games in Second Order Arithmetic.Keisuke Yoshii - 2017 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 25:35-44.
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  • The determinacy strength of Π 2 1 -comprehension.Christoph Heinatsch & Michael Möllerfeld - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (12):1462-1470.
    Determinacy axioms state the existence of winning strategies for infinite games played by two players on natural numbers. We show that a base theory enriched by a certain scheme of determinacy axioms is proof-theoretically equivalent to -comprehension.
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