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  1. Use of the phrase “personal relationship with jesus”: Toward a comprehensive interdisciplinary explanation.Benjamin Bennett-Carpenter - 2017 - Zygon 52 (3):663-690.
    When people use the phrase “personal relationship with Jesus,” how does one explain its significance? Normally attributed to evangelical Protestant Christians, use of the phrase “personal relationship with Jesus” is a complicated phenomenon, and an explanation of it requires drawing upon resources from across multiple disciplines rather than a single discipline only. Attempts to explain exactly what the phrase “personal relationship with Jesus” means frequently can be mystifying, on the one hand, or dismissive and simplistic, on the other hand. This (...)
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  • Dostoevsky, Confession, and the Evolutionary Origins of Conscience.Tom Dolack - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (2):19-32.
    Fyodor Dostoevsky is renowned as one of the greatest psychologists in world literature, but what we know about the origins and the workings of the human mind has changed drasti­cally since the late nineteenth century. If Dostoevsky was such a sensitive reader of the human condition, do his insights hold up to modern research? To judge just by the issue of the psychology of confession, the answer appears to be: yes. The work of Michael Tomasel­lo indicates that the human conscience (...)
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  • Recent research on the aesthetics of knowledge in science and in religion.Arianna Borrelli & Alexandra Grieser - 2017 - Approaching Religion 7 (2):4-21.
    As an introduction to the case studies collected in the current special issue, this review article provides a brief, and by no means exhaustive, overview of research that proves to be relevant to the development of a concept of an aesthetics of knowledge in the academic study of religion and in science and technology studies. Finally, it briefly discusses recent work explicitly addressing the aesthetic entangle-ment of science and religion.
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