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Extreme Science: Mathematics as the Science of Relations as such

In Bonnie Gold & Roger A. Simons, Proof and Other Dilemmas: Mathematics and Philosophy. Mathematical Association of America. pp. 245 (2008)

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  1. John L. Bell.*Oppositions and Paradoxes: Philosophical Perplexities in Science and Mathematics.James Owen Weatherall - 2019 - Philosophia Mathematica 27 (3):443-445.
    BellJohn L.* * _ Oppositions and Paradoxes: Philosophical Perplexities in Science and Mathematics _. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-55481302-5 ; 978-1-77048603-4. Pp. xiv + 202.
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  • Review of Woosuk Park, Philosophy’s Loss of Logic to Mathematics: An Inadequately Understood Take-Over[REVIEW]James Franklin - 2019 - Philosophia Mathematica 27 (3):440-443.
    ParkWoosuk. _Philosophy’s Loss of Logic to Mathematics: An Inadequately Understood Take-Over _. Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology, and Rational Ethics; 43. Springer, 2018. ISBN: 978-3-319-95146-1 ; 978-3-030-06984-1 978-3-319-95147-8. Pp. xii + 230. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-95147-8.
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