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  1. Legal interpretation in Paul Amselek’s phenomenology of law — between subjectivism and objectivism.Maria Gołębiewska - 2021 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 11 (2).
    The aim of the article is to characterise and analyse Paul Amselek’s research approach to legal hermeneutics. The text provides an outline of Amselek’s assumptions and theses about legal interpretation, considered in the broad context of hermeneutics, and in the narrower context of legal logic and argument. In point of fact, one of the methodological aims of Amselek’s philosophical reflection is to harmonise the two indicated contexts for framing interpretation — the wide context of hermeneutics, and the more narrow context (...)
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  • Referential Opacity and Hermeneutics in Plato’s Dialogue Form.Richard McDonough - 2013 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 5 (2):251-278.
    The paper argues that Plato’s dialogue form creates a Quinean “opaque context” that segregates the assertions by Plato’s characters in the dialogues from both Plato and the real world with the result that the dialogues require a hermeneutical interpretation. Sec. I argues that since the assertions in the dialogues are located inside an opaque context, the forms of life of the characters in the dialogues acquires primary philosophical importance for Plato. The second section argues that the thesis of Sec. I (...)
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