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The Folktale

Science and Society 13 (2):172-174 (1949)

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  1. The Sympathetic Plot, Its Psychological Origins, and Implications for the Evolution of Fiction.Manvir Singh - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (3):183-198.
    The sympathetic plot—featuring a goal-directed protagonist who confronts obstacles, overcomes them, and wins rewards—is ubiquitous. Here, I propose that it recurs because it entertains, engaging two sets of psychological mechanisms. First, it triggers mechanisms for learning about obstacles and how to overcome them. It builds interest by confronting a protagonist with a problem and induces satisfaction when the problem is solved. Second, it evokes sympathetic joy. It establishes the protagonist as an ideal cooperative partner pursuing a goal, appealing to mechanisms (...)
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  • Idea Habitats: How the Prevalence of Environmental Cues Influences the Success of Ideas.Jonah A. Berger & Chip Heath - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (2):195-221.
    We investigate 1 factor that influences the success of ideas or cultural representations by proposing that they have a habitat, that is, a set of environmental cues that encourages people to recall and transmit them. We test 2 hypotheses: (a) fluctuation: the success of an idea will vary over time with fluctuations in its habitat, and (b) competition: ideas with more prevalent habitats will be more successful. Four studies use subject ratings and data from newspapers to provide correlational support for (...)
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  • The Formation of “Islamic Mathematics” Sources and Conditions.Jens Høyrup - 1987 - Science in Context 1 (2):281-329.
    The ArgumentThe development of autonomous theoretical science is often considered a “Greek miracle.” It is argued in the present paper that another “miracle,” necessary for the creation of modern science, took place for the first time in the Islamic Middle Ages, viz. the integration of theory and practice.The discussion focuses on the mathematical disciplines. It starts by investigating the plurality of traditions which were integrated into Islamic mathematics during its formation, emphasizing practitioners' “sub-scientific” traditions, and shows how these were synthesized (...)
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  • The flow of narrative in the mind unmoored: An account of narrative processing.Elspeth Jajdelska - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (4):560-583.
    Verbal narratives provide incomplete information and can be very long, yet readers and hearers often effortlessly fill in the gaps and make connections across long stretches of text, sometimes even finding this immersive. How is this done? In the last few decades, event-indexing situation modeling and complementary accounts of narrative emotion have suggested answers. Despite this progress, comparisons between real-life perception and narrative experience might underplay the way narrative processing modifies our world model, as well as the role of the (...)
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  • Life as fiction.Kevin Murray - 1985 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 15 (2):173–187.
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  • The Problem of the Fairy Tale.Jan de Vries & Edith Cooper - 1958 - Diogenes 6 (22):1-15.
    Sometimes the simplest forms are the most difficult to explain. Perhaps the reason for this is that one estimates the problems involved as being too simple, too obvious, and does not seek, therefore, to penetrate to their core. Besides, there is an aura of the primitive and underivative about a literary form we are used to considering as popular; we hardly dare profane it by dry, objective analysis. As the tradition of a community, it shares the anonymity of the latter. (...)
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  • The Story of the Horse-King and the Merchant Siṃhala, in Buddhist Texts.Naomi Appleton - 2007 - Buddhist Studies Review 23 (2):187-201.
    The Asvaraja story relates the adventures of a caravan of merchants shipwrecked on an island of demonesses and rescued by a flying horse, the asvaraja, ‘king of horses’. The Simhala story continues this narrative to include the chief merchant, Simhala, being followed home by a demoness, who tries to get him back before seducing and eating the king. Simhala is crowned king and invades the island. Each story has many versions, both Mahayana and non-Mahayana. This paper examines five key versions: (...)
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  • The nurse’s odyssey: the professional folktale in New Zealand backblocks nurses’ stories, 1910–1915.Pamela J. Wood - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (2):111-121.
    Nurses have a long tradition of storytelling. Nurses in the New Zealand government’s Backblocks Nursing Service, established in 1909 for settlers in remote rural areas, related narratives of personal experience in articles, conference papers and letters to their chief nurse that were published in the country’s nursing journal. Analysis of the 16 stories published between 1910 and 1915 revealed 14 had a common storyline and structure. Structural elements included a call, arduous journey, arrival and reconnaissance, trial (difficult case or circumstance), (...)
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  • Semiotics and Textual Autonomy.William Hendricks - 1989 - Semiotica 73 (3/4):303-338.
    This article examines Richard Bauman's conception of oral narrative as performance and argues instead for a view of narrative texts as autonomous entities, analyzable in language-internal Saussurian terms. Plot is viewed as a matter of syntagmatic relations, and character as a matter of paradigmatic relations. A contrast is drawn between narrative truth (cohesion) and historical truth (correspondence). Alternatives to some of Bauman's analyses of narrative texts are proposed.
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